Well, this is ironic

What the?
@Syskatine gonna be like pee wee Herman at the movie theatre.

Kinda funny for a change. This fruit of your gun control policy always puts an extra bounce in your step.

When I was a kid and we still had public education because we didn't try to tear down government in about the fifth grade I remember a short story at school where a rich guy hunted people for sport on an island. This looks like a pretty obvious ripoff of that old kids' short story. I have it in the back of my mind there,s a movie with similar plot, too.

The rich dick hunting people for sport is a common theme now that I think about it. Remember Predator? Wasn't that a hunter alien killing people for fun here on Earth befor ahnuld knocked him off? There's another one.
The Dims swallowed everything Rachel Maddow spewed, that have been living in an alternative reality for a long time and then make fun of “make believe”. They believe in fake news, fake problems and have no problem with fake movies that spew hate. They are so woke they are asleep in a dream world.
But I find it ironic how quick we are to blame one or the other for what in effect was a nothing more than a mentally deranged individual.

Maybe, but lots of countries have mentally deranged people without all these mass shootings. These numbers are uniquely American. But the reason we're blaming each other is:

1. One party refuses to act to stop these deals and firearm deaths in general; the same party just had the White House, House, and Senate and... pfft. You see where we are now.

2. The same right wing media and social media disproportionately pops us in the claimed motivations of these mass killers. It is the same messaging that is also narrated from the party in (1) above. Hello?

3. It is solveable,not some theoretical quandary. Other industrialized, democratic, countries have just as many lunatics but nowhere near the firearm deaths or homicide rates.

Of course causation is going to be analyzed,would you want to live in a country that's too brain dead to try and fix this stuff?
1. One party refuses to act to stop these deals and firearm deaths in general; the same party just had the White House, House, and Senate and... pfft. You see where we are now.

I assume you are referring to the Democrat party that had a supermajority in House and Senate just a few short years ago and still did nothing on this?

The left is so mentally ill, it took "intense backlash" for NBC Universal to "cancel" The Hunt. It wasn't the recent mass murders that did it. It wasn't the idea of killing Trump supporters that cancelled it. Nope. It took some of their own telling them it's not a good idea right now.

I'm not impressed. Just release the garbage to your garbage ilk. Everyone already knows the depth of your hate-filled souls. They didn't cancel anything. It'll be released someday. These people are completely and totally reprobate souls.
The left is so mentally ill, it took "intense backlash" for NBC Universal to "cancel" The Hunt. It wasn't the recent mass murders that did it. It wasn't the idea of killing Trump supporters that cancelled it. Nope. It took some of their own telling them it's not a good idea right now.

I'm not impressed. Just release the garbage to your garbage ilk. Everyone already knows the depth of your hate-filled souls. They didn't cancel anything. It'll be released someday. These people are completely and totally reprobate souls.
Racist? I must be missing something.

Gee, hunting down white supporters of Trump and killing them has zero racial overtones. Of course, many Dims are ok with racism against whites today. Most of it assuming whites are racist just because they are WHITE and voted for Trump.

I am sure your self confessed white privilege has cleansed your soul and allows you to be the perfect arbitrator of what is racist, since that is a Dim speciality and their only policy position now that Russian collusion has failed.
The best part in all this is how MAGA doesn’t even know what the movie was actually about. The people being hunted are the good guys being taken out by the global conspiracy “elite”. It’s so typical of Cult45.
The left is so mentally ill, it took "intense backlash" for NBC Universal to "cancel" The Hunt. It wasn't the recent mass murders that did it. It wasn't the idea of killing Trump supporters that cancelled it. Nope. It took some of their own telling them it's not a good idea right now.

I'm not impressed. Just release the garbage to your garbage ilk. Everyone already knows the depth of your hate-filled souls. They didn't cancel anything. It'll be released someday. These people are completely and totally reprobate souls.

Gee, hunting down white supporters of Trump and killing them has zero racial overtones. Of course, many Dims are ok with racism against whites today. Most of it assuming whites are racist just because they are WHITE and voted for Trump.

I am sure your self confessed white privilege has cleansed your soul and allows you to be the perfect arbitrator of what is racist, since that is a Dim speciality and their only policy position now that Russian collusion has failed.

Snowflake alert

Racist. SMH
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I personally wished they would have released the movie and conservatives would have just shrugged their shoulders and said oh well, no big deal. The movie would have flopped huge........I mean why go pay money to see something you fantasize about?
I personally wished they would have released the movie and conservatives would have just shrugged their shoulders and said oh well, no big deal. The movie would have flopped huge........I mean why go pay money to see something you fantasize about?

I agree that they should have released it. But don't be fooled. These are leftist radicals. Don't trust a word they say. By temporarily holding it back from release, they've created a gold mine. Lots of free advertising. They are incapable of holding it back for long. Money is their god, coupled with deep hatred for Trump and his base. It will be released in some form in the near future and will be a money maker.
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