
Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
I saw an update this morning (GMA) that the Caravan is down to approximately 2000 as more and more of the walkers are deciding they can't walk any farther and are seeking asylum in Mexico. I was looking for confirmation and saw a video on a liberal site saying that the number is now closer to 1000. Tried to find a legit article confirming/disproving either claim, but haven't had any luck. Just curious if anyone else has run across anything?
Found an article that still puts it at around 7K, but said that approximately 1000 have opted for asylum in Mexico. Maybe that is where the 1000 number came from.

Found a couple of interesting tidbits, though.

-At their current rate of travel, it will take them over 2 months to reach the Rio Grande. (seems likely that the numbers will dwindle significantly over that period of time).

-It’s important to remember that more than 50,000 people were taken into custody last month along the U.S.-Mexico border

Seems like maybe this whole Caravan issue is much doo doo about nothing.
I saw an update this morning (GMA) that the Caravan is down to approximately 2000 as more and more of the walkers are deciding they can't walk any farther and are seeking asylum in Mexico. I was looking for confirmation and saw a video on a liberal site saying that the number is now closer to 1000. Tried to find a legit article confirming/disproving either claim, but haven't had any luck. Just curious if anyone else has run across anything?

I've been away, but in't this deja vu all over again? There was one a few months ago and these wingnuts were all whipped up and it kind of just.... petered out?

Now there's ANOTHER caravan coming! And right before midterms! TO ARMS!

I'll bet that this is getting round the clock coverage on FOX, and nobody is really talking much about the earlier one.
I've been away, but in't this deja vu all over again? There was one a few months ago and these wingnuts were all whipped up and it kind of just.... petered out?

Now there's ANOTHER caravan coming! And right before midterms! TO ARMS!

I'll bet that this is getting round the clock coverage on FOX, and nobody is really talking much about the earlier one.
I used to know somebody who looked like you.
@Been Jammin

Have you seen anything over the last week or so that might change your mind about the caravan? (#men vs. women, travel time, only good people coming, total number on the way or anything else)

That’s not how the lib mind works. Somehow being wrong gets compartmentalized and doesn’t have to be acknowledged.

Migrant caravan at US border is harboring more than 500 criminals, Homeland Security claims

More than 500 criminals are traveling with the migrant caravan that’s massed on the other side of a San Diego border crossing, homeland security officials said Monday afternoon.

The revelation was made during a conference call with reporters, with officials asserting that "most of the caravan members are not women and children". They claimed the group is mostly made up of single adult or teen males and that the women and children have been pushed to the front of the line in a bid to garner sympathetic media coverage.

“All legal options are on the table and we have been negotiating with all our partners in central America with ways to deal with the caravan," one official said when asked about reports that the U.S. government is planning to make asylum-seekers remain on the Mexican side of the border while their claims are being reviewed.

Homeland Security officials say there are currently 6,000 people in Tijuana waiting to be processed at the San Ysidro border crossing, with more on the way.

Overall, 29% of Americans see the migrant caravan traveling toward our border with Mexico as a major threat to the U.S., 24% see it as a minor threat, and 39% see it as no real threat to the country. A majority of Republicans (54%) see the caravan as a major threat, but they are joined by only 28% of independents and 11% of Democrats. Regionally, residents of the four states (CA, AZ, NM, TX) that share a border with Mexico are least likely to be worried about the caravan – only 21% see it as a major threat. Residents of the Southeast (35%), Midwest (33%), and Mountain-Northwest (33%) regions are more likely to view the caravan as a major threat. Views of Northeast residents (25% major threat) are more in line with those living in the border states than elsewhere in the country.

Most Americans (70%) say that these migrants should be given the opportunity to enter the country if they meet certain requirements such as showing they were persecuted in their home countries and not having a criminal record. Another 26%, however, say they should be sent back to their home countries when they reach the border. A majority of Republicans (51%) say the caravan should be turned back, while 43% say these migrants should be given the opportunity to enter. Large majorities of Democrats (89%) and independents (72%), on the other hand, support giving migrants in the caravan a chance to enter the U.S.

“Most of the public express some level of concern about the approaching caravan, some of which may be due to unsubstantiated claims that the group includes terrorists. At the same time, though, most Americans feel that each migrant should be given the opportunity to state their case for entering the United States,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

During the 2018 election campaign, President Donald Trump and others in his administration implied or stated outright that the caravan included a number of foreign terrorists. One-in-four (25%) Americans believe that the caravan does in fact include terrorists and another 13% are not sure but believe this claim is likely to be true. Half, though, say either they do not believe there are terrorists in the caravan (22%) or that such a claim is less likely to be true (28%).

In addition to claims about terrorists traveling with the caravan, some Republican groups aired campaign ads that focused on crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Half of the public (51%) believes that illegal immigrants in the U.S. are not any more or less likely than other residents of the country to commit violent crimes like rape or murder. The remainder are divided – 24% say illegal immigrants are actually less likely to commit such crimes and 21% say they are more likely. These results have not changed all that much since a 2015 Monmouth University Poll, when 20% said illegal immigrants were less likely to commit violent crimes, 17% said they were more likely, and 59% said they were about as likely as other Americans to commit violent crimes.

Overall, 7-in-10 Americans believe that illegal immigration is either a very serious (49%) or somewhat serious (21%) problem. Just 15% say it is not too serious and 13% say it is not at all serious. These results are comparable to prior Monmouth polls that have asked this question over the past three years.
@Been Jammin

Have you seen anything over the last week or so that might change your mind about the caravan? (#men vs. women, travel time, only good people coming, total number on the way or anything else)

Not really. For every article/newscast you can find telling me how scary the caravan is, I can find one telling you how there is nothing to worry about.

I never thought there were no bad hombres within the group, but bad hombres sneak into this country every day. I think current estimates are that approximately 1,300 immigrants (legal and illegal) cross our southern border on a daily basis. I don't think this caravan is nearly the big deal that Donnie has made it out to be.

I will tell you one thing. If I am a terrorist, wanting to sneak into this country from the south, I'm not going to do it right now when tensions are high and the military is deployed along the border. I'm going to wait until after X-mas, when the military has left the border, and sneak across when vigilance has decreased significantly.
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Not really. For every article/newscast you can find telling me how scary the caravan is, I can find one telling you how there is nothing to worry about.

I never thought there were no bad hombres within the group, but bad hombres sneak into this country every day. I think current estimates are that approximately 1,300 immigrants (legal and illegal) cross our southern border on a daily basis. I don't think this caravan is nearly the big deal that Donnie has made it out to be.

I will tell you one thing. If I am a terrorist, wanting to sneak into this country from the south, I'm not going to do it right now when tensions are high and the military is deployed along the border. I'm going to wait until after X-mas, when the military has left the border, and sneak across when vigilance has decreased significantly.

Fair enough.

I would guess that more than 1300 cross on a daily basis, BTW. I have crossed over 100's of times for work and there is more than that in El Paso alone.

What about the number of men vs women?
Was it not said that it would take close to a couple of months to get to the border and most were turning back?
Do you think the DHS info is correct and credible?
Did @Syskatine ever have the tiny little nuts to just admit he was completely full of shit on coverage of this and that he swallowed the hook on the narrative that this caravan was a made up thing that wasn't being covered anymore after the election?

No? Well... I didn't think so. But now that I know about his posting history, it makes sense.

He was talking about trump’s tweets, but let’s not act like your memory is worth a shit lol
What about the number of men vs women?
Was it not said that it would take close to a couple of months to get to the border and most were turning back?
Do you think the DHS info is correct and credible?

Don't know. Don't think it matters all that much. Each person in the caravans has their own specific demographics and circumstances. It is up to our government to vet each of them and decide what to do with each of them. They were never going to arrive, overwhelm authorities at one of our checkpoints, and "invade" our country, despite what Trump was saying just before the midterms.
Don't know. Don't think it matters all that much. Each person in the caravans has their own specific demographics and circumstances. It is up to our government to vet each of them and decide what to do with each of them. They were never going to arrive, overwhelm authorities at one of our checkpoints, and "invade" our country, despite what Trump was saying just before the midterms.

When you and I traded info on the other thread I said that I think it might be ~12 to 1 and put some pics up showing why I thought that. You, I believe, said it was almost 1(or 2) to 1 and put other pics up. My question is; now that it is being said that it is close to ~75% men does that still make it a "humanitarian" kind of situation? I do not, but I really never did, just to be honest.

Not sure why you think they could not/ would not, try to overwhelm the US border. They did it in Mexico and based on video are still causing trouble on our border. There is video of them throwing rocks at a helicopter. Why do you think there has been a sudden change in the way they behave?
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They were never going to arrive, overwhelm authorities at one of our checkpoints, and "invade" our country, despite what Trump was saying just before the midterms.

A few people pitched tents at the Tijuana beach plaza while most, like Henry Salinas, 30, of Honduras, planned to sleep there in the open.

He said that he intended to wait for thousands more in the caravan to arrive and that he hoped to jump the fence in a large group at the same time, overwhelming Border Patrol agents.

“It’s going to be all against one, one against all. All of Central America against one, and one against Central America. ... All against Trump, and Trump against all,” he said.
When you and I traded info on the other thread I said that I think it might be ~12 to 1 and put some pics up showing why I thought that. You, I believe, said it was almost 1(or 2) to 1 and put other pics up. My question is; now that it is being said that it is close to ~75% men does that still make it a "humanitarian" kind of situation? I do not, but I really never did, just to be honest.

It's not about their behavior. It's about our ability to deal with their behavior.

Okay, but you skipped the first one..

While I get why you feel good about the families (women, kids, husbands) is there any point where you feel like the caravan should be sent home? I just cant understand your position and I am trying hard too.
Okay, but you skipped the first one..

While I get why you feel good about the families (women, kids, husbands) is there any point where you feel like the caravan should be sent home? I just cant understand your position and I am trying hard too.

Sent home? I'm all in favor of that. I'm not excited about them arriving here at all. But, how are you going to do that?

We can't drive buses into Mexico, load them up and drive them back to Guatemala.

We can't shoot them when they get to our border.

They are on their way here whether we want them or not. My hope is that they will get to the border and go through the vetting process like others who seek asylum in our country.

I know that a certain percentage of them will not choose that avenue and will try to find a place to sneak into the country. If they are caught, they should be dealt with like anyone else who breaks the law and crosses illegally.

As far as the ones who don't get caught, as we noted, illegals cross into this country every day. Those individuals will be included in that group.

How to address illegal crossings is a different topic than the caravan however. This has been discussed in multiple threads focused on more secure borders and building the wall.

My overarching point is that the caravan isn't the boogeyman it has been made out to be (mostly by POTUS).

As far as "75% men". I don't know if that is close to accurate. It might be, but others say it isn't close to accurate. But, as I said above, it doesn't move the needle for me. Let's say there are 4000 in the caravan. That means 3000 of them are men. Those 3000, are clearly motivated to get into the U.S. one way or another. Turning back the caravan isn't going to change that. Where there is a will, there is a way.
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So these migrants are tossing bottles and other items at police and forcibly trying to break through the border. Also, throwing the US flag on the ground and holding up their flag.

MSNBC just had a host say that Trump’s desire to keep the migrants in Mexico, while they are processed, will create an undo strain on Mexico and ruin Trump’s and the US’s relationship with the new President-elect in Mexico.

Why would we want people that throw stuff at authorities? And shouldn’t we be more concerned with the strain on our country instead of a foreign country? Think MSNBC really is showing their true colors.
Looks to me like one picture has 3 women with a couple of kids which could have been very well set-up. What kind of mother would put her kids in a situation where people are throwing rocks and bottles at LE/Military?

The other 2 pictures are 100% men. Looks like about 12-17 of them.
Sent home? I'm all in favor of that. I'm not excited about them arriving here at all. But, how are you going to do that?

We can't drive buses into Mexico, load them up and drive them back to Guatemala.

We can't shoot them when they get to our border.

They are on their way here whether we want them or not. My hope is that they will get to the border and go through the vetting process like others who seek asylum in our country.

I know that a certain percentage of them will not choose that avenue and will try to find a place to sneak into the country. If they are caught, they should be dealt with like anyone else who breaks the law and crosses illegally.

As far as the ones who don't get caught, as we noted, illegals cross into this country every day. Those individuals will be included in that group.

How to address illegal crossings is a different topic than the caravan however. This has been discussed in multiple threads focused on more secure borders and building the wall.

My overarching point is that the caravan isn't the boogeyman it has been made out to be (mostly by POTUS).

As far as "75% men". I don't know if that is close to accurate. It might be, but others say it isn't close to accurate. But, as I said above, it doesn't move the needle for me. Let's say there are 4000 in the caravan. That means 3000 of them are men. Those 3000, are clearly motivated to get into the U.S. one way or another. Turning back the caravan isn't going to change that. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Can people not apply for asylum at the US embassy in their country of origin? Speed that process up, but doing at the border is BS. Often times they turn these cats lose to show up later and most don't show up (yes I know shocker).

Been, they are the bogyman and more than they have been made out to be. There are Americans alive today that won't be in a year as a direct result of those scumbags, same with rape robbery and so on, not to mention the burden they will pile on taxpayers to teach their kids to learn English, medical costs, incarceration cost.

When you see live video it is overwhelmingly men, how in the world that can be disputed is just lunacy. Most still pics you see are going to be of women, children and infants. Do you see an issue there? Time to make an example of every dam one of these people. Load them all up and ship their asses back to the shitholes that spawned them. If this group gets their way and gets across the border, then the incentive is there for more and more to do the same thing. Time to absolutely end this stupidity.
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Looks to me like one picture has 3 women with a couple of kids which could have been very well set-up. What kind of mother would put her kids in a situation where people are throwing rocks and bottles at LE/Military?

The other 2 pictures are 100% men. Looks like about 12-17 of them.
Look, dude. It’s very possible that half of those male individuals think they are women. So please stop looking at this in such literal reality terms and imagine the possibilities!

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