I swear you guys are as predictable as saying there's snow on the South Pole. I get it, you and your leader have been badgered for years by the Democrats, the left, the MSM, the law enforcement agencies, yadda, yadda, yadda. So it's only natural that you respond to any criticism of your leader and your loyalty to him by assuming you don't need to see what the criticism is, you alresdy know what it is and you know that it comes from the same people you have been browbeat into hating with everything you've got. So you assume this article is about racism, fascism, anti-semitism, the desire to conquer the world through war, and it's none of that. You really ought to read what he writes and consider that he just might have a point, and you might need to consider an alternative attitude, because the attitude you currently carry with you will almost certainly lead us to destruction. I know! I know! The left started it, the left is worse by order of magnitude, the left needs to be stopped no matter the cost! It's the "no matter the cost" you need to examine.