WrestleStat Rankings for 2/2/2016


May 18, 2004
Finally got the rankings finished up late last night after the outage that occurred yesterday. Anyway...

In the wrestler rankings, not much changes except Zain Retherford moves into the #1 spot at 149 after another dominating performance over a top 10 opponent.

Wrestler Rankings:

Not many changes in the team rankings this week, those top 3 look awfully close. Looking at these team rankings, it's becoming more-and-more apparent that they are skewed toward dual scoring instead of tournament scoring. In the next few weeks, I'll work on implementing a tournament scoring model to give a better idea now that we are getting closer to conference tournaments, and the national tournament.

Team Rankings:

By the way, I made a pretty good change last night that I, and others feel is long overdue. You can now change ALL of the starters for a team at the same time. From either the roster, depth chart, elgibility breakdown, or schedule pages for a team, there is a link on the left for "Update Starters". There, you can select the starter at each weight and save in one shot.

Let me know your thoughts on this change, and any other future enhancement you'd like to see in the site.


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