coward chinese sellout amashtard

Sometimes your smugness approaches pilt level. Hyperbole isn't really a good tool in your toolbox.

We live in the same universe. Check out some Bill Krytol hot takes on Trump and see how big a fan he is. He's the neocon archetype and he's far from being the only one. The republicans are far from a Trumpian monolith. At best it's an uneasy alliance between the establishment (McConnell et al) and the guys who truly have Trump's back in the house and Senate. If you can't see that, I am not going to waste time trying to explain it further.

I don't disagree with you on a single thing you said (aside from your saying I'm smug). Bill Kristol is the epitome of the neocon element. He was absolutely crushed when Trump won, mainly because Trump had run on a semi-anti-war policy, (while Hillary had promised the neocons she'd get us into a war ASAP), and as a neocon he couldn't think of a place on this earth the US should not have a military presence, preferably a hot war. Then Trump put a virtual neocon cabinet in charge of his foreign policy. I'm pretty sure Kristol got a boner on tv when the generals were appointed. They have been replaced by Bolton, who makes Kristol look positively pacifist, and Pompeo, a dutiful member of the neocon caucus. Neocons have been in charge of our foreign policy from the beginning of the Trump administration. Neocons and mercantilists. What could go wrong?
@Ponca Dan you seem to be missing a lot of my @'s lately. Need your hot take on this video. This lady seems very compelling to me, and she knows this guy better than you or I.
Oh, I'll get to it. I work for a living, and when duty calls I have to set aside chatting and do it.
So much ignorant bias in your post. Good grief Charlie Brown.
Why don't you point out the specific ignorant bias, in as polite a manner as you are capable, and then we can discuss it. Just saying what you said seems to me to have no point beyond trying to be insulting, which accomplishes nothing, unless you only do it because it makes you feel good about yourself.
Why don't you point out the specific ignorant bias, in as polite a manner as you are capable, and then we can discuss it. Just saying what you said seems to me to have no point beyond trying to be insulting, which accomplishes nothing, unless you only do it because it makes you feel good about yourself.
Mega is much more patient then me. I'll let him do it. Just be aware that you don't come across like you think you do.
I'm disappointed that you have put on your team blinders to call this guy principled and have "no idea" what I'm talking about.

Watch his former campaign sponsor cut his nuts off for him at this town rally. She explains the police state tactics VERY clearly.

HIGHLY recommend watching this for anyone who is unclear about Amash's sellout of American's Constitutional rights and the political reasons for why he did it.

Oh, yes, that has been posted earlier. A MAGA lady is upset with him. I commend Amash for mostly letting her finish what she had to say, only a couple of times trying to interrupt by saying "that's not true." (Reminded me of the time the Supreme Court justice - was it Alito? - whispered "that's not true" when Obama leveled allegations against the Court).The video would have more significance had it shown his response to her. All it shows is her making charges and allegations, which you and others have pounced on as truth. Usually there are two sides to an allegation. It would have been fairer if the video had shown his side, too, wouldn't you agree?

Oh, and I didn't get a chance to see the whole town hall meeting, just a few portions of it, but it should be pointed out that frequently he was interrupted by applause from the crowd, many people giving him a standing "o." Now you may say they must be Democrats, and you may be right. But he represents all his district, including Democrats, and it is too highly partisan for you to dismiss any of his voters, regardless of party affiliation for agreeing with his stand. Democrat voices and votes count just as much as MAGA voices and votes.
MAGA lady

"MAGA lady"... is a former Amash campaign volunteer. It doesn't help your point to minimize her.

By the way, I said the same thing about this clown before her video happened, so don't go syskatine on me and suggest I'm pronouncing what she said as truth and then adopting it. She is saying what was already being said, and she's right.

I didn't see anything in your reply here that refuted what she was saying - just that he deserves to be commended for not interrupting her too much.
"MAGA lady"... is a former Amash campaign volunteer. It doesn't help your point to minimize her.

By the way, I said the same thing about this clown before her video happened, so don't go syskatine on me and suggest I'm pronouncing what she said as truth and then adopting it. She is saying what was already being said, and she's right.

I didn't see anything in your reply here that refuted what she was saying - just that he deserves to be commended for not interrupting her too much.

Well, since she was wearing a MAGA tee shirt one can't help but regard her as a MAGA lady. I don't think many MAGA people feel minimized by being called what they are. And I don't really know what you mean by calling her a former Amash volunteer. I'm considered a Tulsi Gabbard volunteer, but the only thing I have done for Tulsi is ask people to donate to her campaign so she can get in the debates.

I apologize if I made it sound like you are new to the anti-Amash bandwagon. Frankly I don't recall a single thing you've ever said about Amash before now. Maybe you have, but until he posted his impeachment tweets I doubt many of us have given him a second thought.

I have always considered the man to be exceptionally libertarian for a politician, but that's as far as my understanding of the man has ever gone. I'll repeat I disagree with him on the impeachment issue. As far as expecting me to refute the lady's charges, I have no idea if she's accurate or not. I repeat it would have been better had the video shown Amash refuting her charges, which one must assume he did.

This whole thing started because I said he's not a coward. I stand by that statement.
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