Sometimes your smugness approaches pilt level. Hyperbole isn't really a good tool in your toolbox.
We live in the same universe. Check out some Bill Krytol hot takes on Trump and see how big a fan he is. He's the neocon archetype and he's far from being the only one. The republicans are far from a Trumpian monolith. At best it's an uneasy alliance between the establishment (McConnell et al) and the guys who truly have Trump's back in the house and Senate. If you can't see that, I am not going to waste time trying to explain it further.
I don't disagree with you on a single thing you said (aside from your saying I'm smug). Bill Kristol is the epitome of the neocon element. He was absolutely crushed when Trump won, mainly because Trump had run on a semi-anti-war policy, (while Hillary had promised the neocons she'd get us into a war ASAP), and as a neocon he couldn't think of a place on this earth the US should not have a military presence, preferably a hot war. Then Trump put a virtual neocon cabinet in charge of his foreign policy. I'm pretty sure Kristol got a boner on tv when the generals were appointed. They have been replaced by Bolton, who makes Kristol look positively pacifist, and Pompeo, a dutiful member of the neocon caucus. Neocons have been in charge of our foreign policy from the beginning of the Trump administration. Neocons and mercantilists. What could go wrong?