Why do Central American countries suck?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Apr 21, 2006
Are they lacking natural resources to trade? Is their geography so rough that they can’t get their resources to their borders to trade?

I’m not a racist so I don’t think it’s their skin color. What are these unbreakable barriers that keeps them from becoming affluent?

I would love to ask media liberals one on one this question and watch them squirm.
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My time down there (maybe 2 weeks) left me with these two conclusions;

1. it is gorgeous. If we had their climate and resources... my gawd.

2. It's incredibly corrupt, very little capital and at least in Nicaragua nobody will put in any money into the country because an Ortega will just take it. Classic banana republic dynamic. And the work ethic is... different, to say the least.

Why would this make a lib squirm, exactly?
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The average IQ of those countries is around 80. That tells you pretty much all you need to know. There’s a direct correlation between average IQ and how nice a country/culture is. Don’t believe me? Go travel around the world.

There’s a reason why I’ve never meet a poor Swede here or why Israelis have turned barren desert into a nice country while the Arab countries are infinitely more blessed with natural resources and money yet have contributed little to world civilization.
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The average IQ of those countries is around 80. That tells you pretty much all you need to know. There’s a direct correlation between average IQ and how nice a country/culture is. Don’t believe me? Go travel around the world.

There’s a reason why I’ve never meet a poor Swede here or why Israelis have turned barren desert into a nice country while the Arab countries are infinitely more blessed with natural resources and money yet have contributed little to world civilization.
Very interesting comment, and for all I know you may be spot on. I'm curious, though. In what way is average IQ responsible for the prosperity and culture of a country?
Corrupt you bet same as in a number of South American countries. Politicians in many of those also appeal to the lowest common denominator - the poor who provide an incredibly loyal support system for the elected who promise them more and more stuff. When that "stuff" doesn't show up they blame the rich, America or outside sources. The always present threat to nationalize multinationals money/property also is a constant threat.

Have seen articles that outline a lot of the poor peoples political thinking and they view the government as their parochial protector and seem bent on supporting the fantasy that the more goodies they get the better life will be. It fosters a climate of intimidation for opposing parties and a constant brain drain as many professionals get out for greener pastures.
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Very interesting comment, and for all I know you may be spot on. I'm curious, though. In what way is average IQ responsible for the prosperity and culture of a country?

It is better to be born poor and smart here in the US than to be born rich and dumb. They’ve done studies on it. It is fascinating.

The higher the IQ, the more productive and resourceful people tend to be and the more likely they are to be into things such as “delayed gratification” (going to med school, grad school, law school etc..). On a gross level this results in a more productive country. Even amongst the craphole Eastern European Communist-bloc countries, the East Germans were a notch above the others in every way. Why? Because Germans are genetically hardwired to wake up early and get to work.

Put 1000 Germans and 1000 Somalians on an island with no contact to the outside world and come back in ten years. The German island would be a much better place.
Have seen articles that outline a lot of the poor peoples political thinking and they view the government as their parochial protector and seem bent on supporting the fantasy that the more goodies they get the better life will be.
Sounds like our democrat party and minorities.
Check out these 2 maps. Almost every 3rd world country is located between the tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer (closer to the equator). Only 2 "first world countries" are in that region. It almost seems like climate, arid environment, and elevated average daily temperature might play a role.


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Yes accident that you see many democrat/liberal groups wanting unfettered borders and a weak ass path to citizenship for illegals.
If the current cadre of democrat "leaders" assumes control, they will make Venezuela's Maduro and other Central and South American dictators blush.
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The average IQ of those countries is around 80. That tells you pretty much all you need to know. There’s a direct correlation between average IQ and how nice a country/culture is. Don’t believe me? Go travel around the world.

There’s a reason why I’ve never meet a poor Swede here or why Israelis have turned barren desert into a nice country while the Arab countries are infinitely more blessed with natural resources and money yet have contributed little to world civilization.

Give me an otherwise healthy infant from Guatemala and let me raise him in Palo Alto with an educated, motivated set of parents. At the same time, give me a kid from wherever you want with your hand-selected lebemsborn genes, and bring him up surrounded with poverty, ignorance, and superstition. I think your eugenics world view would be blown up if we take their IQ tests and look at their station in life when they are adults. Extend that two more generations and you'll be saying that the Guatemalans are naturally more intelligent.

Did some court appointed child welfare work back in the day. I have seen first hand what happens when you do a Trading Places with hispanic foster kids (5 - 8 y.o.'s) when they had literally no education or values. They were pulled out, placed with an academically driven family, and frankly began malnourished with mental functioning of dogs. They couldn't even articulate thoughts very well. In about 3 years both kids became high achievers, and the older one was "the smart kid" in his class if teachers and parents are to be believed.

Children are incredibly plastic, and it appears lots of cognitive "scaffolding" is developed during adolescence and teenage years. There may be a component of THAT that is inherited, as well.... I've read literature that suggests mental stress of momma's childhood impacts even the physiological development of her kids and grandkids. That IQ you're talking about gets turned on its head real fast if you change basic environments and priorities and let that stew for a few years. Even more so if you span it across generations. I don't think you "get" poverty.
Give me an otherwise healthy infant from Guatemala and let me raise him in Palo Alto with an educated, motivated set of parents. At the same time, give me a kid from wherever you want with your hand-selected lebemsborn genes, and bring him up surrounded with poverty, ignorance, and superstition. I think your eugenics world view would be blown up if we take their IQ tests and look at their station in life when they are adults. Extend that two more generations and you'll be saying that the Guatemalans are naturally more intelligent

No shit, moron. Boy you really had a lightbulb moment there didn't you?
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It's hot?

Exactly. Look at the maps I posted. There is a pretty clear pattern. They are at a disadvantage. One of the big exceptions is Saudi Arabia. I assume that is because they have both natural resources (oil) and are positioned to benefit from bordering both the Red Sea and Persian Gulf.
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Spanish colonialism, weather, climate and corruption.

Of course Panama and Costa Rica are doing really well. But that could because of canal and tourism money.

I'm not saying this is a cause of anything but.... it's also heavily Catholic down there. I can't see that it's really doing much for them in their temporal affairs.
Give me an otherwise healthy infant from Guatemala and let me raise him in Palo Alto with an educated, motivated set of parents. At the same time, give me a kid from wherever you want with your hand-selected lebemsborn genes, and bring him up surrounded with poverty, ignorance, and superstition. I think your eugenics world view would be blown up if we take their IQ tests and look at their station in life when they are adults. Extend that two more generations and you'll be saying that the Guatemalans are naturally more intelligent.

Did some court appointed child welfare work back in the day. I have seen first hand what happens when you do a Trading Places with hispanic foster kids (5 - 8 y.o.'s) when they had literally no education or values. They were pulled out, placed with an academically driven family, and frankly began malnourished with mental functioning of dogs. They couldn't even articulate thoughts very well. In about 3 years both kids became high achievers, and the older one was "the smart kid" in his class if teachers and parents are to be believed.

Children are incredibly plastic, and it appears lots of cognitive "scaffolding" is developed during adolescence and teenage years. There may be a component of THAT that is inherited, as well.... I've read literature that suggests mental stress of momma's childhood impacts even the physiological development of her kids and grandkids. That IQ you're talking about gets turned on its head real fast if you change basic environments and priorities and let that stew for a few years. Even more so if you span it across generations. I don't think you "get" poverty.

Yes IQ is plastic to some degree. Everyone has a range of IQ and being raised in a setting in your example would maximize just about every person’s IQ to their genetic potential on a micro-level. On a macro level the law of averages would win out, as it always does, and hence why no one will ever say “Guatemalans are more intelligent.”

Do yourself a favor and travel around the world. You’ll be agreeing with me in short order.
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Yes IQ is plastic to some degree. Everyone has a range of IQ and being raised in a setting in your example would maximize just about every person’s IQ to their genetic potential on a micro-level. On a macro level the law of averages would win out, as it always does, and hence why no one will ever say “Guatemalans are more intelligent.”

Do yourself a favor and travel around the world. You’ll be agreeing with me in short order.

I think it's "to some degree" where you're off. Change the environment and culture for a couple generations and it totallyi changes. Your thesis is also contradicted by history -- Western Europeans weren't always the "smartest" or most productive demographic.
The higher the IQ, the more productive and resourceful people tend to be and the more likely they are to be into things such as “delayed gratification” (going to med school, grad school, law school etc..).

I just thought of this statement and think it's 180 degrees off. Check out this twitter thread from Taleb. I think he blows up your narrative.
Low IQ individuals are more easily manipulated. If you look at countries where the average iq is below 90, you’ll find that most all of them are dictatorships and/or are rife with corruption.

It’s not racist to state facts. Anyone can look at the data and understand that IQ is a genetic trait. It doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptions or that it makes anyone less valuable as a human being. It’s just science.
Low IQ individuals are more easily manipulated. If you look at countries where the average iq is below 90, you’ll find that most all of them are dictatorships and/or are rife with corruption.

It’s not racist to state facts. Anyone can look at the data and understand that IQ is a genetic trait. It doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptions or that it makes anyone less valuable as a human being. It’s just science.

The guy's thread addresses that. A street smart embecile is less gullible than a naive genius.

"Manipulate" is hard to get my arms around. We're all "manipulated" to embrace the values we have.
Low IQ individuals are more easily manipulated. If you look at countries where the average iq is below 90, you’ll find that most all of them are dictatorships and/or are rife with corruption.

It’s not racist to state facts. Anyone can look at the data and understand that IQ is a genetic trait. It doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptions or that it makes anyone less valuable as a human being. It’s just science.

IQ can be impacted by stress levels.

Put people into an environment where they are just fighting to survive and the stress will impact the IQs of those in that society
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