Donald Trump Is A F**king Hypocrite About Foul Language

“Daddy” Party!!!

Family “Values”!!!
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Reactions: Medic007
How far do you stick your bottom lip out when you see facts that are off script?

This may seem foreign to you, but I don't evaluate the world through primarily an emotional lens.

Try is some time bro. Add yeaars to your life and likely gain you some friends.
This may seem foreign to you, but I don't evaluate the world through primarily an emotional lens.

Try is some time bro. Add yeaars to your life and likely gain you some friends.

You have no view EXCEPT from through an emotional lens. You're worldview on here at least is 100% down the line with FOX and you become emotional and personally insulting if someone deviates from it.
You have no view EXCEPT from through an emotional lens. You're worldview on here at least is 100% down the line with FOX and you become emotional and personally insulting if someone deviates from it.

You are disconnected from reality.
You have no view EXCEPT from through an emotional lens. You're worldview on here at least is 100% down the line with FOX and you become emotional and personally insulting if someone deviates from it.

I question your ability to listen as well as think.
Why do you know what Hannity thinks? I don't.

Because I tune in sometimes. You should try and listen to people with whom you disagree sometimes. Spending your days sniffing Wharry's cyberfarts is no way to improve yourself.
Because I tune in sometimes. You should try and listen to people with whom you disagree sometimes. Spending your days sniffing Wharry's cyberfarts is no way to improve yourself.

I condemn the juvenile language and also disagree about the premise. If you took on some of my common sense approaches I think you would benefit.
Because I tune in sometimes. You should try and listen to people with whom you disagree sometimes. Spending your days sniffing Wharry's cyberfarts is no way to improve yourself.
Well, when we do tune in to those with whom we disagree, listen, and then dare to discuss it, it's an obsession according to you. Are you obsessed with Hannity? Sure sounds like it as much as you bring him up.
Bragging about trying to fvck another man’s wife.


Yeah “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” while he’s trying to fvck your wife....


I'm going to give you some insight as to why stuff like this doesn't stick to him and why conservatives (especially Christian conservatives) feel perfectly fine about his character. He has kept, is keeping or is making significant attempts to keep his campaign promises. Period. Results. Economic growth and jobs are on wild upswings. Nobody thought they were voting for a choir boy. Nobody thinks elected leaders typically have much character (either "side") to speak of, and nobody cares that he a playboy celebrity, had plenty of opportunity to grab willing pussy. It's the least shocking thing imaginable that Donald Trump banged porn stars and slept with married women.

The perception by his base is that he can't be bought, truly loves America, keeps his campaign promises, holds himself accountable to his base and is being unfairly persecuted by a fake AF resistance, Russia witch hunt and propagandist media. Now... Is that 100% accurate? Maybe, maybe not. But if believe you have that in a politician, you don't care about what guys like you think about anything - especially his character. It's white noise. Immediately tuned out and ignored.

Now, you write that off as his base being dumb. It's not any dumber than whatever base you represent, but let's just say you are right. He still won the election with that base and since then, you guys have done absolutely nothing to shake that support with the harping about character. How is that smart?
you guys have done absolutely nothing to shake that support with the harping about character.

Nobody is under any illusion that MAGA is changing their mind about shit. I haven't heard anybody try.

The evangelical conservatives love his character, like they have to rationalize anything?

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