Ho Hum, It’s Just Another Massacre

What do you expect? Our military is on their land. What would Commander Woody do if their military was on our land?
I just don't know what has you so confused Dan. I've learned from this forum though that yer one fvcked up motherfvcker sir. Float like a feather in the wind Dan. God dam almighty!
Pardon my French, but that is a load of horse manure. Palestinian children are not taught to hate and terrorize any more than are Israeli children. Thirty thousand of two million three hundred thousand Gazans resort to terror. And that doesn’t include the nearly zero terrorists out of another two to three million Palestinians in the West Bank who are submitted to reprehensible treatment by the Zionists on a daily basis. October 7, as bad as it was - and it was a horror show - represents a one-off terror attack out of over half a century of occupation as part of an apartheid state, little better than abject slavery that those people have been subjected to. Are you really surprised that some of them react to being treated with violence by returning it? Please, I beg of you to wake out of your hypnotic slumber. Look at the record. Look at the historical record. Compare the states of terror each group lives under. There is no mistaking that tit-for-tat the terror perpetrated by the Palestinians is amateur hour compared to what Israel has subjected - and continues to this day - to them .
Wake up Dan. Fair warning. If you don't back of this screed I will educate you in the actual history of Gaze which will leave you looking for amorous dates in San Francisco. Got it? Just keep it up and get your "Preparation H". Just say the word sport.
Wake up Dan. Fair warning. If you don't back of this screed I will educate you in the actual history of Gaze which will leave you looking for amorous dates in San Francisco. Got it? Just keep it up and get your "Preparation H". Just say the word sport.
Many apologys, I meant to type Gaza. Pile on if you wish. Too much single malt scotch you know.
Wake up Dan. Fair warning. If you don't back of this screed I will educate you in the actual history of Gaze which will leave you looking for amorous dates in San Francisco. Got it? Just keep it up and get your "Preparation H". Just say the word sport
Yes, that you’re full of too much scotch is readily apparent.
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Yes, that you’re full of too much scotch is readily apparent.
Have a scotch, don't have a scotch, it makes no difference. You, on the other hand will require years of therapy. If you want to avoid this path, just get a passport, a visa, a plane ticket on El Al and high tail it to Tel Aviv. It will take a normal to clever guy a couple of days to figure it out. For you, not so much. I doubt you would make it a week. It's just like Ron White says, "you cannot fix ________".
Have a scotch, don't have a scotch, it makes no difference. You, on the other hand will require years of therapy. If you want to avoid this path, just get a passport, a visa, a plane ticket on El Al and high tail it to Tel Aviv. It will take a normal to clever guy a couple of days to figure it out. For you, not so much. I doubt you would make it a week. It's just like Ron White says, "you cannot fix ________".
I'll be happy to go to Tel Aviv with you if you'll pay for the first class airfare. The only problem is, as I understand it most flights into and out of Tel Aviv have been cancelled. But if we go I suggest we also spend a day or two living among the Palestinians in the West Bank, maybe a location where Israeli settlers are moving the Palestinians out of their homes, and even spend a couple of extra days in Gaza so we can figure out what it is like for that side of the conflict. Just let me know when you want to go and I'll try to put it on my schedule.
I'll be happy to go to Tel Aviv with you if you'll pay for the first class airfare. The only problem is, as I understand it most flights into and out of Tel Aviv have been cancelled. But if we go I suggest we also spend a day or two living among the Palestinians in the West Bank, maybe a location where Israeli settlers are moving the Palestinians out of their homes, and even spend a couple of extra days in Gaza so we can figure out what it is like for that side of the conflict. Just let me know when you want to go and I'll try to put it on my schedule.
P-Dan, are you kidding? With your political delirium do you really believe I would fly with you on El Al??!! Not even Lloyds would insure me. If you do decide to go remember it will only require a one-way ticket. Immigration at Ben Gurion would be on you like a hezzie in a hang glider.

Just in case:
Delirium, also known as an acute confusional state, is a medical condition that causes a sudden and severe change in a person's mental function. It can develop over hours or days, and is characterized by confusion, disorientation, and difficulty focusing, thinking clearly, and remembering recent events.
I'll be happy to go to Tel Aviv with you if you'll pay for the first class airfare. The only problem is, as I understand it most flights into and out of Tel Aviv have been cancelled. But if we go I suggest we also spend a day or two living among the Palestinians in the West Bank, maybe a location where Israeli settlers are moving the Palestinians out of their homes, and even spend a couple of extra days in Gaza so we can figure out what it is like for that side of the conflict. Just let me know when you want to go and I'll try to put it on my schedule.
They wouldn't even let you board at LGA.
P-Dan, are you kidding? With your political delirium do you really believe I would fly with you on El Al??!! Not even Lloyds would insure me. If you do decide to go remember it will only require a one-way ticket. Immigration at Ben Gurion would be on you like a hezzie in a hang glider.

Just in case:
Delirium, also known as an acute confusional state, is a medical condition that causes a sudden and severe change in a person's mental function. It can develop over hours or days, and is characterized by confusion, disorientation, and difficulty focusing, thinking clearly, and remembering recent events.
I'm so disappointed. We could have become fast friends on a trip like that. I could have learned what you want me to know about the plight of the poor Israelis, and you could have discovered that not all Palestinians are terrorists hell bent on killing their captors.
I'm so disappointed. We could have become fast friends on a trip like that. I could have learned what you want me to know about the plight of the poor Israelis, and you could have discovered that not all Palestinians are terrorists hell bent on killing their captors.

Hey Sparky. I never have nor ever will indict a whole race, creed, religion or color. There are plenty of bad guys in Israel and their fate's are not pretty. The two most dangerous words are "never" and "always" Your paragraph above reeks of delirium.
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I'm so disappointed. We could have become fast friends on a trip like that. I could have learned what you want me to know about the plight of the poor Israelis, and you could have discovered that not all Palestinians are terrorists hell bent on killing their captors.
How many of the Israelis raped and murdered during the October 7th attack were hell bent on killing Palestinians?
Hey Sparky. I never have nor ever will indict a whole race, creed, religion or color. There are plenty of bad guys in Israel and their fate's are not pretty. The two most dangerous words are "never" and "always" Your paragraph above reeks of delirium.
Good for you! I don't indict a whole society because of the actions of a few either. See. We could have used that as the starting point toward becoming friends. It is somewhat ironic though, that you say the use of the word "never" is dangerous right after you used that word.
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I don't know. How many Israelis were raped on Oct 7? How many Israelis did the IDF murder on Oct 7?
Does it matter or take away from the fact Hamas and the Palestinians committed a terror attack on Israel?
Does it matter or take away from the fact Hamas and the Palestinians committed a terror attack on Israel?
Not according to you guys. According to you guys *anything goes* in war, and terror would be included as part of "anything." I'd bet if you ask the innocent Palestinians - you know, the ones that had nothing to do with the attack on Oct 7 (virtually all of them) - if they feel terrorized as Israel systematically attacks them, captures and rapes them, tortures them, shoots their children in the head and other normal war tactics, they'd tell you they are indeed terrorized. Does that matter to you? Does that take away any sense of morality?
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Not according to you guys. According to you guys *anything goes* in war, and terror would be included as part of "anything." I'd bet if you ask the innocent Palestinians - you know, the ones that had nothing to do with the attack on Oct 7 (virtually all of them) - if they feel terrorized as Israel systematically attacks them, captures and rapes them, tortures them, shoots their children in the head and other normal war tactics, they'd tell you they are indeed terrorized. Does that matter to you? Does that take away any sense of morality?
Was Israel at war with the Palestinians on October 6th? I was under the impression the two sides were in a ceasefire and there was not a war going on.
Was Israel at war with the Palestinians on October 6th? I was under the impression the two sides were in a ceasefire and there was not a war going on.
Yeah, they've been at war with each other for a long time. But what difference does that make? One side has to start a war for a war to start, and according to you everything is acceptable in war, so starting a war is acceptable.
Yeah, they've been at war with each other for a long time. But what difference does that make? One side has to start a war for a war to start, and according to you everything is acceptable in war, so starting a war is acceptable.
I guess none to you.
Damn! Every humanitarian organization in the civilized world has been lying to us and feeding us an unending stream of Hamas propaganda for 10 months. Those people aren't hungry at all. They're eating like royalty. There must be dozens and dozens of fully stocked warehouses just like that one all over Gaza. I'm sure the IDF warplanes know where they are and are studiously avoiding bombing them, preferring to take out tent cities full of women and children. I mean the IDF is the most moral military in the history of humanity. They're so moral! I bet Israeli citizens are going hungry just so the Gazans will have enough to eat!
I guess none to you.
Well, it has to be "none" for you as well. You have been insisting the purpose of war is to kill and destroy until the other side gives up. Anything goes. Everything is acceptable until one side gives up. Hasn't that been your argument? If everything is acceptable according to you then you have to agree that what Hamas did in Oct 7 is acceptable because it was part of war.
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Damn! Every humanitarian organization in the civilized world has been lying to us and feeding us an unending stream of Hamas propaganda for 10 months. Those people aren't hungry at all. They're eating like royalty. There must be dozens and dozens of fully stocked warehouses just like that one all over Gaza. I'm sure the IDF warplanes know where they are and are studiously avoiding bombing them, preferring to take out tent cities full of women and children. I mean the IDF is the most moral military in the history of humanity. They're so moral! I bet Israeli citizens are going hungry just so the Gazans will have enough to eat!
A post that smashes your narrative sends you into a full triggered tizzy.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
A post that smashes your narrative sends you into a full triggered tizzy.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I just wish they’d have shown a picture of the well fed Palestinians patiently waiting to be given their daily rations. Or better yet it would be cool if there was a picture of the dining hall full of Palestinians feasting, a dining hall where it is guaranteed no bombs would drop because that’s how moral the IDF is. Let them eat before they bomb them. A Last Meal of sorts.
Well, it has to be "none" for you as well. You have been insisting the purpose of war is to kill and destroy until the other side gives up. Anything goes. Everything is acceptable until one side gives up. Hasn't that been your argument? If everything is acceptable according to you then you have to agree that what Hamas did in Oct 7 is acceptable because it was part of war.

It's real simple Dan, there was no war on October 6th, Hamas and the Palestinians started, restarted that war on October 7th. They are now suffering the consequences. Strange how that is so hard for you to come to grips with.
Good for you! I don't indict a whole society because of the actions of a few either. See. We could have used that as the starting point toward becoming friends. It is somewhat ironic though, that you say the use of the word "never" is dangerous right after you used that word.
You caught it! I woulda'
Damn! Every humanitarian organization in the civilized world has been lying to us and feeding us an unending stream of Hamas propaganda for 10 months. Those people aren't hungry at all. They're eating like royalty. There must be dozens and dozens of fully stocked warehouses just like that one all over Gaza. I'm sure the IDF warplanes know where they are and are studiously avoiding bombing them, preferring to take out tent cities full of women and children. I mean the IDF is the most moral military in the history of humanity. They're so moral! I bet Israeli citizens are going hungry just so the Gazans will have enough to eat!

bet my pension on you missing it.
It's real simple Dan, there was no war on October 6th, Hamas and the Palestinians started, restarted that war on October 7th. They are now suffering the consequences. Strange how that is so hard for you to come to grips with.
What are you talking about? Of course I’ve come to grips with it. The point you’re avoiding on this thread is your contention there are no rules when it comes to war tactics has to be applied evenly. You can’t cheer one tactic and boo another when you apply your argument correctly. Here’s how you escape from your conundrum: just admit that for you there are no rules for Israel but there are rules for Hamas.
Damn! Every humanitarian organization in the civilized world has been lying to us and feeding us an unending stream of Hamas propaganda for 10 months. Those people aren't hungry at all. They're eating like royalty. There must be dozens and dozens of fully stocked warehouses just like that one all over Gaza. I'm sure the IDF warplanes know where they are and are studiously avoiding bombing them, preferring to take out tent cities full of women and children. I mean the IDF is the most moral military in the history of humanity. They're so moral! I bet Israeli citizens are going hungry just so the Gazans will have enough to eat!
P-Dan, long ago as I was on my way to my first "real" job interview he told me "create your own value" & when it is time hire people that create value. Someone with more patience on this board will explain that to you.

You say Hezbollah, I say Hamas, you say Hamas and I say Hezbollah. You are boxing well below your weight. When the Jews up and left the Gaza very quickly and in toto, they left a country with infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. All the trappings of a modern society. As nature cannot tolerate a void, neither did what are now known as Hezbollah, and they flooded in. The radical muslims destroyed it and now are crying foul.

This happened again in our time, in S. Africa. The Apartheid movement ravaged & killed whites systematically and they were given the land & infrastructure that was one of the strongest in the world. They ruined it and it is now in shambles.

If, in some modest way you, P-Dan, you create any kind of value that does not need a microscope to measure, please avail us to your secret. Sparing with you has become tedious & unrewarding. Your myopic view of one small geopolitical silo wears out quickly. Let's play a new game and you quit trying to convince us of your intellect. I know you are slow playing us, but we are big boys & girls so "come on P-Dan, give 'em the real stuff" (sorry, blatant reference to 'The Natural'

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