Breaking news: Susan Rice requested unmasking of incoming Trump admin officials

Top news story on Fox News: Susan Rice

Top news story on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC: Gorsuch filibuster, no mention of Susan Rice.
I am interested to see how this plays out. Trump et al better hope that this is all accurate, and Obama et al better hope that it is not proven. Either way will be devastating. If Trump's side proves accurate, both the GOP hard-liners, and the Dems are f-ed so badly. MSM will also be screwed. I am all for seeing all three (Repub/Dem/Media) go down in flames, but nobody should be celebrating this level of sleaziness. If they (Trump's side) are wrong, he and they are absolutely done. Very high stakes early on in his presidency.
I am interested to see how this plays out. Trump et al better hope that this is all accurate, and Obama et al better hope that it is not proven. Either way will be devastating. If Trump's side proves accurate, both the GOP hard-liners, and the Dems are f-ed so badly. MSM will also be screwed. I am all for seeing all three (Repub/Dem/Media) go down in flames, but nobody should be celebrating this level of sleaziness. If they (Trump's side) are wrong, he and they are absolutely done. Very high stakes early on in his presidency.
Sincerely wish it were so. Post fact America will accept whatever excuse is made, at least the core of team Red or team Blue will.
Read these very closely (and note the credentials of person --- not exactly "Millennial Buzzfeed journalist" -- pasted from article above):

Michael Doran, former NSC senior director, told TheDCNF Monday that “somebody blew a hole in the wall between national security secrets and partisan politics.” This “was a stream of information that was supposed to be hermetically sealed from politics and the Obama administration found a way to blow a hole in that wall,” he said.

“That’s a felony,” he told TheDCNF. “And you can get 10 years for that. It is a tremendous abuse of the system. We’re not supposed to be monitoring American citizens. Bigger than the crime, is the breach of public trust.”

Col. (Ret.) James Waurishuk, an NSC veteran and former deputy director for intelligence at the U.S. Central Command, told TheDCNF that many hands had to be involved throughout the Obama administration to launch such a political spying program.

“We’re looking at a potential constitutional crisis from the standpoint that we used an extremely strong capability that’s supposed to be used to safeguard and protect the country,” he said. “And we used it for political purposes by a sitting president. That takes on a new precedent.”
Read these very closely (and note the credentials of person --- not exactly "Millennial Buzzfeed journalist" -- pasted from article above):

Michael Doran, former NSC senior director, told TheDCNF Monday that “somebody blew a hole in the wall between national security secrets and partisan politics.” This “was a stream of information that was supposed to be hermetically sealed from politics and the Obama administration found a way to blow a hole in that wall,” he said.

“That’s a felony,” he told TheDCNF. “And you can get 10 years for that. It is a tremendous abuse of the system. We’re not supposed to be monitoring American citizens. Bigger than the crime, is the breach of public trust.”

Col. (Ret.) James Waurishuk, an NSC veteran and former deputy director for intelligence at the U.S. Central Command, told TheDCNF that many hands had to be involved throughout the Obama administration to launch such a political spying program.

“We’re looking at a potential constitutional crisis from the standpoint that we used an extremely strong capability that’s supposed to be used to safeguard and protect the country,” he said. “And we used it for political purposes by a sitting president. That takes on a new precedent.”

i had this highlighted from the story as well

Also on Monday, Fox News and Bloomberg News, citing multiple sources reported that Rice had requested the intelligence information that was produced in a highly organized operation. Fox said the unmasked names of Trump aides were given to officials at the National Security Council (NSC), the Department of Defense, James Clapper, President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, and John Brennan, Obama’s CIA Director
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as far as the nothing changes attitude
what's different now is trump is president

he beat them getting elected

then they came after him with this russia deal

now he's beat them again

these obama sycophants doing all this illegal
"constitutional crisis" level sh!t, have attempted to politically assisinate candidate president elect and now president trump.

the problem is when you keep taking shots and missing, the chinese turkey comes to dinner and it's not you with a fork
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Said on the local radio in DFW this AM that Rice testifying would be very bad for Obama, Inc., but her refusal to testify or invoking the 5th would be much worse. None of us know what is going on behind the scenes at the WH or DOJ. I'd expect a Grand Jury/s to be empaneled at some time. There has to be much more known inside the DOJ/WH than what we are hearing.
Said on the local radio in DFW this AM that Rice testifying would be very bad for Obama, Inc., but her refusal to testify or invoking the 5th would be much worse. None of us know what is going on behind the scenes at the WH or DOJ. I'd expect a Grand Jury/s to be empaneled at some time. There has to be much more known inside the DOJ/WH than what we are hearing.

there's little doubt this monkeys not getting rushed
The angle that "I should hope Susan Rice was investigating Trump and his ties to Russia" won't fly.

Per Former U.S. Attorney for NY Andrew McCarthy:

The FBI conducts investigations that bear on American citizens suspected of committing crimes or of acting as agents of foreign powers. In the matter of alleged Russian meddling, the investigative camp also includes the CIA and the NSA. All three agencies conducted a probe and issued a joint report in January. That was after Obama, despite having previously acknowledged that the Russian activity was inconsequential, suddenly made a great show of ordering an inquiry and issuing sanctions. Consequently, if unmasking was relevant to the Russia investigation, it would have been done by those three agencies. And if it had been critical to know the identities of Americans caught up in other foreign intelligence efforts, the agencies that collect the information and conduct investigations would have unmasked it. Because they are the agencies that collect and refine intelligence “products” for the rest of the “intelligence community,” they are responsible for any unmasking; and they do it under “minimization” standards that FBI Director James Comey, in recent congressional testimony, described as “obsessive” in their determination to protect the identities and privacy of Americans.

There would have been no intelligence need for Susan Rice to ask for identities to be unmasked. If there had been a real need to reveal the identities — an intelligence need based on American interests — the unmasking would have been done by the investigating agencies. The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president’s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests.

The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president’s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests.

Question: Any chance the executive order on sharing classified findings Obama passed at the end of his term was less about improved cooperation between agencies and more about making the "leaks" legal? If Clinton had won, it wouldn't have been necessary to do this, and if it was so beneficial to the country, and not political theatre, it could have been signed long before the election. To me, the timing and these findings certainly are at least as "coincidental" as Trump's Russia ties that "demand" investigation.
Question: Any chance the executive order on sharing classified findings Obama passed at the end of his term was less about improved cooperation between agencies and more about making the "leaks" legal? If Clinton had won, it wouldn't have been necessary to do this, and if it was so beneficial to the country, and not political theatre, it could have been signed long before the election. To me, the timing and these findings certainly are at least as "coincidental" as Trump's Russia ties that "demand" investigation.

Any chance?

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Looks like this whole thing is losing steam. Aim, shoot, ready. Just s bunch of idiots. It's nothing but a food fight.
Looks like this whole thing is losing steam. Aim, shoot, ready. Just s bunch of idiots. It's nothing but a food fight.

trump is potus

you think he's just gonna say nanana boo boo stick your head in doo doo?
don't think she did anything wrong and if she did she can truthfully lie!

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