Vice Admiral Harward says "thanks but no thanks"

fake news you have no idea why he turned it down.

So every time something occurs that is not favorable to Trump, it gets labeled "fake news?" Is that really the best Trump and his supporters have? I understand that Trump has to deflect and he thinks his best political option is to make the media the issue, but this whole fake news stuff is lame.

When all one can do is attack the media, you know one is in trouble politically.
So every time something occurs that is not favorable to Trump, it gets labeled "fake news?" Is that really the best Trump and his supporters have? I understand that Trump has to deflect and he thinks his best political option is to make the media the issue, but this whole fake news stuff is lame.

When all one can do is attack the media, you know one is in trouble politically.
Pet yourself. You're pretty.
Watching him unravel what the Kenyan idiot took 8 years to build is terribly satisfying.

How long you are you guys going to continue to repeat the whole "Kenyan" nonsense? I understand the nationalistic tendencies of Trump supporters, but the birther junk is just absurd (not to mentioned racist in nature) and has been shown to be absurd.
So every time something occurs that is not favorable to Trump, it gets labeled "fake news?" Is that really the best Trump and his supporters have? I understand that Trump has to deflect and he thinks his best political option is to make the media the issue, but this whole fake news stuff is lame.

When all one can do is attack the media, you know one is in trouble politically.

If you would have connected that would be a home run. However if you took 30 seconds to google jake tapper you would know that is a big whiff. "A friend told me" is suspect on a 6th grade playground so on CNN it is at a minimum laughable at worst propoganda.

Second of all I'm hard on trump all the time so your argument is void immediately without being willfully ignorant of tapper and CNN.

Could tapper be spot on? Sure that could be the truth but unfortunately for him he is a proven dishonest liberal cheerleader.

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How long you are you guys going to continue to repeat the whole "Kenyan" nonsense?
His literary publicist and wife acknowledged Kenya as his home country. Should I assume they are liars? Anonymous sources said his birth certificate was fake. You just lectured us on fake news being lame sooooo........
Could tapper be spot on? Sure that could be the truth but unfortunately for him he is a proven dishonest liberal cheerleader.

Again, if Tapper was a lap dog to Trump, he would be praised as a great reporter by the Trump camp. Tapper is a reporter though, it isn't his job to be a lap dog to Trump. It is his job to question and report. Just because one doesn't like his reporting doesn't make his or CNN"s reporting fake news.

I realize in Trump world the desire is for all media outlets to follow the lead of breitbart, but we have a free press for a reason. Pull up your big boy pants and stop complaining about the media.
His literary publicist and wife acknowledged Kenya as his home country. Should I assume they are liars? Anonymous sources said his birth certificate was fake. You just lectured us on fake news being lame sooooo........

So you still buy into the birther nonsense? Seriously?:rolleyes:
Tapper is a reporter though, it isn't his job to be a lap dog to Trump. It is his job to question and report.
We're well aware of who Tapper is a lap dog for. You'll have to excuse us Trump supporters for being smarter than the bootlicking liberals.
Again, if Tapper was a lap dog to Trump, he would be praised as a great reporter by the Trump camp. Tapper is a reporter though, it isn't his job to be a lap dog to Trump. It is his job to question and report. Just because one doesn't like his reporting doesn't make his or CNN"s reporting fake news.

I realize in Trump world the desire is for all media outlets to follow the lead of breitbart, but we have a free press for a reason. Pull up your big boy pants and stop complaining about the media.

This is a load of immature and completely false crap. Not one thing is true it's just huffpo syskatine rhetoric.

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So you still buy into the birther nonsense? Seriously?:rolleyes:
His wife and publicist said Kenya was his home country. Are they liars? And why is it so bad to be Kenyan? Sounds like some xenophobia and racism to have an issue with BHO being Kenyan.
His wife and publicist said Kenya was his home country. Are they liars? And why is it so bad to be Kenyan? Sounds like some xenophobia and racism to have an issue with BHO being Kenyan.
And Grandma said she saw him being born in a Kenyan hospital.
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And why is it so bad to be Kenyan?

Because he is an American. Just like Cruz was an American when Trump tried to label him as "other." And just like Cruz's father is an American when Trump tried to label him as "other" (not to mention Trump's crazy claim that Cruz's father was working with Oswald.) And just like Judge Gonzalo Curiel is an American when Trumo tried to label him as "other." Funny though how Trump has never tried to label his mother as "other" or his grandparents as "other."

The whole "other" nonsense is based in ignorance and is used to create fear and divide. Trump's bread and butter.
Disproven birther bullshit... does that count as "Obamas fault"?
Sheriff Arpaio's investigation of the "birth certificate" concluded it was forged. If we're going to rely on speculation and anonymous sources for credible information, this holds as much water as anything else. He's a Kenyan. Why are you lefties so ashamed of that?
Sheriff Arpaio's investigation of the "birth certificate" concluded it was forged. If we're going to rely on speculation and anonymous sources for credible information, this holds as much water as anything else. He's a Kenyan. Why are you lefties so ashamed of that?
Deflection at its finest - Harward told DJT to ****off because "Obamas fault" - bravo!
The whole "other" nonsense is based in ignorance and is used to create fear and divide.
Kind of sorta like the Nazi and Russia stuff the left is masturbating to?

You can't keep making things this easy.
Kind of sorta like the Nazi and Russia stuff the left is masturbating to?

Didn't the Nazis engage in the whole "other" argument too? You know, certain Germans were "more German" than others. And those Jews, they clearly were not German, right?

And I've never heard anyone claim Trump was born in Russia and thus is a Russian. Have you?
Sheriff Arpaio's investigation of the "birth certificate" concluded it was forged. If we're going to rely on speculation and anonymous sources for credible information, this holds as much water as anything else. He's a Kenyan. Why are you lefties so ashamed of that?

Still red assed? He served two terms and the country actually wanted him as POTUS. Not Arpaio -- he recently was found to have broken the law I believe... typical source, lol.
Deflection at its finest - Harward told DJT to ****off because "Obamas fault" - bravo!
Get a grip Fake David. I'm yanking the newbie's chain to get him spinning in circles. He's doing quite well, so butt out while I entertainment myself at his expense. Go wax your fuel efficient SUV or something.

PS, I believe 0bama was born in Kenya as much as I believe syskatine owns 30 guns.
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Didn't the Nazis engage in the whole "other" argument too? You know, certain Germans were "more German" than others. And those Jews, they clearly were not German, right?
Man this is awesome. Complete whiff. Calm down and breathe. Read what I posted. I'm mocking you for typing
The whole "other" nonsense is based in ignorance and is used to create fear and divide. Trump's bread and butter.
while the collective left rants about Nazis and fascism. I guess I shouldn't be surprised the ease of seeing that irony escapes you.

And dang, I thought I'd only catch newbie today. Fake Dave and syssy must be really hungry.
Still red assed? He served two terms and the country actually wanted him as POTUS.
Lol. The country loved 0bama so much they voted his party out of power across the US. Three cheers for the Kenyan! I can't thank him enough for what he accomplished.
And so was Obama.

Thanks for playing.
The ruse can be over. He can't be impeached. Why would his publicist and wife lie about where he was born before he ran for POTUS? I get why people lied after he was elected. Again, stop acting like being from Kenya is something to be ashamed of. That's racism at its finest.

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