Your not a dip shit, just confused occasionally. Don't be so hard on yourself.Teach me, dipshit. I'm always willing to learn.
Your not a dip shit, just confused occasionally. Don't be so hard on yourself.Teach me, dipshit. I'm always willing to learn.
"Well regulated" during the time period written clearly refers to "well trained/disciplined," not regulation as in modern regulatory burden. Militia referred to the whole of the people excluding the federal government.
Real easy to look this stuff up if you want to.
Again, the first clause is not the operative clause. The writings of the Founders regarding the intent and purpose of the 2nd Amendment is well documented, just as it is for the rest of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was written to protect freedoms, not grant them. It was not written to grant the federal government additional power, it was to limit it.
Yep. Don't be obtuse.
Question for you...
If you believe the 2nd Amendment granted the right to keep and bear arms, did the 1st Amendment grant the right to free speech, assembly, and religion too? Did the 4th Amendment grant the right against unreasonable search and seizure? Did the 5th Amendment grant the right to not self incriminate?
If your answer to any of the above is yes, then the government has the ability to take any and all away at their discretion because that granting of rights means the government is not limited in their action.
If you answer no to all of the above (which you will), then you agree those amendments guaranteed an existing right against government infringement. If that's the case, and we know it is, why would the Founders slip a single amendment into the Bill of Rights that gave the federal government power? They didn't, and that's reflected in the easy to find historical records.
It honestly doesn’t matter because not even democrats are willing to try to change federal gun laws in any substantial way. You can spend hours trying to figure out what words in the constitution and B of R mean, but it’s pointless, Dems had 60 voted in Senate, most liberal president ever, and very large majority in the House and they punted, didn’t even try.Medic per your suggestion (so as not to be obtuse) I did some reading regarding the word “regulate.”
The word “regulate” and ergo the phrase “a well regulated militia” were ripe for interpretation even during the 18th century.
And I know exactly what you chose not to post in your interest of continuing to be obtuse. I get it. You accept a partisan narrative in lieu of the facts of the historical record. Some people are like that.Medic per your suggestion (so as not to be obtuse) I did some reading regarding the word “regulate.”
The word “regulate” and ergo the phrase “a well regulated militia” were ripe for interpretation even during the 18th century.
It honestly doesn’t matter because not even democrats are willing to try to change federal gun laws in any substantial way. You can spend hours trying to figure out what words in the constitution and B of R mean, but it’s pointless, Dems had 60 voted in Senate, most liberal president ever, and very large majority in the House and they punted, didn’t even try.
What do you propose?
It did if you read what I wrote. I know my style probably taxes your attention span, but I plainly stated that the system is set up to perpetuate this bullshit. Neither party has any intention of solving problems. There is no difference in the pols behind closed doors. You'll some how turn that into me being a mouthpiece for the R's because that doesn't fit into any argument that's been made for you.
Good boy.
You realize Obama’s executive order expanding guns bans for the mentally ill was overturned as soon as Trump became president? Lol...bullshit parade.
Carry on.
That's it? Ramble about "the system" and dems not doing something 7 years ago. Sounds exactly like the type of non-solution talking point the R's would come up with behind closed doors. Did you hear that from Hannity?
He asked you a very simple question and all you do is sputter.
So, a simple question is how do you fix the mess that our govt has become?
You're definitely a f-tard. What can I really expect from a person that can't use ramble correctly. At least Dave misused a word I hadn't heard.
Hell, I'll open this up to anyone on the board.
Have I ever 'Rambled' in the history of the board?
Turns out I was right, you had no idea how to frame an argument that hasn't been made by someone else. Like when you try to be funny and crib shit.
What do you propose?
My simple fix is for people like you to not be purposefully dumb.
Help yourself, quit letting dicks make arguments for you and find out why this shit is perpetual.
I can't ever get you to the starting line. You're happy having the same conversation because it's comfortable and framed for you.
Step out of the loop and look at all sides and get back to me.
Great post JD. Actually exceptional and thank you for taking the time. My thoughts on your thoughts...
AGREE with inclusion of aggressive prosecution of those who are not legally able to buy when they try. Deterrent, plus knowing they'll likely still be shopping, it takes them off the streets and gun buying money out of their pockets.
AGREE. I think Trump should have moved to modify what Obama put in place, not abandon it.
Have both. Penalty for not meeting benchmark and increased funding for exceeding it. Move toward more severe cuts for not meeting the benchmark when an expectation of nearly flawless can be expected.
AGREE. Divert the bloat from the recent increases in defense spending. This investment needs to be substantial and sustainable. The DOD can learn how to manage money better and eliminate waste to make up for the "loss."
I'm on the fence. I don't believe it should be mandatory, but having capable and competent adults armed is another layer. Maybe folks with conceal carry plus additional training.
Bump stocks and cranks should never have been approved. Simulation of automatic fire should be treated as automatic fire and not as a glaring loophole. I don't think bans on semi automatic weapons will accomplish much outside of full confiscation because there are a bunch of them out there.
I do think that large capacity magazines could and likely should be regulated like short barrel weapons and supressors. Make them Class 3 and those that want them can go through the excessive hoops and added expense if they are that important to own.
AGREED. I wouldn't be opposed to see the country move in this direction for gun ownership in general.
Anybody else?
I practically begged for commentary on my proposed changes and so far have only gotten @Medic007 bowing down to my intelligence and insight.This is a prime opportunity for anyone to “come at me bro!”...metaphorically speaking, of course.
I’m sincerely interested in what changes others here buy into or think should be made or learning whether they think the status quo is the way to go.
Yeah, man I did that and you're right. Wow.
Any more specifics?
5. Increased funding for school security measures....seems like a nice infrastructure program I could get behind.
Things that I’m not particularly interested in pursuing:
1. Arming teachers or authorizing carry in the classroom by teachers.
2. Particular weapon bans for certain semi-automatics. I understand the attraction to and fear of scary looking “assault rifles”, but functionally they are no different than other semi-auto rifles and semi-auto handguns. Discussion of banning things like bump stocks or cranks would be worthy of discussion.
Thing that I’m on the fence on:
1. Required training and qualification licensing for general public carry (with particular policy based exceptions including, but not necessarily limited, to possession on property owned by the possessor and possibly others.
Really, what conclusions did you draw?
They're all in it together. Let's throw them all out and start over.
Then what?
What controls are in place to keep people like you complyant?
And I know exactly what you chose not to post in your interest of continuing to be obtuse. I get it. You accept a partisan narrative in lieu of the facts of the historical record. Some people are like that.
But I'll bite and spoon feed you this well written summary by someone who has taken the time to review the historical record. It will guide you through the entirety of what "well regulated" meant and what our brilliant Founders intended, IN THEIR OWN WORDS.
I know you're most comfortable when the thought is performed for you but, who are we throwing out? What controls are in place to keep people like you complyant? Who besides those pesky Russians inundate us with misinformation?
Can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater. I have no problem with that restriction to my free speech.
I’m Curious how often you vote outside the Republican Party?
You also can't shoot innocent people. I have no problem with that restriction to my 2A rights.
Argue all you want. The history of how and why the Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment, came to be is all there for you. You can try to fit it into your narrative box, but it won't fit no matter how hard you try. I posted a link for you to read regarding what "well regulated" means.Constitutional laws are ever evolving. They have been since 1789.
It’s why we have a Supreme Court.
“Regulate”: to govern by restrictions (1620)
I would argue the 2nd Amendment’s “well regulated” clause was intentionally vague, meant to be open to judicial interpretation, quite the opposite of obtuse.
If the Founders had intended for no regulations (restrictions) on the militia (citizens) in the 2nd Amendment why include the “well regulated” clause at all?
I would argue the Founders included it because they believed a well regulated militia was necessary for the security of a free state.
Would you favor any regulations, such as no bump stocks or other automatic attachments, and limiting magazines?
Okay Socrates, you've been asked every imaginable way and you've avoided the basic question.
Damned dems. At the end of the day, you just parrot your hero's narrative.
Argue all you want. The history of how and why the Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment, came to be is all there for you. You can try to fit it into your narrative box, but it won't fit no matter how hard you try. I posted a link for you to read regarding what "well regulated" means.
If it was all designed to be vague and open to interpretation as you say, you should be comfortable with this concept regarding the 1st Amendment...
"Let’s restrict the ability of the press to publish or produce anything until each story is vetted by multiple credible sources so fake news can’t influence society."
Sound reasonable?
I would favor not letting some people buy them
They did want restrictions, restrictions on the federal government.If they didn’t want restrictions why include the phrase at all?
They did want restrictions, restrictions on the federal government.
I've already provided you a link to read. It will answer your question with the words of the Founders. The Founders expected the citizens to be armed and able to protect themselves against any and all threats including the new federal government.
What sensible restrictions did they envision? None of the Bill of Rights are restrictions on the populace.They also envisioned sensible restrictions on the populace. That’s easy to discern.
What sensible restrictions did they envision? None of the Bill of Rights are restrictions on the populace.
None of those restrictions appear in the 1st Amendment. But keep going.Another one...time, place and manner restrictions on peaceable assembly
None of those restrictions appear in the 1st Amendment. But keep going.
You don't like the answer because it makes you look like the moron I've been describing.
Are you really hard of thinking enough to think that unwinding years of bullshit is a Basic question?
I can only point you in the right direction. You have to gain the ability to be a flexible thinker on your own. That would involve you forming your own opinion though, something you haven't shown to date.
It's hilarious that you say I'm the one parroting shit. I can find your arguments verbatim every f'n day. You're not even smart enough to change wording.
Your arguments in this thread to me are the intellectual equivalent of "I'm rubber, you're glue."
And you gloat about it. You gloat about being a moron. Think about that for awhile.
Why not everyone?
Duh, but that isn't what you posted. You posted:It doesn’t matter...judicial interpretation and precedence takes the front seat. It’s been that way for a long time now and will continue to be so.
followed byThey also envisioned sensible restrictions on the populace.
And you've since failed to back that up by citing or quoting any sensible restriction on the populace found in the Bill of Rights.That’s easy to discern.
Let's take a quick stroll down Chickenshit Lane. You parroted Biff's tweet -- same exact messaging, i.e. the dems' fault from 7 years ago. When pushed for specifics, you lapse into more questions, insults and finally call for flexible thinking. That alone would get someone else in your chickenshit hall of fame -- it's just a days' work for you, though.
Maybe the Mar a Lago membership had some good ideas. That's what we'll call your political philosophy -- Maralagatarianism. Literally can not articulate a policy position but just kind of blusters and bitches.