The intel we have gathered by them shooting down the drone is immeasurable...... we confirm the frequency of the fire control and C band guidance radars their lock on frequencies..... worth much more than the drone..... much easier to assemble jamming package
The intel we have gathered by them shooting down the drone is immeasurable...... we confirm the frequency of the fire control and C/ D band guidance radars their lock on frequencies..... worth much more than the drone..... much easier to assemble jamming package..... we got all the info we needed without having to risk an aircrew
They have anti- jam called frequency agility, where they randomly switch frequency multiple times per second, but, we can still get many of parameters and characteristics.... it will allow us to update our threat models and issue updates to our threat suites if they have alt frequencies
or did they spill their irrevocably show
their cards?
The intel we have gathered by them shooting down the drone is immeasurable...... we confirm the frequency of the fire control and C/ D band guidance radars their lock on frequencies..... worth much more than the drone..... much easier to assemble jamming package..... we got all the info we needed without having to risk an aircrew
I am sure it was, we used to use actual aircraft which risks the aircrew, much safer this wayThanks for the info, very interesting UK. Think this was an intentional act by the US to fly close, so close, to Iranian airspace that it would trigger such a response?
My first thought too.I am sure it was, we used to use actual aircraft which risks the aircrew, much safer this way
What a great sign of respect, shooting down our drone.