
It is not the same. Not even related. Your 2086 speed brain is not able to process facts because of your emotions and skewed data inputs. You will likely never be able to reconcile fact with feelings. It is why we continue to play with you here. Did you not know that?!
Dan's special.
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Holy shit this thread is the funniest ****ing shit. You old geezers think you are so hard ass huffing and puffing while you talk shit.

so good. You all would eat trumps shit just to make a lib smell your breath.
  • Haha
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Holy shit this thread is the funniest ****ing shit. You old geezers think you are so hard ass huffing and puffing while you talk shit.

so good. You all would eat trumps shit just to make a lib smell your breath.
@OKSTATE1 got triggered because a foreigner didn’t capitalize maga. Hilarious
It was immediately seen as virtue signaling hate of MAGA. That is being observant, not triggered. But I don’t care what libs think of me, most think all conservatives are racist. Fire away with labels that is all you do, I don’t care. Do not want to be called out for being a libtard don’t act like one. The fact you wanted to create the narrative? Look in the mirror.

The libtard wanted to create a label of all “Maga’s” buying Trump souvenirs. What a passive aggressive pussy, and it started with “Maga”. Libs freak out when someone does not say Kamala’s name correctly, it is all about micro aggressions to control the narrative for these weak pussy libs. Libtard away. 😂
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Holy shit this thread is the funniest ****ing shit. You old geezers think you are so hard ass huffing and puffing while you talk shit.

so good. You all would eat trumps shit just to make a lib smell your breath.

Methinks your family tree has no fork in it, right?
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The dumbass does not realize most of the Trump voters on this site are donating to Trump's campaign directly and are serious about winning an election, not collecting souvenirs. When the title of the post is Maga and is not MAGA, you knew it was some passive aggressive weak ass lib BS. If this joker is not a US Citizen and is a foreigner residing in another country? A big FU to this foreigner, probably wants some of my tax dollars to create more "equity" in his country and wants a hand out.

The only souvenirs we want is the incompetence of the entire Biden/Harris admin voted out, for elimination and replacement of all the woke unelected appointees in D.C., return to policies that benefit the US taxpayer and not illegals, a growing economy with less inflation, a secure border that makes us safer and eliminates child trafficking and reduced fentanyl addiction and deaths, sending the worst of the illegals back to their country of origin ASAP, freedom of speech, properly funding the police and enforcing our laws, election laws to be enforced and for only US citizens to vote with proof of ID, elimination of judges that write laws from the bench, a US Military that hires based on being Alpha men and women that can fight like hell, etc...

If Trump gets elected, I might be buying me one of those You Missed T-Shirts and wearing on weekends while out and about with a big smile on my face. Be fun to trigger some hipsters and some other libs.
Well I guess Oklahomans don't need to buy any of trump crap. Your school supritedent is buying 3million dollars worth of trump bibles from your tax dollars cheers
Well I guess Oklahomans don't need to buy any of trump crap. Your school supritedent is buying 3million dollars worth of trump bibles from your tax dollars cheers
Do you pay taxes in the US or in Oklahoma? California has spent $24B on the homeless issue since 2019 and the problem is 58% worse as the Dim machine gets rich from suffering. I can think of far worse Dim waste than Bibles, far, far, worse. How about the Dim Ukraine war? How about the cost of illegal immigration? Cheers since you care so much.