Trump tax plan....

If you read it, they are more concerned that Ireland will be getting their share of outgoing US investment.
You talking about the linked article or the actual paper? I read the actual paper. They are very concerned about the change in tax climate in the US.
No, not a fan of progressive taxation. I don’t believe we should take more of someone on a percentage basis. Flat or fair tax for me.

National sales tax may have a suppression on economy.
One aspect of a national sales tax over income taxes it forces people who make money in the underground economy or who have a cash business and under report their income on their tax returns pay federal taxes.

It also brings in revenues from people who come to America and use our infrastructure and services but pay no federal income taxes.

Yes you pay more at the register but you also bring home a significant larger amount of your salary.
One aspect of a national sales tax over income taxes it forces people who make money in the underground economy or who have a cash business and under report their income on their tax returns pay federal taxes.

It also brings in revenues from people who come to America and use our infrastructure and services but pay no federal income taxes.

Yes you pay more at the register but you also bring home a significant larger amount of your salary.
Our electorate is way too stupid to understand this.
I'd never support a national sales tax without also having a repeal of the 16th amendment. I don't trust politicians to not institute both.

Couldn't agree more. I have zero faith that instituting a national sales tax would become nothing more than an additional tax rather than a replacement of existing taxes. Feel exactly the same when talks of implementing VAT taxes.

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