Video: feminist icon admits working for the CIA

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007

Always do your own research.


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For the CIA...for four years or so...over 50 years ago.

1. Not exactly breaking news.
2. I do like the attempt to intimate she still works for the CIA today though.

Do your own reasearch....coming from you? Massive lulz at the irony.
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I bet you were gonna break out the whole second wave feminism was nothing but a CIA front directed at degrading the institutions and values of the US to integrate it into the global state controlled by the Rothschild, Rockefeller, and all the Jews in international finance circles with the cooperation and coordination of the major globalist media (and we've all heard whom you assert controls that).

I hear this is a very popular theory in your circles.

Do your own research....:rolleyes:
I bet you were gonna break out the whole second wave feminism was nothing but a CIA front directed at degrading the institutions and values of the US to integrate it into the global state controlled by the Rothschild, Rockefeller, and all the Jews in international finance circles with the cooperation and coordination of the major globalist media (and we've all heard whom you assert controls that).

I hear this is a very popular theory in your circles.

Do your own research....:rolleyes:
Wut? I wasn't going to participate in this thread but dang, that makes this elevated to Aluminum Boat on the Head Level Conthpirathy.
I bet you were gonna break out the whole second wave feminism was nothing but a CIA front directed at degrading the institutions and values of the US to integrate it into the global state controlled by the Rothschild, Rockefeller, and all the Jews in international finance circles with the cooperation and coordination of the major globalist media (and we've all heard whom you assert controls that)
Of course, this is all being orchestrated by the Deep State. You forgot to mention their (its?) involvement.

Sounds like you've done quite a bit of research yourself!

I told you I know what you're doing and posting before even you do.

The script you are following is not a new one or one that you have come to through your own critical thought or research to draw your own conclusions.

You're being spoon fed, son.
All the whole /pol/, red pill narrative is itself essentially rewarmed, contemporized John Birch Society ish sliced and diced up into easily tweeted links and memes for consumption by millennials.

There is nothing new in it.

Do your own research....on the irony.
much of the educational curriculum taught to children is a spinoff of the ideology promoted by Bolsheviks, Marxists etc. (Marxist professors gaining university tenure in the 1960s paid off)
How old are these children? Daycare or college age? I have a 17 year old and 13 year old and there is no spinoff of Bolsheviks or Marxists ideology being taught in school. Maybe daycares and colleges are plagued, but it isn't happening in K-12.
How old are these children? Daycare or college age? I have a 17 year old and 13 year old and there is no spinoff of Bolsheviks or Marxists ideology being taught in school. Maybe daycares and colleges are plagued, but it isn't happening in K-12.
Is anything prior to WWII being taught?
How old are these children? Daycare or college age? I have a 17 year old and 13 year old and there is no spinoff of Bolsheviks or Marxists ideology being taught in school. Maybe daycares and colleges are plagued, but it isn't happening in K-12.

That claim from NZ is part and parcel...pulled whole cloth from the old John Birch society tracts.

And he thinks he's not being spoon fed and doing "his own" research. :rolleyes:o_O
That claim from NZ is part and parcel...pulled whole cloth from the old John Birch society tracts.

And he thinks he's not being spoon fed and doing "his own" research. :rolleyes:o_O
I'll toss this out there...

Conservative political types say the current young generation "Z" is the most conservative since sometime long ago. Can you actually claim that and rampant Bolshevik/Marxist indoctrination at the same time? Or are we really going to have a generation that protests itself?
How old are these children? Daycare or college age? I have a 17 year old and 13 year old and there is no spinoff of Bolsheviks or Marxists ideology being taught in school. Maybe daycares and colleges are plagued, but it isn't happening in K-12.

Hmmm, noted re your own experience in K-12.

Perhaps I should re-word to "university curriculum."
Here's an interesting subject for people to do some research on: the Bolshevik Revolution, which took place a mere 100 years ago. (A dot in the big historical picture)

Exponentially more people were killed in the years and decades after the Bolshevik Revolution, than under Hitler and Holocaust *combined* --- but these historical events are almost completely unknown in the modern west despite taking place only a short time ago (they definitely aren't taught in history classes).

Two of Stalin's henchmen, Genrikh Yagoda (who led Stalin's secret police from 1934 to 1936) and Lazar Kaganovich (Stalin's brother in law, and one of his top administrators) may have been responsible for up to 40 million (!!) deaths between the two of them alone --- but they are almost completely unknown figures in the west, even by well-read individuals.

1. Stalin's purge and the deaths from the Bolshevik Revolution are completely known in the "modern west" AND are definitely taught in history classes. I was taught of them in Junior High, High School, and college.

2. You can't back up your numbers with any citation to any actual significantly recognized, respected, and reviewed historians...particularly your "exponentially" claim (squared or higher). When I point this out, the response is that it is so, but only because the much of the "educational [and historical] curriculum taught to children is a spinoff of the ideology promoted by Bolsheviks, Marxists etc. (Marxist professors gaining university tenure in the 1960s paid off).

Next up, Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution its heart....a Jewish construct. Then we are back full circle to his other Jewish conspiracies re: diversity movement, the media, international finance.
Hmmm, noted re your own experience in K-12.

Perhaps I should re-word to "university curriculum."

Nope. I learned all about the atrocities of the Bolshevik Revolution and Stalin's purge in Professor Sylvester's Russian History class at his WWII class as well.

@Medic007 .... And once again....once his claims are challenged with facts, NZ revises and proceeds.

Expect to see his original, unrevised assertion reposted repeatedly in the fairly near future.
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1. Stalin's purge and the deaths from the Bolshevik Revolution are completely known in the "modern west" AND are definitely taught in history classes. I was taught of them in Junior High, High School, and college.

2. You can't back up your numbers with any citation to any actual significantly recognized, respected, and reviewed historians...particularly your "exponentially" claim (squared or higher). When I point this out, the response is that it is so, but only because the much of the "educational [and historical] curriculum taught to children is a spinoff of the ideology promoted by Bolsheviks, Marxists etc. (Marxist professors gaining university tenure in the 1960s paid off).

Next up, Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution its heart....a Jewish construct. Then we are back full circle to his other Jewish conspiracies re: diversity movement, the media, international finance.

This is better than your post above -- I'll try to go into this this weekend.
See, this is why I've mostly stopped engaging with you.

When I take the time to write long posts (which I enjoy doing), you don't really debate me --- you try to *discredit* me (big difference), shame me, personalize it, and marginalize me ("see everyone -- he's with Pol").

Let's say I were to write a 300 word post on the fly -- over the last few years, I would say I probably have as many 250+ word posts as anyone on this board.

In those posts, there's a lot of information. In my writing style, I condense information.

You only seem to focus on anything that's slightly imperfect or flawed in my reasoning (completely zeroing in on that) --- while ignoring the rest.

It's a very lawyerly thing to do.

I actually enjoy debating with you, but if I take the time to write a long post --- be respectful back.

It's not a very "lawyerly" thing to's a critical thinking to do. "Zero in" on the imperfections or flaws in your reasoning"? Lol. What in the hell do you think critical thinking EVEN IS??

The post of mine you quoted speaks to your prior claims that you are doing your own research and reasoning then coming to your own conclusions. You're not. You are simply adopting whole cloth a narrative...and not a particularly new narrative.
This is better than your post above -- I'll try to go into this this weekend.

Try if you want. I don't care that much.

Just understand I already know what the programmed response is.

So try hard to critically think outside of the little box you have adopted and promoted.
I'll toss this out there...

Conservative political types say the current young generation "Z" is the most conservative since sometime long ago. Can you actually claim that and rampant Bolshevik/Marxist indoctrination at the same time? Or are we really going to have a generation that protests itself?

Damn it,Medic.

Stop thinking critically.

Stop looking for anything that is "flawed" in his reasoning.

Just accept the red pill /pol/ narrative.
It's not a very "lawyerly" thing to's a critical thinking to do. "Zero in" on the imperfections or flaws in your reasoning"? Lol. What in the hell do you think critical thinking EVEN IS??

The post of mine you quoted speaks to your prior claims that you are doing your own research and reasoning then coming to your own conclusions. You're not. You are simply adopting whole cloth a narrative...and not a particularly new narrative.
Are we paying you by the hour?
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What about daycares though? They mandate sharing of stuff in those places. That's pretty Marxist, right?

Absolutely --- with the rise of daycare, the state has stepped into the role of the family.

This has produced negative consequences for all parts of society other than the state.
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Absolutely --- with the rise of daycare, the state has stepped into the role of the family.

This has produced negative consequences for all parts of society other than the state.
The state runs daycares?
Or are we really going to have a generation that protests itself?

Wait, isn't that exactly what white idiots are doing when they profess their white guilt and act as if their mere existence immediately propagates the oppression of peoples of other races?
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So, the CIA helped women burn bras and gave us headlights on under tight fittIng sweaters? Probably the best thing the CIA has ever done.

If I could "love" this post instead of just like it, I would.

"Love" it...not "make love" to it.
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