Conservatism's biggest challenge in 2019.


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
The public is finally tuning in to their senseless elitism and greed. I've never understood how conservatism isn't constantly lampooned by the general public for its greed and entitlement.

Here's the Queen telling people to be generous while she's sitting in front of... what, $100k of bling, rugs, etc? What kind of tone-deaf, entitled person does that?

Our treasury secretary is in a swanky Cabo resort, assuring us the economy is great while the government is partially shut down and the DOW is getting hammered. He took bling pics with his trophy blonde holding up dollars at the mint, right around the time he took a jet to see the eclipse.

Biff never served, successfully ran from a fight with his Daddy's connections. Dumbya also successfully ran from a fight with his Daddy's connections. 58k Americans died while the rich boys dodged the fight.

The day libs wake up and play hardball with their messaging this outsized conservative influence in American politics is OVER. I think it's starting to finally happen thanks to millenials seeing all this with fresh eyes.
Monarchs we ridded ourselves of a while back’re not going to agree, but this isn’t something confined to the Republican Party. I think they’re more open with it versus Democrats who try to hide it in an attempt to keep up that “for the common man” mantra.

Same thing with military service: not important at all in 1992, but Yuge in 2004, then a sign of dangerous temperament in 2008, now kind of important in 2018 again.
America continues to be a right leaning country and is still the greatest country of opportunity.

Its good to be an American. THANK YOU DONALD TRUMP. THANK YOU

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America continues to be a right leaning country and is still the greatest country of opportunity.

The economic opportunity (or "everyone gets their shot" as I call it) is very rapidly going away.


Yup. Not for anything that any republican has ever done, though. The economy of this very conservative state has been a hindrance, not a help to most entrepreneurs.
Opie is 180 from the truth.

The self proclaimed elite voices on the left are driving every single thing that's bad in our society.

Five years ago everyone on the left that's against the wall were for it, but now in order to drive the division that that lines their pockets, it's bad.

A smart person would eventually figure out they were being fed lies. These fvckers don't believe a word coming outta their mouths, but morons do.

Hillary took millions from banks and Russia and every Middle Eastern country. Obama took millions from banks and was a side bitch for Russia. Fienchang made millions in China. Shumer couldn't fit enough of Putins cauk in his suck hole. Schiff dipped into the tax payer funded sexual harassment pool for pervs.

But it's conservatives?

Once you realize that there is zero difference in the lifelong political hacks life will be easier.

Then you realize why they couldn't have Trump in power. He's crazy enough to show everyone the midget behind the curtain pulling all the levers. They have to ruin home or the game is up. Hence, RUSSIA. The truth is much scarier than Russia trying to game us, it's our own folks fleecing us and somehow making us fight amongst ourselves like we're the ones that f'd this sh1t up.

The left hasn't done a single f'n thing to try and make this country better since Trump got in office. All they're doing is trying to keep the curtain up between us and them.

Merry Christmas.
Opie is 180 from the truth.

The self proclaimed elite voices on the left are driving every single thing that's bad in our society.

Five years ago everyone on the left that's against the wall were for it, but now in order to drive the division that that lines their pockets, it's bad.

A smart person would eventually figure out they were being fed lies. These fvckers don't believe a word coming outta their mouths, but morons do.

Hillary took millions from banks and Russia and every Middle Eastern country. Obama took millions from banks and was a side bitch for Russia. Fienchang made millions in China. Shumer couldn't fit enough of Putins cauk in his suck hole. Schiff dipped into the tax payer funded sexual harassment pool for pervs.

But it's conservatives?

Once you realize that there is zero difference in the lifelong political hacks life will be easier.

Then you realize why they couldn't have Trump in power. He's crazy enough to show everyone the midget behind the curtain pulling all the levers. They have to ruin home or the game is up. Hence, RUSSIA. The truth is much scarier than Russia trying to game us, it's our own folks fleecing us and somehow making us fight amongst ourselves like we're the ones that f'd this sh1t up.

The left hasn't done a single f'n thing to try and make this country better since Trump got in office. All they're doing is trying to keep the curtain up between us and them.

Merry Christmas.

Last week you were telling people how stupid they were because Biff surely ran the Syrian withdrawal past him. Like a comedy skit, Mattis promptly resigned in protest. #4Dchess I'm sure. You've had a slow motion HRC derangement and alt facts blow up in your face slow-mo for two years now.

Please keep sharing. I love your answers.

Merry Christmas.
Last week you were telling people how stupid they were because Biff surely ran the Syrian withdrawal past him. Like a comedy skit, Mattis promptly resigned in protest. #4Dchess I'm sure. You've had a slow motion HRC derangement and alt facts blow up in your face slow-mo for two years now.

Please keep sharing. I love your answers.

Merry Christmas.

He did.
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Opie is 180 from the truth.

The self proclaimed elite voices on the left are driving every single thing that's bad in our society.

Five years ago everyone on the left that's against the wall were for it, but now in order to drive the division that that lines their pockets, it's bad.

A smart person would eventually figure out they were being fed lies. These fvckers don't believe a word coming outta their mouths, but morons do.

Hillary took millions from banks and Russia and every Middle Eastern country. Obama took millions from banks and was a side bitch for Russia. Fienchang made millions in China. Shumer couldn't fit enough of Putins cauk in his suck hole. Schiff dipped into the tax payer funded sexual harassment pool for pervs.

But it's conservatives?

Once you realize that there is zero difference in the lifelong political hacks life will be easier.

Then you realize why they couldn't have Trump in power. He's crazy enough to show everyone the midget behind the curtain pulling all the levers. They have to ruin home or the game is up. Hence, RUSSIA. The truth is much scarier than Russia trying to game us, it's our own folks fleecing us and somehow making us fight amongst ourselves like we're the ones that f'd this sh1t up.

The left hasn't done a single f'n thing to try and make this country better since Trump got in office. All they're doing is trying to keep the curtain up between us and them.

Merry Christmas.

Spin spin spin lol

Happy 2019
The economic opportunity (or "everyone gets their shot" as I call it) is very rapidly going away.

Yup. Not for anything that any republican has ever done, though. The economy of this very conservative state has been a hindrance, not a help to most entrepreneurs.

And yet 1/5th of the world's immigrants want to come take part in our dismal and declining situation

And yet 1/5th of the world's immigrants want to come take part in our dismal and declining situation


And we want to “build a wall” to try to keep em all out, when studies show a mass influx of immigration would throw a gas can in the fire for the economy.

Read it again, moron.

Anything yet? Schuber still about to indict her? Probably just waiting until Christmas is over.

Maybe if you provided a thread or date or something? "the videos"

The last one you started on the subject.

You won't watch, because you don't want to know.

You just want to be cvnt because this is the most interaction you get with people and saying stupid shit draws the most responses.

You and toon should just go adopt some little Mexican refugees. With his vast understanding of the markets you guys could really make a difference.
The last one you started on the subject.

Thanks for that articulate explanation. You're right, I probably won't ever see it. You communicate like an old mee-maw. Good lord.

You and toon should just go adopt some little Mexican refugees. With his vast understanding of the markets you guys could really make a difference.

Well, every little bit helps. Maybe your hero could keep letting little mexican refugees die after he splits the families up? Another dead kid. Can't wait to hear those excuses. It's the democrat house's fault, I bet.

Looking pretty good for MAGA, if you back out the economy, foreign policy, and killing kids. Share some more answers.
The economic opportunity (or "everyone gets their shot" as I call it) is very rapidly going away.

Yup. Not for anything that any republican has ever done, though. The economy of this very conservative state has been a hindrance, not a help to most entrepreneurs.

You had a stroke. I know you did.
Thanks for that articulate explanation. You're right, I probably won't ever see it. You communicate like an old mee-maw. Good lord.

Well, every little bit helps. Maybe your hero could keep letting little mexican refugees die after he splits the families up? Another dead kid. Can't wait to hear those excuses. It's the democrat house's fault, I bet.

Looking pretty good for MAGA, if you back out the economy, foreign policy, and killing kids. Share some more answers.

Obama had from memory 16 kids die in detention.

But you've let yourself be convinced that Trump is bad.

Pay attention to what they're selling you, man.

If Obamas detention cemetery's weren't bad and he killed kids that weren't brought up, what's the real reason for the message?

It isn't because they really think that shit is bad.

Think about it before you answer, if you're honest with yourself it's not something that you're going to be able to come up with in five minutes, it requires questioning the system that's been put in play.
Obama had from memory 16 kids die in detention.

But you've let yourself be convinced that Trump is bad.

Pay attention to what they're selling you, man.

If Obamas detention cemetery's weren't bad and he killed kids that weren't brought up, what's the real reason for the message?

It isn't because they really think that shit is bad.

Think about it before you answer, if you're honest with yourself it's not something that you're going to be able to come up with in five minutes, it requires questioning the system that's been put in play.

Biff kills kids, fries them, and eats them with tartar sauce.

Red pill this shit, man.
The public is finally tuning in to their senseless elitism and greed. I've never understood how conservatism isn't constantly lampooned by the general public for its greed and entitlement.

Here's the Queen telling people to be generous while she's sitting in front of... what, $100k of bling, rugs, etc? What kind of tone-deaf, entitled person does that?

Our treasury secretary is in a swanky Cabo resort, assuring us the economy is great while the government is partially shut down and the DOW is getting hammered. He took bling pics with his trophy blonde holding up dollars at the mint, right around the time he took a jet to see the eclipse.

Biff never served, successfully ran from a fight with his Daddy's connections. Dumbya also successfully ran from a fight with his Daddy's connections. 58k Americans died while the rich boys dodged the fight.

The day libs wake up and play hardball with their messaging this outsized conservative influence in American politics is OVER. I think it's starting to finally happen thanks to millenials seeing all this with fresh eyes.

It will be hard for Dems to rip Republicans for being greedy corporate pigs when Bernie, one of the least wealthy congressmen of either party owns 3 houses. BTW, I agree with you on the tone-deafness of this. Just disagree that this is only a 'conservatives' battle. This is why 'conservatives' won't support Climate change, more taxes, etc. Just as you are tired of the smugness of the wealthy, we are too. I don't care what Al Gore thinks while living in his mansion in Tennesse and jet-setting in his corporate jets whereever he thinks he can collect his next speaker fee. Same with the Clintons, Zuckerberg, or the slew of Hollywood 'stars' who are the epitome of hypocrisy.

What strikes me as strange though Sys, is that, based on this post you get it. Yet you allow yourself and your opinions to be controlled by these same multi-billionaires who espouse the "do as we say, not as we do" messages.
Last week you were telling people how stupid they were because Biff surely ran the Syrian withdrawal past him. Like a comedy skit, Mattis promptly resigned in protest. #4Dchess I'm sure. You've had a slow motion HRC derangement and alt facts blow up in your face slow-mo for two years now.

Please keep sharing. I love your answers.

Merry Christmas.

Weird. When Obama was talking about pulling troops from the Middle East you were all for it. In fact, I believe you've stated that him staying in the Middle East is one of the few disagreements you've had with his policies. I know for a fact that you've stated that Hillary voting for the wars in the Middle East was your number one disagreement with her. Yet when Trump does something I would assume you would support (getting out of the wars in the ME) you seem to choose to spout the party line about how terrible it is that we're pulling out the last 2000 troops from a country (Syria) where the standing enemy has zero remaining territory and less than 2000 total troops. Have you changed your mind about war in the ME, and now believe we should be going door to door and killing EVERY LAST ENEMY COMBATANT, or is elimination of the enemy's territory and ability to wage anything beyond lone-wolf style terrorist attacks (which has been achieved) sufficient to claim victory and bring our troops home?
I don't care what Al Gore thinks while living in his mansion in Tennesse and jet-setting in his corporate jets whereever he thinks he can collect his next speaker fee. Same with the Clintons, Zuckerberg, or the slew of Hollywood 'stars' who are the epitome of hypocrisy.

What strikes me as strange though Sys, is that, based on this post you get it. Yet you allow yourself and your opinions to be controlled by these same multi-billionaires who espouse the "do as we say, not as we do" messages.

Why do you care if Al Gore makes money or flies around in jets?

How is he being hypocritical? By burning jet fuel and making carbon while he preaches against carbon?

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