Trump Again Says Tariffs Work


Heisman Candidate
Nov 24, 2021

“…tariffs cost American consumers $80 billion and 166,000 full-time-equivalent jobs during the Trump administration.”

carry on

“…tariffs cost American consumers $80 billion and 166,000 full-time-equivalent jobs during the Trump administration.”

carry on
Trump's tariffs were not a success. But good old Joe Biden kept them in place anyway.
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“…tariffs cost American consumers $80 billion and 166,000 full-time-equivalent jobs during the Trump administration.”

carry on

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Here are some links, take your pick of which one you want to read.

Here are some links, take your pick of which one you want to read.

Yer opinion Dan?
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Yer opinion Dan?
My opinion? Trump's tariffs were a miserable failure. He said he imposed them in order to reduce the trade deficit. The trade deficit went up. He said they would not harm Americans. Hundreds of farmers were driven to bankruptcy and tossed off their land. He said his tariffs would not increase prices on goods in America. They did. He said supply chains would not be disrupted. They were. He said his tariffs would not cause shortages of goods. They did. His one-man jihad against international trade was a giant mistake. But Trump being Trump he can never admit he screwed anything up. And to add insult to injury Joe Biden kept them in place.
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My opinion? Trump's tariffs were a miserable failure. He said he imposed them in order to reduce the trade deficit. The trade deficit went up. He said they would not harm Americans. Hundreds of farmers were driven to bankruptcy and tossed off their land. He said his tariffs would not increase prices on goods in America. They did. He said supply chains would not be disrupted. They were. He said his tariffs would not cause shortages of goods. They did. His one-man jihad against international trade was a giant mistake. But Trump being Trump he can never admit he screwed anything up. And to add insult to injury Joe Biden kept them in place.
Is there hope sleepy (dimms) can correct it Dan?
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You're a good an honest man Dan. 👍
The shocking thing about the Biden Administration in toto is it appears they ask themselves what's the worst thng they can do that will bring down the country they have been elected to protect, and then that's what they do. Trump to his credit did what he thought would help the country, but in things like international trade he could barely have been more destructive.
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The shocking thing about the Biden Administration in toto is it appears they ask themselves what's the worst thng they can do that will bring down the country they have been elected to protect, and then that's what they do. Trump to his credit did what he thought would help the country, but in things like international trade he could barely have been more destructive.
Sleepy's funding of Ukraine in the hundreds of billions of dollars yet folks in Lahaina get 95 mil? A state of our union completely devastated and insulted in one instance. Sleepy joe stinks of a worthless pile of dogshit.
The shocking thing about the Biden Administration in toto is it appears they ask themselves what's the worst thng they can do that will bring down the country they have been elected to protect, and then that's what they do. Trump to his credit did what he thought would help the country, but in things like international trade he could barely have been more destructive.
Trump was doin it right my man.
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“…tariffs cost American consumers $80 billion and 166,000 full-time-equivalent jobs during the Trump administration.”

carry on
Ben and Jerry's have that flavor yer looking fer?
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Trump made the government 80 billion and is a failure. Lol you have 80 bucks in your checking account? You understand how and what a tariff is?
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Trump made the government 80 billion and is a failure. Lol you have 80 bucks in your checking account? You understand how and what a tariff is?
Trump’s tariffs are a failure. The majority of the $80 billion you think he “made” for the government came directly out of the pockets of American consumers as the tariff charges got passed on to us. The tariffs are nothing more than a clever way to sneak a hidden tax on us while telling the easily duped he’s really sticking it to those evil foreign companies for having the audacity to sell their products to us at a cheaper price.
Trump’s tariffs are a failure. The majority of the $80 billion you think he “made” for the government came directly out of the pockets of American consumers as the tariff charges got passed on to us. The tariffs are nothing more than a clever way to sneak a hidden tax on us while telling the easily duped he’s really sticking it to those evil foreign companies for having the audacity to sell their products to us at a cheaper price.

You need to go over to a Chinese message board and preach to them that tariffs don't work. Then visit the message boards of the 160 other countries with higher tariff rates than the US... let 'em have it with your far-superior knowledge.
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You need to go over to a Chinese message board and preach to them that tariffs don't work. Then visit the message boards of the 160 other countries with higher tariff rates than the US... let 'em have it with your far-superior knowledge.
Has it occurred to you that the American economy, with *lower* tariffs than your other 160 countries, is more robust than theirs? Do you suppose there are a couple of dots you should connect?
Has it occurred to you that the American economy, with *lower* tariffs than your other 160 countries, is more robust than theirs? Do you suppose there are a couple of dots you should connect?

So if everything is fine, whats all crying about? (I already know. It’s the name Trump, and not tariffs that have you triggered).

Go look at the list. Tell those other countries with robust economies that tariffs don’t work.
Trump’s tariffs are a failure. The majority of the $80 billion you think he “made” for the government came directly out of the pockets of American consumers as the tariff charges got passed on to us. The tariffs are nothing more than a clever way to sneak a hidden tax on us while telling the easily duped he’s really sticking it to those evil foreign companies for having the audacity to sell their products to us at a cheaper price.
Lol so it worked he made the government money? You are as silly as Clinton.
Notice how he makes no mention of Biden’s tariffs? That’s different.
Biden’s tariffs are just a continuation of Trump’s tariffs and I have criticized Biden as well.
So if everything is fine, whats all crying about? (I already know. It’s the name Trump, and not tariffs that have you triggered).

Go look at the list. Tell those other countries with robust economies that tariffs don’t work.
Everything is not fine. Trump’s tariffs were a subtle way of taxing you without you knowing it. And to make things worse he tells you he’s punishing a bunch of foreigners and you believe him.
As long as other countries impose tariffs on us, they are fair game for the same treatment regardless of size and health of the respective economies.
What you are failing to understand is tariffs are punishment to the citizens of the country imposing them, not the foreigners. *You* are the fair game! Why do you suppose that American consumers enjoy a much wider assortment of products from which to choose, and at a lower price, than consumers from countries with higher tariffs?
What you are failing to understand is tariffs are punishment to the citizens of the country imposing them, not the foreigners.

So, decreased demand of foreign made goods due to tariffs does not punish the exporting countries? Looks like you have some dots that need to be connected.

The globalist gods you worship have already connected the dots by creating fraudulent Foreign Trade Zones.. products made in China labeled “Made is USA”.
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So, decreased demand of foreign made goods due to tariffs does not punish the exporting countries? Looks like you have some dots that need to be connected.

The globalist gods you worship have already connected the dots by creating fraudulent Foreign Trade Zones.. products made in China labeled “Made is USA”.
Yes, of course by our government artificially decreasing demand of a foreign product it hurts the company that sells the product. It hurts both the seller and the buyer. Explain to me how that is beneficial to anyone but the government collecting the taxes. How has your life been made better?
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My opinion? Trump's tariffs were a miserable failure. He said he imposed them in order to reduce the trade deficit. The trade deficit went up. He said they would not harm Americans. Hundreds of farmers were driven to bankruptcy and tossed off their land. He said his tariffs would not increase prices on goods in America. They did. He said supply chains would not be disrupted. They were. He said his tariffs would not cause shortages of goods. They did. His one-man jihad against international trade was a giant mistake. But Trump being Trump he can never admit he screwed anything up. And to add insult to injury Joe Biden kept them in place.
WTF? I thought all the farmers went bankrupt back in the 80s? The “farm crisis” hoax has been as big as the globalclimatewarmingchange hoax over the last 40 years.
Do they make money any other way? Taxes say hello
Yes, the governmet "makes" money in other ways, but the point is if it's going to tax us at least have the balls to tell us the truth that tariffs are taxes on us, not "punisment" of foreign companies for selling their goods to Americans that want to buy them.
Cheap Chinese versions of my company’s oil and gas products get their asses kicked by our American made, high quality, safe products. Keeps thousands of Americans employed, including me.
You are thinking that Trump's tariffs are what keeps you employed? Can you show a ten step process on how that works?
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You’re hopeless.
No, not hopeless. Curious. I am curious how sanctions protect your job. Trump's sanctions cost the American public $80 billion out of our pockets, which play a role how much of certain products we can afford, and wound up costing 166,000 people their jobs. But they preserved yours. I'm curious how it worked out that way. Why did you get to keep your job because of the sanctions, while 166,000 other people lost theirs because of the sanctions. If this feels to you like I'm putting you on the spot that's because I am. You are very much in favor of Trump's sanctions despite the fact they backfired at almost every level. I'm perplexed why. Obviouslyyou don't have to provide explicit reasons, but it would be nice if you did.

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