Own it, pussy. Fix it.
Because if you ever try to get in my little mom's face or Justine's face, it won't end well for you. Do you understand what I'm telling you, you hate embracing bigot?
Nope, still can't blow up federal buildings, wear maga hats and shoot up schools, and go MAGA on a crowd of innocent protesters and then say another part of the political spectrum is hateful.
Pussy? Hate embracing bigot? You were just unprepared for this exchange. The right wing social media isn't your friend, Brad, they didn't prepare you for an objective factual response that strayed off script. This is why Rush Limbaugh never has guests. The real fault lies at your feet, though, because you've internalized that mantra without critically thinking it through. Don't default to a victim identity -- learn and improve from this.