Best Good Friday of All Time???

Kenny Orange Powers

Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 23, 2014
Trump winning in the White House.
America winning as always.
Pokes on their way to sweeping the longwhorns.
The eve of Dru Brown taking over the starting qb job.

Trump. Best night ever. Watching MSNBC and CNN cry till 3am was priceless. Still like Youtubing it.

So, our BIGGEST ENEMY FIGHTING DEMOCRACY messed with our elections to help him get elected, had multiple meetings with his subordinates, six who have been convicted and sentenced to prison and you think he’s vindicated? THE RUSSIANS AND PUTIN (KGB) WANTED HIM AS PRESIDENT and got that done and that doesn’t concern you even a little bit comrade?

So what Russian propaganda arm are you working for?
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So, our BIGGEST ENEMY FIGHTING DEMOCRACY messed with our elections to help him get elected, had multiple meetings with his subordinates, six who have been convicted and sentenced to prison and you think he’s vindicated? THE RUSSIANS AND PUTIN (KGB) WANTED HIM AS PRESIDENT and got that done and that doesn’t concern you even a little bit comrade?

So what Russian propaganda arm are you working for?

Probably just another Russian operative being paid to keep sowing doubt about what is occurring in our midst. They have paid people to post on social media, organize Trump rallies straight from Russian officials!

Common sense should tell you it is not a good thing to have your biggest enemy help THEIR PREFERRED CANDIDATE get elected by using social media, stealing Democratic emails, hiring and coordinating Trump rallies, posting divisive rhetoric about immigrants, guns, and racial issues, meeting with Trump subordinates about US policies toward Russia all uncovered in the Mueller report!

The Russian spy apparatus was used to steal the e-mails from the Clinton campaign showing official Russian government involvement to elect Trump and damage Clinton’s campaign.

Everything I just wrote came out of the Mueller Report and should concern all Americans if they put our country before their political party!
First one I know of aided and abetted by our biggest enemy!
The Mueller Report indicates Obama knew about Russian election interference back in 2014, maybe even further back.

Why didn't he do anything way back then?

The actions of Obama acolytes since the election has been little more than a shadow operation created for the purposes of a bloodless regime change.

And why should this surprise us? He abused his position throughout his presidency. Conservatives on his enemies list we're intentionally targeted by the IRS.

That he and his people created a fake dossier to illegally spy on an opposition candidate is par for the course.
The Mueller Report indicates Obama knew about Russian election interference back in 2014, maybe even further back.

Why didn't he do anything way back then?

The actions of Obama acolytes since the election has been little more than a shadow operation created for the purposes of a bloodless regime change.

And why should this surprise us? He abused his position throughout his presidency. Conservatives on his enemies list we're intentionally targeted by the IRS.

That he and his people created a fake dossier to illegally spy on an opposition candidate is par for the course.

Russians sure didn’t help elect him comrade AC!
The Mueller Report indicates Obama knew about Russian election interference back in 2014, maybe even further back.

Why didn't he do anything way back then?

The actions of Obama acolytes since the election has been little more than a shadow operation created for the purposes of a bloodless regime change.

And why should this surprise us? He abused his position throughout his presidency. Conservatives on his enemies list we're intentionally targeted by the IRS.

That he and his people created a fake dossier to illegally spy on an opposition candidate is par for the course.

Russians sure didn’t help elect him comrade AC!
Liberals are still so butthurt it gives me the jollies

No Southern, AMERICANS concerned our biggest national enemy wanted Trump elected and manipulated our electoral process to get it done! A clear threat to Democracy when a fascist nation gets that done!
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Liberals are still so butthurt it gives me the jollies

No Southern, AMERICANS concerned our biggest national enemy wanted Trump elected and manipulated our electoral process to get it done! A clear threat to Democracy when a fascist nation gets that done!
The real threat to Democracy is keeping people like you out of the insane asylum.
Read the damn report’s first fifty pages and see for yourself the extent of their involvement. If you’re American instead of just Republicans it ought to piss you off.
You didn't read it.

I read the first seventy or so pages. A lot was redacted but the part about Russian interference wasn’t. It’s 448 pages in length. NPR had a copy on Twitter you could access.
When are the Dems just going to admit they took a spanking last election and move on. Seriously, get some therapy, drink a glass of apple juice, and go back to whatever social topic you think can win the next election.
The spanking that they're going to take next year is going to be even better since they hate him even more now than they did in 2016. I can't wait.
I read the first seventy or so pages. A lot was redacted but the part about Russian interference wasn’t. It’s 448 pages in length. NPR had a copy on Twitter you could access.

Interference in elections takes place and has taken place both ways for decades
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Interference in elections takes place and has taken place both ways for decades

Quite possibly the most influence ever exerted on a US election was perpetrated by Winston Churchill.

Election influencing has been going on for a long, long time and the US has been on both the receiving and the giving ends.
Or "Tinker Trump Russian Spy"

Unfit to tie John McCain's shoe laces and brags about being a sexual predator. And yes, unfaithful to his wife and unfaithful to his country.
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Welcome back KOP. Today we witness the birth of the Spencer Sanders era. Like a young Barack Obama he's intelligent, prepared and cool under pressure. His mere presence will inspire his teammates to greatness. But best of all unlike lesser QBs or leaders we won't be subjected to an endless stream of whining and excuses.
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Welcome back KOP. Today we witness the birth of the Spencer Sanders era. Like a young Barack Obama he's intelligent, prepared and cool under pressure. His mere presence will inspire his teammates to greatness. But best of all unlike lesser QBs or leaders we won't be subjected to an endless stream of whining and excuses.
This has me triggered. Not gonna lie
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