What Israel Supporters Really Mean

You and Caitlin are awesome mind readers. Impressive ability.
It’s not mind reading at all. It’s reading the comments from some of the posters on this board. I bet Woody, for example, would tell you he’d delight in butchering a Palestinian child.
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It’s not mind reading at all. It’s reading the comments from some of the posters on this board. I bet Woody, for example, would tell you he’d delight in butchering a Palestinian child.
Great for you to acknowledge that. It’s the same ability I have when I read your comments and conclude you are an antisemite.
“What they are saying is that they believe Israel should murder children, decapitate them, rip their guts out, dismember them, mutilate them, burn them alive, every single day, until its military demands are submitted to.”

☝🏻It takes a real bunny-boiler psychotic mind to write that kind of shit.

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Great for you to acknowledge that. It’s the same ability I have when I read your comments and conclude you are an antisemite.
Woody has said he wants scorched earth and scorched Palestinians, including 5 year old Rita, if you recall. Bearcat has said he supports the extinction of the Palestinian race if that’s what it takes for Israel to have everything it wants. Those are two examples of what I’m talking about. I have said over and over and over again I am anti-Zionist. You can’t find a single example of me saying or implying I hate Jews for being Jews. You are making a faulty conclusion. Judaism and Zionism are not the same thing.
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Woody has said he wants scorched earth and scorched Palestinians, including 5 year old Rita, if you recall. Bearcat has said he supports the extinction of the Palestinian race if that’s what it takes for Israel to have everything it wants. Those are two examples of what I’m talking about. I have said over and over and over again I am anti-Zionist. You can’t find a single example of me saying or implying I hate Jews for being Jews. You are making a faulty conclusion. Judaism and Zionism are not the same thing.
Yea wanting your country to not be attacked by religious zealots intent killing every Jew is way to much to expect much less ask. SMFH
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Woody has said he wants scorched earth and scorched Palestinians, including 5 year old Rita, if you recall. Bearcat has said he supports the extinction of the Palestinian race if that’s what it takes for Israel to have everything it wants. Those are two examples of what I’m talking about. I have said over and over and over again I am anti-Zionist. You can’t find a single example of me saying or implying I hate Jews for being Jews. You are making a faulty conclusion. Judaism and Zionism are not the same thing.
How much money has Rita catfished outa ya Dan?

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