Attention Trump Devotees

I don’t know if there is a Republican that can win in 2024, but I’m certain Trump can not. It’s not about hating Trump, I thought he was about average as a President. It’s about stopping the Democrat roll. Trump didn’t and can’t. Republicans need to find someone new before it’s too late.
They either will, or it will get more painful, because it obviously isn't painful enough yet.
I don’t know if there is a Republican that can win in 2024, but I’m certain Trump can not. It’s not about hating Trump, I thought he was about average as a President. It’s about stopping the Democrat roll. Trump didn’t and can’t. Republicans need to find someone new before it’s too late.
Average? Getting Roe overturned alone makes Trump a presidential hall of famer. Not even Reagan accomplished that.
Weird comment. I’m unaware of a corner. Rejection comes in the form of withdrawing from the game. Simply don’t participate. Encourage others to do the same. Read John Galt’s speech from the book *Atlas Shrugged* and include his advice in your life as best you can.
How does not participating accomplish your goal?
How does not participating accomplish your goal?
My personal goal? How would voting for a candidate I find reprehensible accomplish my goal? If I voted it would not be for a Republican. so it seems ironic to me that Republicans want me to vote. If I voted for a third party the Republicans (and Democrats, too, probably) would just tell me I wasted my vote. How would wasting my vote accomplish my goal? What is the up side to voting for people that want to rule me? I take my liberty very seriously. I'm not going to participate in a system that "allows" me to vote for my ruler.
They do anyway. I'm not going to stop it by voting.
You literally can not criticize trump without triggering their defensive, personal attacks. Not you, not me, not Ann Coulter, not anybody.

I've called you plenty and vice versa, but never out of service to a gd cult. It's embarrassing that Americans have become this feeble minded.
You literally can not criticize trump without triggering their defensive, personal attacks. Not you, not me, not Ann Coulter, not anybody.

I've called you plenty and vice versa, but never out of service to a gd cult. It's embarrassing that Americans have become this feeble minded.
I call a spade a spade, and I call a dumbass a dumbass.
Average? Getting Roe overturned alone makes Trump a presidential hall of famer. Not even Reagan accomplished that.
Great point about Roe getting overturned. Monumental achievement. The Trump Presidency was hardly average, only in a few butthurt losers' delusional dreams. Things were simply better under President Trump in a huge way. I'm sure Ponca's presidential pick -- whoever that is -- will outdo all of it when elected.

— Lowest black unemployment in American history.
— Lowest Hispanic unemployment in American history.
— Lowest female unemployment in decades.
— Stock market going through the roof.
— Record 401(k) gains.
— America energy independent for the first time in decades.
— Record low gasoline prices.
— No new foreign wars.
— Multiple peace treaties signed in Middle East.
— Positive economic headlines on a regular basis.

A New York City businessman did all of that in one term, and in so doing exposed the political class and its members for the boring and ineffectual cabal of do-nothing predatory ticks that they are.

Trump BOOM as Soaring US Economy Records Best Growth in FOUR YEARS

156,945,000: 2018 Ends With Record Employment; Participation Rate Hits Trump-Era High

Manufacturing Industry Posts Biggest Annual Job Gain in 20 years

Hispanic Unemployment Rate Hits Record Low in December

BET Founder: Trump's Economy is Bringing Black Workers Back into the Labor Force

U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years, Early Data Show

The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%.

The unemployment rate for Asian Americans was 2.5% in September. The jobless rate for adult women came in at 3.1%.

Trump Delivers: Lowest Black Unemployment in U.S. History

Don't Look Now, But Minority Unemployment Is At Record Lows Under Trump

Let’s not forget Trump’s pre-Covid GDP numbers which Obama thought was impossible to achieve.

World Peace?

The Abraham Accords are a stunning achievement. When Trump took office, just two Arab nations, Egypt and Jordan, had treaties with Israel, a situation that had existed without change since 1994. There are now six regional nations with diplomatic relations with the Jewish state.
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