Ferrari leaves Iowa

When he goes for his visits, mysteriously you would hear background music with a fiddle, “when devil came to Georgia.”
Any team would be crazy to take him, but you know some will.
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He'll end up at a smaller D1 program is my guess. Little Rock perhaps? Lock Haven? Two schools close to RTCs? In Lock Haven's case, lower academic standards and the chance to be big man on campus. Coach has a track record with difficult cases, etc. 30 minutes from the NLWC, which he may be eligible to attend as someone in the Olympic realm. Don't know all the rules on the last point. I just don't think any head coach making good money for a living stretches their neck that far to bring Ferrari in for a test drive. A smaller school coach maybe.
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He'll end up at a smaller D1 program is my guess. Little Rock perhaps? Lock Haven? Two schools close to RTCs? In Lock Haven's case, lower academic standards and the chance to be big man on campus. Coach has a track record with difficult cases, etc. 30 minutes from the NLWC, which he may be eligible to attend as someone in the Olympic realm. Don't know all the rules on the last point. I just don't think any head coach making good money for a living stretches their neck that far to bring Ferrari in for a test drive. A smaller school coach maybe.
I hope Little Rock doesn’t take him. I don’t want him to burn Erismans program down.
He'll end up at a smaller D1 program is my guess. Little Rock perhaps? Lock Haven? Two schools close to RTCs? In Lock Haven's case, lower academic standards and the chance to be big man on campus. Coach has a track record with difficult cases, etc. 30 minutes from the NLWC, which he may be eligible to attend as someone in the Olympic realm. Don't know all the rules on the last point. I just don't think any head coach making good money for a living stretches their neck that far to bring Ferrari in for a test drive. A smaller school coach maybe.
No way Little Rock takes him. I wouldn’t touch him with a 100 foot pole.
I really don't like the guy...or the family for that matter. Even when they were Cowboys, there were tons of cringeworthy moments prior to the out of control behavior coming to light.

But, the guy is a 30 for 30 waiting to happen and OSU will get some air time on it. I really hope he can land somewhere, do a great job and become an advocate for the sport. It would be a much better 30 for 30 that showed him overcoming his mental illnesses and becoming a celebrity of the sport.

I know that it isn't likely, but that is my hope. The other 30 for 30 has the downfall of a promising young talent with the interviews from prison.

This feels like an Aaron Hernandez situation waiting to happen, but it would benefit all involved if it turned into a Randy Moss situation.
How can you take an Olympic redshirt when you’re not even on an active roster and not competing in the trials??
This is a completely stupid loophole. You shouldn't be allowed to use an ORS to save a year of eligibility because you've gotten in trouble so many times that you aren't allowed on any team. That's just an embarrassment to the sport. They need to add a rule like if you don't even qualify for and participate in the trials, you don't get the extra year of eligibility.

Facundo at Penn State took an ORS more or less because he lost his lineup spot to Mesenbrink, but at least he trained in freestyle for the whole season, qualified for the trials, and wrestled there (even if his quest for an actual spot was a little Quixotic in the same class as Nolf and Dake). That should be the minimum to get the extra season with an ORS.
This is a completely stupid loophole. You shouldn't be allowed to use an ORS to save a year of eligibility because you've gotten in trouble so many times that you aren't allowed on any team. That's just an embarrassment to the sport. They need to add a rule like if you don't even qualify for and participate in the trials, you don't get the extra year of eligibility.

Facundo at Penn State took an ORS more or less because he lost his lineup spot to Mesenbrink, but at least he trained in freestyle for the whole season, qualified for the trials, and wrestled there (even if his quest for an actual spot was a little Quixotic in the same class as Nolf and Dake). That should be the minimum to get the extra season with an ORS.
It really shouldn't matter if everyone is smart enough to avoid him. I think Iowa is still taking a risk given #3 comes with the dad, the mom and the uncle.
It really shouldn't matter if everyone is smart enough to avoid him. I think Iowa is still taking a risk given #3 comes with the dad, the mom and the uncle.
They would just have to watch where they step__ if the rumors are true...
I really don't like the guy...or the family for that matter. Even when they were Cowboys, there were tons of cringeworthy moments prior to the out of control behavior coming to light.

But, the guy is a 30 for 30 waiting to happen and OSU will get some air time on it. I really hope he can land somewhere, do a great job and become an advocate for the sport. It would be a much better 30 for 30 that showed him overcoming his mental illnesses and becoming a celebrity of the sport.

I know that it isn't likely, but that is my hope. The other 30 for 30 has the downfall of a promising young talent with the interviews from prison.

This feels like an Aaron Hernandez situation waiting to happen, but it would benefit all involved if it turned into a Randy Moss situation.
And put his sister in the 30 for 30.
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The chances of him landing at a decent DI program are very small. UNC is funny bc the younger Mastro is there and if I can remember correctly he and Anthony had some major beef. AJ will prob have to go to a DII program and prove himself before anyone takes him seriously. In the mean time he is just doing what he does best and that’s market himself on social media for attention.