Breaking news: Susan Rice requested unmasking of incoming Trump admin officials

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Meanwhile, CNN desperately tries to shut down story.


The guy Cooper interviewed above.

For the record, Jim Sciutto worked in the Obama administration. It is a fact not mentioned in Sciutto’s CNN biography, but it certainly should be.

Two things about this tweet:

1. Note the careful language – The anonymous source says “improperly sought.” It likely means Lake’s reporting is valid and Rice did in fact, make requests to unmask. The question of whether it was proper or not remains to be seen.

2. The “person close to Rice” is likely somebody Sciutto knows – Before Sciutto worked at the White House, he worked at ABC. Do you know who he worked with at ABC? Ian Officer Cameron. Do you know who’s married to Cameron? Susan Rice.
The juiciness keeps coming:

Flashbacks --- for perspective on the depth and broad reach of these people (across all levels of the government, mass media, entertainment etc):

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shocker cbs just whitewashed rices unmasking in their newscast.

no mention of denial and subsequent admission on rices part

getting comments calling it standard procedure.

they didn't even ask why she made request to unmask names in her nonivestigative function

scott pelley is fake journalism
can we imagine for a minute if hr mcmaster had just admitted he was unmasking fake tears charles shumer in his conversations with carlos slim?

and then claiming there's a difference between unmasking and leaking

and it was a procedural part of his job and not politically motivated?

and since this rice lady is making these claims in defense of her actions

are we to accept that it would be and is acceptable for general mcmaster to do just that?

that now obama or hildebeast as private us citizens can now be caught up wiretapped as part of a "wide net" his name unmasked and then magically leaked.

let that hypothetical sink in for a minute.

this obama/hildebeast outfit had
zero respect for the constitution and rule of law.

if trump gets nothing done but turn the tide on this stagnant swamp of cotton mouths that's enough
It's also an admission about the truthfulness of the story.

Maybe CNN can go back to searching for the Malaysian airplane.

That CNN won't, at minimum, tug on the end of the string to see where it leads only reinforces what Facebook behavior already has shown us, there is a market for people who choose to remain silo'd in their thinking, have a preference to live in an echo chamber, and have NO desire for dialogue, instead possessing the desire to dictate reality (and therefore the parameters by which others should live).
and the next article under that one is titled

trump has threatened two countries this week with no plans to back it up lol
another thick as your wrist show cause
fisa warrant
another unmasked name
another leak

there are hundreds of people with ties as close as this guy to the trump campaign

at least he didn't end up shot dead victim of a robbery with nothing stolen

rip seth rich
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