We’re Not Suppose To Know This

Now you are linking one who writes about global justice for Palestine substack.

You are one of those dudes who only reads sites support your world view and nothing else. And obscure ones at that.
No, you’ve got it all wrong. I only post articles from sites that present a view that you and others would never see, and more often than not won’t read them precisely because they don’t match what you’ve been told and don’t want to know about. Yeah, they’re obscure. Don’t you find that curious, that only opinions that have been vetted on behalf of the the pro-Israeli point of view are “mainstream?”
If there are no rules because it is war why are you so furious at Hamas?
I've never once said I was furious at Hamas. You can't show me a post that I've said that because I haven't said it. But, if you go to war, go to win it at all costs. Just the way I feel about it.
Great point. Do you accept the linked article “unquestionably,” Dan-O?
No, I read them (and in this case I had watched an interview with the author of the article and found him to be credible) and post them if I find them of interest and think most of you will have never heard about what was written because it has been blackballed by the MSM, the same MSM you so routinely hate for giving you fake news. Is it only fake MSM news if you don't like what it says?
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I've never once said I was furious at Hamas. You can't show me a post that I've said that because I haven't said it. But, if you go to war, go to win it at all costs. Just the way I feel about it.
Okay, that's a common belief about war. Was Hamas doing the correct "war thing" on Oct 7?
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Uh're mentally ill.
I'm sure it's very comforting for you to believe that when someone offers a point of view different from yours in a way that arouses anger in you, and your compatriots join in to make you feel better.
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In a surprise attack purposely targeting innocent, unsuspecting civilians? LMAO
When Israel drops bombs from so high in the air the innocent targets of those bombs don't even know they're coming until they're dead or mutilated, would you call that a "surprise attack?" Are those surprise attacks kosher in your war playbook? Since Netanyahu's goverment had been given multiple warnings from credible sources that something big was imminent and even had been told by their spies in Gaza that they were watching Hamas as they prepared in advance, should they have been surprised by the surprise attack?
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I don't have an opinion. Not my war. But if I go to war, I go with everything I have, right, wrong, indifferent. Hamas attacked Israel, whatever happens after that is ok by me.
Okay, but what I'm trying to find out from you if you think what Hamas did is fine with you because it's just part of war and Hamas hit with everything it had?
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Kristen Bell Omg GIF by The Good Place
When Israel drops bombs from so high in the air the innocent targets of those bombs don't even know they're coming until they're dead or mutilated, would you call that a "surprise attack?" Are those surprise attacks kosher in your war playbook? Since Netanyahu's goverment had been given multiple warnings from credible sources that something big was imminent and even had been told by their spies in Gaza that they were watching Hamas as they prepared in advance, should they have been surprised by the surprise attack?
Nope, the Palestinians know they are in a war, they are not surprise attacks purposely targeting civilians.
You nor anyone I've heard can provide anything close to credible proof Israel knew when or where the attacks were coming and the people damn sure didn't know. The people in Gaza know the attacks are coming and in many cases have been warned beforehand.
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Great point. Do you accept the linked article “unquestionably,” Dan-O?
Unquestionably, no. But it is plausible, has several links to back up specific claims, names names. Anyone who thinks it is lies and propaganda can easily follow the embedded links, go to the named military officials and confirm or prove the reports are false. The two reporters from Israeli media who are actually making the claims are well known and work for media that is not sympathetic to Gaza. One of the reporters works for the NY Times, a strong supporter of Israel. It has been “rumored” that the IDF used the Hannibal Doctrine almost from the beginning, and this report confirms it.
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Nope, the Palestinians know they are in a war, they are not surprise attacks purposely targeting civilians.
You nor anyone I've heard can provide anything close to credible proof Israel knew when or where the attacks were coming and the people damn sure didn't know. The people in Gaza know the attacks are coming and in many cases have been warned beforehand.
And in many other places innocents have been murdered by bombs in places where Israel told them they would not be bombed, retreat there and you will be safe. Are those surprise attacks?
Meh. Evidence suggests that you’re mentally ill, though I wouldn’t rule out head-in-ass disease.
I would think that as an intelligent attorney - and surely one has to be intelligent to be an attorney (although we’re talking about Louisiana here, so maybe not) you would be able to rebut the argument off the cuff rather than insult me. But who knows, maybe you don’t have it in you.
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I doubt any significant number of Israelis died from friendly fire, and as to the ones who did, the blood is on the hands of Hamas and the people of Gaza for starting the fight. Any source that refers to moslem terrorists as “resistance fighters” is anything but an objective source. It is a propagandist misinformation source. Dan has basically cited the Israeli version of KOS, HuffPo, Mother Jones, etc.

And upon further review, the ruling that Dan is either mentally ill or has his head up his ass is confirmed.
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Here’s the full English translation from the Israeli paper that the article is based on. I encourage you to read it and point out its flaws.

And in many other places innocents have been murdered by bombs in places where Israel told them they would not be bombed, retreat there and you will be safe. Are those surprise attacks?
Maybe it's cold hearted of me but so what. Israel didn't start the war the Palestinians did. Maybe next the Palestinians feel froggy they won't be so quick to jump into that pot of water, it has a tendency to get a little hot.
Maybe it's cold hearted of me but so what. Israel didn't start the war the Palestinians did. Maybe next the Palestinians feel froggy they won't be so quick to jump into that pot of water, it has a tendency to get a little hot.
Oh, make no mistake them folks freely jumped off that cliff into a boiling pot of hot water.