Biden's Approval Rating Hit's New Low But That's Not The Funny Part


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

The funny part is 90% of Democrats approve of the job Biden is doing despite everything Joe has touched turning into a shit show. Very cultish of the left.

The funny part is 90% of Democrats approve of the job Biden is doing despite everything Joe has touched turning into a shit show. Very cultish of the left.

Wherever they dug up those 90%, can assure you it's not anyone in the central part of the country. That's an absurd number, almost reminiscent of the margins which communist dictators and thugs in the ME win elections by.

Irony of the greatest ironies is that those liberal/socialist idiots were so determined to be rid of Trump they served up this dotering pathologically lying old fool who because of his utter ineptness (and his moron cabinet heads) will drive voters in the US, once again into DJT's camp in in 2024.
Democrats aren’t consuming the truth. They are probably like our resident idiots and think Afghanistan was a huge success. They also think not supporting Biden would be supporting trump and since they are all religious zealots that is blasphemy. They will follow kamala right off the cliff.
Democrats aren’t consuming the truth. They are probably like our resident idiots and think Afghanistan was a huge success. They also think not supporting Biden would be supporting trump and since they are all religious zealots that is blasphemy. They will follow kamala right off the cliff.
The news they consume and the social media they follow is telling them exactly what they're wanting to hear, so in a sense, they really don't know any better.

They're not consuming the truth because they don't want the truth, and their big tech/big media betters know they can make a buck by continuing to feed them delusion.
Pedo Joe's polling numbers are going down faster than @Syskatine at a truckstop.

Go, FlAiLeY, go!


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