Video: adult attacks 16 year old for wearing MAGA hat

Oh heavens no!

But wearing MAGA hats suggests: 1. You support obvious corruption; 2. You support predating on the most vulnerable children, 3. You embrace a pro-Moscow agenda and stealing from Americans. Again -- this country doesn't do well with that shit.

You guys branded the shit out of it, enjoy the bed you've made. This country is a helluva lot bigger and more independent minded than the minority of citizenry that elected Trump.

It suggests those things only to the easily suggestsble. Like guys who fall in love with the little socialist from ny because of team branding.

You are flailing today. Low energy
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Again- it is a symbol of authoritarian corruption only to the people who need to look in a goddamn mirror. It is not that to anyone else. It’s a hat. Those are minors. That’s assault. And you are justifying it.

It's deliberate branding. I'm sorry if fascism gets you hit in this country, we should be more tolerant of speech. But if you want to brand corruption, gaslighting, oppression and predation, you need to go to a country that processes that better than U.S. You'll eventually get hit flaunting that messaging.

Hey, at least the guy didn't' go MAGA and shoot up a school or run his car into a crowd of people. That stuff doesn't help, either. All the killing from the MAGA wackos will inevitably generate backlash. Or did you think everyone would just light a tiki torch? In THIS country?
Not in this country. Get ready -- there will be more. On one hand, a kid gets a drink thrown in his face. On the other hand, the kid that shot up the school in Florida posted pics of himself with his MAGA hat. The dork that ran into the crowd in Charlotesville was one. The white supremacists all love Trump. The russians -- RUSSIANS -- helped get him elected. WTF do you expect? "Fvck your feelings" is gonna get you a massage?

You guys enjoy the brand!
Anyone remember this Feb 2016 moment when MSNBC cut the mic of the guy in the blue hat?

Listen to closely to his words (blue hat guy).

This is probably one of the five worst moments in media history — if not television history. Even though it’s from two years ago, the clip explains a lot about today. Seeds were being planted....

But wearing MAGA hats suggests: 1. You support obvious corruption; 2. You support predating on the most vulnerable children, 3. You embrace a pro-Moscow agenda and stealing from Americans. Again -- this country doesn't do well with that shit.


Apparently those MAGA thingys you believe do play well in this country, since this country elected a president touting it

Also, what does it mean if you wear something with Che on it? I've seen some lib heroes wearing his image
Not just assaulting a teenager — stealing from an under-18 teenager as well.

Congrats on the branding. Wearing fascist, Russia-supported iconography sure cause problems in America, huh?

I'll bet those kids would've fought back, but they probably had some bone spurs.
Who is responsible for the preservation of more human lives: DD or PP?

I'm guessing you didn't like my question about destruction of human lives.

Is doing a certain number of health checks make up for the destruction of millions in your mind?

Also, go ahead and dodge my question
Not a single person in America has an intellectually honest objection to a MAGA hat. They are just butthurt and throwing tantrums.

The absolute dregs of this country is all MAGA'd up so enjoy the backlash. Still curious why the David Dukes and Putins of the world are so pro-Biff.

Maybe the "Fvck your feelings" and "snowflake" and "thugs, rapists" schtick that was previously internalized by one demographic has now been internalized by other demographics. Is this not the desired result of provoking and antagonizing?

The assailant has a mexican sounding name. Biff and his fans openly gloated and cheered forcing subordinate Mexico to pay for our wall. What did you think would happen when mexicans watch those promises and gloating and cheering and "killers and rapists" stuff and then see him elected and watch people celebrate, and then you get Judge Smalls' grandson Spaulding prancing around in that hat? You know how many people just don't really give af about nuanced free speech? "Talk shit get hit" wasn't invented in April.

I'm not defending the assailant if the guy just walked up and threw a drink and stole the kids' hat, but I've seen NZ's "facts" too. I'm trying to get my arms around how and why you people think MAGA's messaging ends another way.
Not sure. Why do you think Planned Parenthood loves Hillary so much.

2nd Question: Who is responsible for the destruction of more human lives: DD or PP?

That's been argued so much. Why don't you start an abortion thread if that's what you wanna discuss? You and I can both script this debate for the other side at this point.
Sorry that wearing symbolism for authoritarian corruption gets your ass whipped in Texas?

Like I said... wrong country. Try it in Moscow, that country would be far more embracing of your values. They eat that stuff up.
You burn flags in certain places, there are consequences. You shout racial slurs in certain places, there are consequences. You advocate for pedophilia in certain places, there are consequences. You wear a MAGA hat....

It is simply mind blowing that you believe you are being reasonable in even completing this thought. It's a campaign hat for a guy that won the election and is overseeing a pretty goddamn prosperous country right now and enjoying rising approval numbers by the day. Suck on that.
The absolute dregs of this country is all MAGA'd up so enjoy the backlash. Still curious why the David Dukes and Putins of the world are so pro-Biff.

Maybe the "Fvck your feelings" and "snowflake" and "thugs, rapists" schtick that was previously internalized by one demographic has now been internalized by other demographics. Is this not the desired result of provoking and antagonizing?

The assailant has a mexican sounding name. Biff and his fans openly gloated and cheered forcing subordinate Mexico to pay for our wall. What did you think would happen when mexicans watch those promises and gloating and cheering and "killers and rapists" stuff and then see him elected and watch people celebrate, and then you get Judge Smalls' grandson Spaulding prancing around in that hat? You know how many people just don't really give af about nuanced free speech? "Talk shit get hit" wasn't invented in April.

I'm not defending the assailant if the guy just walked up and threw a drink and stole the kids' hat, but I've seen NZ's "facts" too. I'm trying to get my arms around how and why you people think MAGA's messaging ends another way.

You are letting your feelings get in the way here and you're losing the argument.

We have free speech and freedom of expression here. You don't like it, tough shit. If violence is your response, you are a POS.

What the hat says or implies isn't even part of the equation.
What the hat says or implies isn't even part of the equation.

You can wish it away all you want, the mexicans heard that gloating and cheering, and the story doesn't just end on election night. Enjoy the bed MAGA has made. Demagoguery feels good at the time but it rarely ends well.

hey @NZ Poke was that guy a soy boy?

Violence against free speech is ALWAYS wrong.

You remind me of a 15 y.o. that pushes back when told to look both ways when driving through a green light. "But it's illegal to run a red light." Yep, that's true, so end of analysis.

Enjoy the branding, MAGA's deliberate gloating and provocation has definitely earned it.
You can wish it away all you want, the mexicans heard that gloating and cheering, and the story doesn't just end on election night. Enjoy the bed MAGA has made. Demagoguery feels good at the time but it rarely ends well.
Why don't live what you preach? Why don't you go out and start ripping any clothing that is pro Trump off people.

Man, woman or child, they are asking for it, right?

You can live the dream and be a shinning example to your like minded bothers and sisters.

We'd all get the benefit of not having to read your stupid shit because you'd be in the hospital, dead or in jail.

Do it you welching hypocrite.
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