Trump Sets a Record

I said there wasn't as much whining and you said you remember it differently. Then you said there was a difference in the level of whining.

No, that isn't what happened. The actual quotes are all there for everyone There is no need to mischaracterize in your paraphrasing.

Again, I'm sorry (not sorry) I didn't make the argument you wanted me to make. Some of us are capable of non-binary reasoning and discussion.
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Tea Party protests all over the country.
Do you know what exactly the "Tea Party" arose to protest? TARP. Who instituted TARP? GW Bush.

Not until November of 2009 could any Tea Party event said to have been in any real way directed at Obama (Healthcare reform). It was mostly, especially prior to the passage of Obamacare, directed towards agitating for tax reform.

I guess you missed how no evidence whatsoever in support of all the racial claims by people like John Lewis ever materialized and there was plenty of video evidence and audio to the contrary.

There was a shit ton more violence/rioting by LEFTISTS while Obama was in office than by any Tea Party types.
Not until November of 2009 could any Tea Party event said to have been in any real way directed at Obama (Healthcare reform). It was mostly, especially prior to the passage of Obamacare, directed towards agitating for tax reform.
False. The first national scale Tea Party protests were in February 2009 in response to Obama's Homeowners Affordability and Stability Plan.

There was a shit ton more violence/rioting by LEFTISTS while Obama was in office than by any Tea Party types.
Noted left wing Marxist think tank "The Cato Institute" would beg to differ.
True story.

Question for you. Do you think the DNC is headed in the right direction for 2018 and beyond? I lost my f'in mind at Perez saying you have to be pro-choice to be a Democrat. I don't like him for the job. He doesn't seem too interested in bringing the party more toward what captures votes in Michigan, Ohio, etc. I want my "for the working stiffs" party back.
Be honest with you, I am so buried of late that I can't even make fun of Trump properly let alone delve into the new "strategy" of the Dems.

I tend to believe in momentum - the Dems were perceived to be in control when too much happened too fast for people to consolidate. Marriage equality, gender fluidity, reshaping the healthcare economy, economic liberalization/globalism, etc. Not to mention some of it was poorly done. The Dems have a lot less control over their own destiny than they realize, just as the GOPs had little control over the Trump phenomenon.

Best hope for the Dems is more of the same from Trump - not the last 15 days, but say the first 85 days or so...
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After 100 days to half a year, no questions remained regarding that last point....he had pulled aside the mask leaving little doubt that he would govern as left as humanly possible.
Now that is funny... hang on to that belief as long as possible. When the Sanders demographic takes hold you will long for the days of the moderate Obama administration.
No, that isn't what happened. The actual quotes are all there for everyone There is no need to mischaracterize in your paraphrasing.

Again, I'm sorry (not sorry) I didn't make the argument you wanted me to make. Some of us are capable of non-binary reasoning and discussion.
You did make my argument.
No, that isn't what happened. The actual quotes are all there for everyone There is no need to mischaracterize in your paraphrasing.

Again, I'm sorry (not sorry) I didn't make the argument you wanted me to make. Some of us are capable of non-binary reasoning and discussion.
Check that. I see what you bolded. It wasn't clear in your first response.

I'm not sure why you get so defensive.
Be honest with you, I am so buried of late that I can't even make fun of Trump properly let alone delve into the new "strategy" of the Dems.

I tend to believe in momentum - the Dems were perceived to be in control when too much happened too fast for people to consolidate. Marriage equality, gender fluidity, reshaping the healthcare economy, economic liberalization/globalism, etc. Not to mention some of it was poorly done. The Dems have a lot less control over their own destiny than they realize, just as the GOPs had little control over the Trump phenomenon.

Best hope for the Dems is more of the same from Trump - not the last 15 days, but say the first 85 days or so...

I actually 100% agree with this.

The reason there is Trump is primarily that the left went too far.

Bring the party back in and do us ALL a favor.
I actually 100% agree with this.

The reason there is Trump is primarily that the left went too far.

Bring the party back in and do us ALL a favor.
I would add that the continuous process of creation and destruction has and will continue to lead to a flatter world (socially and economically) and general liberalization - despite the near convulsive reaction of the most archaic factions (read ISIS and the Southern Baptist Convention)....
Be honest with you, I am so buried of late that I can't even make fun of Trump properly let alone delve into the new "strategy" of the Dems.

I tend to believe in momentum - the Dems were perceived to be in control when too much happened too fast for people to consolidate. Marriage equality, gender fluidity, reshaping the healthcare economy, economic liberalization/globalism, etc. Not to mention some of it was poorly done. The Dems have a lot less control over their own destiny than they realize, just as the GOPs had little control over the Trump phenomenon.

Best hope for the Dems is more of the same from Trump - not the last 15 days, but say the first 85 days or so...
Thanks for the response sir. I always appreciate your candor and honesty.

It pains me to see that despite Trump, the core party platform will focus on stuff that actually alienates the bread and butter middle class working white male. I don't look for the party to ignore gains in gay rights, women's rights, and minority issues, but demonizing a long standing core voting bloc isn't the answer, and I think it limits the success in the near and long term. I wish they would focus on a strategy that promotes the minority issues in addition to, not at the expense of, the white male working class voter.

In simpler terms, I would like the party to include me again instead of trying to promote the minority at my expense. In the meantime, me and guys just like me have been left to choosing the lesser of two evils. I'm not evil and any candidate that suggests I am will not receive my vote. The blue collar white dudes of traditionally blue states turned red in 2016 made ourselves loud and clear. I can only hope the DNC received the message and at this point it looks grim.
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Check that. I see what you bolded. It wasn't clear in your first response.

I'm not sure why you get so defensive.


You were wrong and me pointing that out is getting defensive.

Sure thing.
No....I didn't.

Again, you mischaracterized what I said. I pointed out I didn't say that. That's not being defensive. That's clearly communicating.
It wasn't clearly communicated in your first response.

I apologize. I thought you were being defensive.
Thanks for the response sir. I always appreciate your candor and honesty.

It pains me to see that despite Trump, the core party platform will focus on stuff that actually alienates the bread and butter middle class working white male. I don't look for the party to ignore gains in gay rights, women's rights, and minority issues, but demonizing a long standing core voting bloc isn't the answer, and I think it limits the success in the near and long term. I wish they would focus on a strategy that promotes the minority issues in addition to, not at the expense of, the white male working class voter.

In simpler terms, I would like the party to include me again instead of trying to promote the minority at my expense. In the meantime, me and guys just like me have been left to choosing the lesser of two evils. I'm not evil and any candidate that suggests I am will not receive my vote. The blue collar white dudes of traditionally blue states turned red in 2016 made ourselves loud and clear. I can only hope the DNC received the message and at this point it looks grim.
You say you want the Democratic Party to promote minority issues, I agree. The smallest minority in existence is the individual. Isn't it ironic that if rights of the individual were promoted then the rights of everybody would be promoted?
Might've been the fact that Obama wasn't a total asshole.

Don't sell him short. Mister '$400k Wall Street speech,elections have consequences, republicans ride in the back, drop the mic' was and remains a tremendous asshole.

As @MegaPoke pointed out, IMO your statement should read 'Might've been the fact that Obama didn't immediately act like a total asshole.'

I personally find the general distinction between urbane asshole and boorish asshole to be irrelevant.
You say you want the Democratic Party to promote minority issues, I agree. The smallest minority in existence is the individual. Isn't it ironic that if rights of the individual were promoted then the rights of everybody would be promoted?
That isn't ironic. That's the way it should work. The greater polarization of politics has moved us farther away from the individual and toward group/hive mentality. In politics, it is clearly evident in the attempts to demonize and marginalize white males to promote females and minorities. Not all of us white dudes are stuck in 1950. And that's my point. It isn't acceptable for me to stereotype minorities and it isn't acceptable for minorities to stereotype me. That's the direction the Democratic Party has gone though. Hearing from party leaders that my dislike of Obama's policies was due to my racism is what caused me to dump the party.
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It wasn't clearly communicated in your first response.

I apologize. I thought you were being defensive.

I agree my very first response wasn't entirely clear.

That's why I clarified which you responded "how lawyerly" and went right down your rabbit hole of inaneness.

Apology accepted.
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I agree my very first response wasn't entirely clear.

That's why I clarified which you responded "how lawyerly" and went right down your rabbit hole of inaneness.

Apology accepted.

Yes, inaneness. I'll do better next time.
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Thanks for the response sir. I always appreciate your candor and honesty.

It pains me to see that despite Trump, the core party platform will focus on stuff that actually alienates the bread and butter middle class working white male. I don't look for the party to ignore gains in gay rights, women's rights, and minority issues, but demonizing a long standing core voting bloc isn't the answer, and I think it limits the success in the near and long term. I wish they would focus on a strategy that promotes the minority issues in addition to, not at the expense of, the white male working class voter.

In simpler terms, I would like the party to include me again instead of trying to promote the minority at my expense. In the meantime, me and guys just like me have been left to choosing the lesser of two evils. I'm not evil and any candidate that suggests I am will not receive my vote. The blue collar white dudes of traditionally blue states turned red in 2016 made ourselves loud and clear. I can only hope the DNC received the message and at this point it looks grim.

Instead of relying on zero-sum 'wedge issues,' we'd all be better served if they lifted issues with synergy across interest groups.

Pitting subgroups against each other is a travesty and the saddest of all attempts at governance.
You say you want the Democratic Party to promote minority issues, I agree. The smallest minority in existence is the individual. Isn't it ironic that if rights of the individual were promoted then the rights of everybody would be promoted?

Minorities can't even find the DMV to get Id's we need to have government workers follow them around with emergency food and a poop shovel.
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How many executive orders were signed by the popular vote winner today?

And how often did Trump attack the signing of executive orders during the campaign while his supporters cheered?

"The country wasn't based on executive orders. Right now, Obama goes around signing executive orders. He can't even get along with the Democrats, and he goes around signing all these executive orders. It's a basic disaster. You can't do it." - Donald Trump, Feb. 2016

And now, his supporters are happy about executive orders? lol, you just can't make this stuff up!
Question for you. Do you think the DNC is headed in the right direction for 2018 and beyond? I lost my f'in mind at Perez saying you have to be pro-choice to be a Democrat. I don't like him for the job.

I know u were asking David, but I also didn't like Perez for the job. I would have preferred Ellison. Perez was wrong to make the pro-choice comment as well. However, I do think Perez understands that if the Democrats want to win in '18 and '20, they are going to have to embrace a more populist progressive message to counteract Trump's faux populism.

The good thing the Democrats will have going for them in '18 and '20 is that they will be able to run against Trump with a record. They will be able to point to the areas where he just flat out lied to the American people and his failures. Trump won't be "the outsider without a record" come '18 and '20.

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