I don't know if Mueller could have negotiated something himself, but he had plenty of avenues for referral to the folks that could. And Assange was definitely smart enough to know that the US would seek extradition if he ever lost his asylum.Probably not, fair point.
Did this special counsel even have the authority to negotiate such a swap?
What is the benefit of receiving leniency in the US as long as he is protected by asylum and also facing charges in Sweden?
Maté FTW! El lol
https://t.co/P0jWYRWPzu?amp=1What court? What case?
It's not Holli Would so it's probably above your reading level.Maté FTW! El lol
Is it also possible that they viewed him as an unreliable witness?I don't know if Mueller could have negotiated something himself, but he had plenty of avenues for referral to the folks that could. And Assange was definitely smart enough to know that the US would seek extradition if he ever lost his asylum.
I'm not saying Mueller should have tried to speak to him but I do think it's odd that they didn't try given everything Assange has blabbered about. I'm just pointing out that there was probably an avenue to talk to Assange if Mueller's team wanted to talk to him.
Very possible.Is it also possible that they viewed him as an unreliable witness?
If I were you two, I would not bring up sources after last night.
We all agree that it’s factually baseless right?
Good read.
Serious question here. Has any part of the Steele Dossier not been disproven? We all agree that it’s factually baseless right?
TL;DR version...
TL;DR version...
The ruling doesn't say what he's saying it said.
Sure, it’s completely plausible.It’s completely implausible that while people are murdered daily for next to nothing, that anyone might ever be murdered in a quest to gain the most powerful position on planet earth.
Yes. I think he was murdered for political reasons.
It’s just that there’s not a shred of factual evidence to support any of that.
what evidence is there to support it wasn’t a hit but a robbery??
i know i know
I’d expect a better job. Like double tap to the head and dispose of the body.
Non-sequitir reaffirming that you have zero interest in conducting an intelligent conversation regarding the matter. Guess I’m in the wrong place for that.genius level
you have zero interest in conducting an intelligent conversation.
Non-sequitir reaffirming that you have zero interest in conducting an intelligent conversation regarding the matter. Guess I’m in the wrong place for that.
Sure, it’s completely plausible.
Anyone *could* be so motivated. D’s could’ve done it. R’s could’ve done it. Chinese could have done it, right?
It’s just that there’s not a shred of factual evidence to support any of that.
As soon as one unfounded assertion is debunked, another pops up in its place, only to be debunked and replaced by another. And another, and another, and...
A whack-a-mole game of insincere, disingenuous nonsense.
Eventually the debunkers tire of the nonsense before the conspiracy pushers. Because it’s not really about a search for truth for them.
Basic logic isn't always in abundance here.
Lotsa smug, incurious partisans pushing the theories, from my experience.Debunkers... such a noble, enlightened, truth searching lot. Certainly not smug, incurious partisans.
Wrong thread.
Lotsa smug, incurious partisans pushing the theories, from my experience.
Mate’s tweet clearly misrepresenting Judge Friedrich’s ruling and your response to me being a prime example of said smug, incurious partisanship.
I didn’t dismiss the source on its face. I didn’t eye roll emoji you. I didn’t “lol Epoch” you. I took the time to read source document and comprehend the ruling. If you consider that smug, incurious partisanship, so be it.
Blindly accepting a proposition without testing its validity seems equally incurious.
So does responding to rational analysis with goalpost-moving snark.
“Debunking” isn’t the goal, at least not for me. Separating fact from fiction is.
Blindly accepting a proposition without testing its validity seems equally incurious.
“Debunking” isn’t the goal, at least not for me. Separating fact from fiction is.
Mate’s tweet clearly misrepresenting Judge Friedrich’s ruling and your response to me being a prime example of said smug, incurious partisanship.
narrative is narrative
right thread
Did you blindly accept Mate's summary of the Judge's ruling before passing it along here? Or did you perform even a cursory amount of research?I totally agree. Can you show me who did that?
Challenge accepted. I actually watched the video yesterday. But I was driving back home from KC, and didn't have the time to research the claims made. Because accepting them as fact without examining the underlying support would be...incurious at best. Agreed? I'd like to take the time to do the homework, but I can't get that done today at the office. Maybe this evening.Interesting claim. Let's put that to the test. Watch this video and help me separate fact from fiction without what's on this board become the customary dodge of attacking the source for not being VOX, Salon or another approved corporate media giant. Nobody I tagged in it had the balls to watch it or reply. It's s short video and I have faith in you. Don't let me down. At worst, the anchor is smoking hot and has a sexy accent. It's not unpleasant to watch. But it does lay out the problems with the assumption that it's settled - regarding the Russians hacking the DNC. They are significant problems. Not conspiracy theories.
I responded to your sharing of Mate's tweet with a pretty direct summary of how he misrepresented the judge's ruling. I say misrepresented because it's hard for me to see how anyone operating in good faith could misinterpret it that badly. But I'll leave open that possibility, just for kicks.You are going to have to be more specific. I tend to be smug when I have to repeated explain the obvious.
Oh good. Would hate to think Mueller was less than thorough and fair.
Well, the Seth Rich murder conspiracy is far more of a spoon fed narrative than a fact-based conclusion.narrative is narrative
right thread
Well, the Seth Rich murder conspiracy is far more of a spoon fed narrative than a fact-based conclusion.
I guess you got me there.
Did you blindly accept Mate's summary of the Judge's ruling before passing it along here? Or did you perform even a cursory amount of research?
If you didn't blindly accept it, but also didn't test it's validity, do you think that's a responsible approach?
Challenge accepted. I actually watched the video yesterday. But I was driving back home from KC, and didn't have the time to research the claims made. Because accepting them as fact without examining the underlying support would be...incurious at best. Agreed? I'd like to take the time to do the homework, but I can't get that done today at the office. Maybe this evening.
Also, you can certainly see the problem with accepting certain media sources and dismissing others simply because of which side of the left/right spectrum they reside.
I actually did the opposite with your Mate retweet. And, at least in this case, I believe that I adequately showed that he mis-represented the Judge's ruling. I don't know if it was deliberate or negligent, malicious or sincere, but I do think it would be pretty hard to start with what was in the ruling and arrive at where he did. Unless he was just playing to his audience.
There was nothing obvious to re-explain to me. All you gave it was a smug re-direct, with no acknowledgement that the originator (Mate) may have been in acting in bad faith, or at least never bothered to read what he reported on. Something I don't think you would have overlooked or excused if it were an MSM source.
t the very least, that kind of response doesn't really entice me (outside of my own curiosity) to go down more rabbit holes, especially when you characterize those who don't engage as "Nobody I tagged in it had the balls to watch it or reply."
Now, you don't owe me a reply to the a reply to the Friedrich ruling any more than I owe you a reply to the Epoch video. But I do think it's pretty unfair to expect one and not the other.
At the very least, if I go down a rabbit hole and find no rabbit, it would be nice of you to acknowledge that some of your sources might actually be less than noble operators themselves.
Well, the Seth Rich murder conspiracy is far more of a spoon fed narrative than a fact-based conclusion.
I guess you got me there.