CDC Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater

I'd like to see a cite for that.
I'll do some digging, but I did mis-state my original sentence although not my intention. Viral load impacts how much of the virus one expels, which isn't what I was intending. My statement was intended for those who are subjected to the virus, the viral load to which they were subjected has no bearing on its infectiousness to that individual. You can get just as sick being exposed to one droplet of the virus, or come away completely symptom-free while walking around maskless in a Covid-ward.
And kudos to Gorsuch. Maybe Sotomayor should invest in a gym membership and lose some weight instead of imposing on other people's freedom.

She’s Type 1 diabetic you stupid fvcking clown

Interesting stuff. I haven’t done a deep dive into the amount of virus particles that are expelled in one sneeze, but I did see one source that claimed 100,000 germs per sneeze. That’s just crazy. So if that’s accurate, those single layer cloth masks that will let you go into a movie theatre or whatever are a joke. And again, that’s my point.

Masks that actually work are a different story.
She’s Type 1 diabetic you stupid fvcking clown

Then maybe she should retire from the SCOTUS if she can't be around others without forcing them to where a mask.
Ya'll have to be the most alarmist, lyin', exaggeratin' morons out there to 1) buy into the federalist society's moronic spin, and 2) to actually read that link and look at it as some type of admission of something. Good lord, you poor dumb bastards.
What, that masks help prevent spread of disease? Really? You know how long medical field has embraced this? You gonna go into an open heart surgery like, "Doc, don't worry about the masks, I know that they don't work."


these are one minute a part. You need a forced 24 hour psychological evaluation.
Then maybe she should retire from the SCOTUS if she can't be around others without forcing them to where a mask.
John Roberts asked them all respectfully to wear one. They weren’t forced. Yet another unfounded assumption of covid protocol paranoia on your part. You and Gorsuch would always be that guy. No other conservative justice refused to wear one ***shrugs shoulders***
these are one minute a part. You need a forced 24 hour psychological evaluation.

They are indeed.

Wonder why your cult is disproportionately dying in this pandemic? You see your fellow MAGA enthusiasts with their cult-conspiracythink on here. It's always the same demographic. Sigh.

John Roberts asked them all respectfully to wear one. They weren’t forced. Yet another unfounded assumption of covid protocol paranoia on your part. You and Gorsuch would always be that guy. No other conservative justice refused to wear one ***shrugs shoulders***

It really is a great microcosm/shorthand of who does and doesn't have fundamental decency. Look at Gorsuch -- he's a sadist. That decision where he ruled the guy should've just frozen to death to keep his job shows his spirit. They really are the worst character people in the country.
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What happens to the virus particles when potentially stopped by a mask? Just disappear? Slowly get released with each breath? Get released in batches when adjusting the mask? Get released when removing it? All of the above (except disappearing)?
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She’s Type 1 diabetic you stupid fvcking clown

Weight loss would still go a long way, putz. Being a big fat spinster can’t be good, even without a scamdemic.
Do you think you can observe particles small enough to carry the virus with your eye?
You have jumped the shark my man...

Do you think the spittle visible in the linked video does NOT carry contaminants including any virus present? Are you debating the efficacy of containing mucus spray in spreading pathogens?
So my takeaway is that now people that are pro mask can wear an N95 and people like me can go without. Sounds like a win win.
Well put- I'd take that scenario- just to get rid of the fake BS bandana and blue asbestos fiber POC fear diapers...freedom lovers no mask and rest in the Real masks - not as good as zero masks but sounds like a good get - at least rid of the fake BS virtue signaling diapers
You have jumped the shark my man...

Do you think the spittle visible in the linked video does NOT carry contaminants including any virus present? Are you debating the efficacy of containing mucus spray in spreading pathogens?

You need to let what I told you cook a little longer.

You shouldn’t’, but obviously you do.
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You have jumped the shark my man...

Do you think the spittle visible in the linked video does NOT carry contaminants including any virus present? Are you debating the efficacy of containing mucus spray in spreading pathogens?

Imagine what the vid looks like if it was shot at temps low enough to observe your breath.
If everyone goes disposable, what about the environment?

Are we ever going to calculate ALL costs when we make these broad decisions?

We wrecked the economy. We wrecked education. We wrecked mental health. We wrecked minority communities. Big corporations only got larger.

Nearly every big liberal platform has been absolutely flushed down the toilet. People are still getting it (in mass). People are still dying.

And the same people that pretend to care about such things bring smirks, quips, and memes - NO solutions.

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