Breaking news: Susan Rice requested unmasking of incoming Trump admin officials


By Bill Gertz - The Washington Times
Friday, March 6, 2015

White House National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice has developed a reputation among those who work with her for harshly criticizing people by using the “F bomb,” according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with two exchanges.

The first case involved a 2013 White House meeting between Ms. Rice and Gen.Keith Alexander, who was director of the National Security Agency, regarding NSA spying on foreign leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

According to one senior U.S. official, Ms. Rice opened the conversation with the four-star general, now retired, with: “Why the [expletive] are you listening to Angela Merkel’s phone calls?” The angry comment was prompted by disclosures of NSAspying on foreign leaders that were contained in pilfered documents obtained by fugitive NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

The normally reserved Gen. Alexander was said to have fired back: “Because you told us to.”
Everyone will fall on the sword to protect the ex-rodent in chief. Even if they had video/audio of the goat herder ordering Rice to do this, a very large portion of my liberal friends would still not believe this day their all printing their version of the T-shirt that say "Greatest President Ever."
Said this AM that Obama had been monitoring (surveilling, wiretapping or whatever you want to call it) Trump et al for over a year and none of it involved anything international.
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Told you guys it had to either be Rice, Clapper ot Brennan. Wouldn't surprise me if was all three.

What is Obama doing on a private island for a month without his family? He's either on sexcation like Bill Clinton or he is plotting a coup.


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