Video: adult attacks 16 year old for wearing MAGA hat

So you post an article to support your claim and then claim that article is fake news? That’s a bold strategy, Cotton.

The FBI, and therefore the media, is only going to report those cases reported and/or adjudicated, no? That’s not fake’s just what they have investigated and found.

Do you think that truly encompasses the breadth and depth of hate crimes in this country? Lol...when the number of REPORTED cases spikes, I’m inclined to deduce there’s actually far more unreported crimes occurring as well. Do you think rape statistics truly encompass the number of rapes happening?

Common sense...not so common on this board haha
As I think this through, I may modify my position here. "MAGA" hats are perceived as calls for disloyal, authoritarian, corruption to sensible people. Perhaps people that openly wear those symbols are asking for trouble in a country that loathes fascism and corruption? In other words... you've gotten what you've asked for?

What would you say this Vietnamese lady is “asking for?”

Wth? You do know he was outnumbered 3 - 1? Three MAGA's can't handle one mouthy lib? That's just... embarrassing. Like... a level of cowardice only Cpl. Bone Spurs himself projects. A fish rots from the head. Maybe if Trump wasn't such a pussy his disciples wouldn't be such pussies? If -(BIG IF) the guy was just picking on them I would hope the 3 red blooded American young men would make an example out of him. Wouldn't you?

Learn to read things you don't agree with and not twist them. You're deceptively spinning what I've said. I haven't defended the assailant, any more than I defended Weinstein, who apparently assaulted 100's of women without physical consequence. The world is a far more courteous place if people faced consequence for incivility. Maybe those 3 young men simply faced consequences for theirs, can't tell. Assuming it's a legit video and isn't selectively edited, the assailant should have promptly learned the consequences of his bulling.
So it’s OK to assault somebody, got it.
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The FBI, and therefore the media, is only going to report those cases reported and/or adjudicated, no? That’s not fake’s just what they have investigated and found.

Do you think that truly encompasses the breadth and depth of hate crimes in this country? Lol...when the number of REPORTED cases spikes, I’m inclined to deduce there’s actually far more unreported crimes occurring as well. Do you think rape statistics truly encompass the number of rapes happening?

Common sense...not so common on this board haha
What would you say this Vietnamese lady is “asking for?”

Probably borscht.

Yea so maga is not Nazi no matter how many times you are told to think that.

Yeah so you didn't answer the question, and you're plainly out of touch. They snatched kids, locked em' up, shipped their parents out, lied about it. Pretty good start, imo.

War that MAGA shit all you want, this country just doesn't react well to it. It's in our blood.



The good news is that it's a big ol' world and you guys are more than welcome to leave if your values aren't respected here. At the end of the day this country just is what it is.
Probably borscht.

Yeah so you didn't answer the question, and you're plainly out of touch. They snatched kids, locked em' up, shipped their parents out, lied about it. Pretty good start, imo.

War that MAGA shit all you want, this country just doesn't react well to it. It's in our blood.



The good news is that it's a big ol' world and you guys are more than welcome to leave if your values aren't respected here. At the end of the day this country just is what it is.

Spoiler: The guy assailting the child for his hat is the fascist.
Perhaps this is just the wrong country to sport symbols of corruption and disloyalty. If the guy was wearing a nazi hat how would your opinions change about that exchange?

Your opinion shouldn't change if it's a Nazi hat. People get to wear and say things you disagree with without fear of violence in America.

That liberals believe that they get to dictate what's acceptable and violence is used to oppress their political adversaries is fascist behavior
Spoiler: The guy assailting the child for his hat is the fascist.

Sorry that wearing symbolism for authoritarian corruption gets your ass whipped in Texas?

Like I said... wrong country. Try it in Moscow, that country would be far more embracing of your values. They eat that stuff up.
As I think this through, I may modify my position here. "MAGA" hats are perceived as calls for disloyal, authoritarian, corruption to sensible people. Perhaps people that openly wear those symbols are asking for trouble in a country that loathes fascism and corruption? In other words... you've gotten what you've asked for? We all believe you. We know what you want, and now you may proceed with reaping the obvious consequences of your messaging?

In other words, “well, maybe she was asking to be raped if she wearing those clothes?” is a valid question in your world.
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@syskatine do girls in short skirts drunk at 2am in bad neighborhoods derserve to be raped?

Well, if the girls are little kids, we can snatch them up, put them in cages, lie about it, backtrack, lie some more, backtrack, and then promise to re-unite them with their parents and not do it.

Congrats on the branding, btw. Not going real well in Texas. You got your point across, though.
In other words, “well, maybe she was asking to be raped if she wearing those clothes?” is a valid question in your world.

Oh heavens no!

But wearing MAGA hats suggests: 1. You support obvious corruption; 2. You support predating on the most vulnerable children, 3. You embrace a pro-Moscow agenda and stealing from Americans. Again -- this country doesn't do well with that shit.

You guys branded the shit out of it, enjoy the bed you've made. This country is a helluva lot bigger and more independent minded than the minority of citizenry that elected Trump.
Your opinion shouldn't change if it's a Nazi hat. People get to wear and say things you disagree with without fear of violence in America.

I agree with that first sentence. I wish the second sentence was true, but we have so many people that don't think that way -- if you introduce anti-American agendas and then brand it, you're asking for trouble in this country. It's just the way we're wired.

Look what we did to Germany and Japan for chrissakes. You can't have David Duke and mass killers wearing MAGA stuff and accept this country with our predilection for guns and violence to just light a peace candle.
Well, if the girls are little kids, we can snatch them up, put them in cages, lie about it, backtrack, lie some more, backtrack, and then promise to re-unite them with their parents and not do it.

Congrats on the branding, btw. Not going real well in Texas. You got your point across, though.

I think the small bits of poison your wife has been putting in your sanka is starting to pay dividends.
LOL wonder why? Hopefully you can see some of the MAGA rallies where they hit outnumbered libs. That's more the skew of MAGA violence -- outnumber them and then shoot them. Actually being outnumbered and confronting someone will NEVER happen with the MAGA crowd.

Edit: And why would MAGA attack someone that's not outnumbered? When your leader dodges drafts with fictional health problems, courage won't be a cardinal trait, now will it?

LOL. Are you okay? Anybody mean to you?
sys, you are becoming more like CSCOTT with every post. To be honest I much prefer the old sys.
sys, you are becoming more like CSCOTT with every post. To be honest I much prefer the old sys.

Dan you don’t get better at the end of syphilis. Tds is the same thing. The Syskatine you thought you gone. Bury him in your mind and it’s easier to deal with.
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Oh heavens no!

But wearing MAGA hats suggests: 1. You support obvious corruption; 2. You support predating on the most vulnerable children, 3. You embrace a pro-Moscow agenda and stealing from Americans. Again -- this country doesn't do well with that shit.

You guys branded the shit out of it, enjoy the bed you've made. This country is a helluva lot bigger and more independent minded than the minority of citizenry that elected Trump.

Eh, okay.

I pretty much go by “this Is America and you can wear whatever you want” standard and just reserve the right to make my own opinion of you based on it. And said opinion doesn’t really give me the right to assault or even harass you.

Basically, it’s like walking through WalMart and playing “Biggest Sooner Loser” based on t-shirts you see people wearing.
(Sooner and Confederate clothing worn together usually wins, FYI)
Sorry that wearing symbolism for authoritarian corruption gets your ass whipped in Texas?

Like I said... wrong country. Try it in Moscow, that country would be far more embracing of your values. They eat that stuff up.

Again- it is a symbol of authoritarian corruption only to the people who need to look in a goddamn mirror. It is not that to anyone else. It’s a hat. Those are minors. That’s assault. And you are justifying it.
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Eh, okay.

I pretty much go by “this Is America and you can wear whatever you want” standard and just reserve the right to make my own opinion of you based on it. And said opinion doesn’t really give me the right to assault or even harass you.

Basically, it’s like walking through WalMart and playing “Biggest Sooner Loser” based on t-shirts you see people wearing.
(Sooner and Confederate clothing worn together usually wins, FYI)

I agree with that. I'm just not sure this country is ultimately wired that way. You burn flags in certain places, there are consequences. You shout racial slurs in certain places, there are consequences. You advocate for pedophilia in certain places, there are consequences. You wear a MAGA hat after years of obvious branding, there are consequences. I wish we were more respectful of speech, but this isn't the country to live in if you espouse certain values.

I find it hard to believe that any movement can work as hard as MAGA at anti-intellectual, bullying, corrupt, lawlessness (his own campaign manager is in jail) and then complain when their own ethos manifests against them. Like I said, the branding worked. Congrats.

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