I apologize
@wino . I know you are a long time ostate.com poster but rarely post on 24/7. I'm so used to a certain debate style (partisan pissing contest) that goes on here, it was my default position with you. I appreciate your willingness to invest in a well thought out answer, so let me elaborate a bit.
I post on this board for fun. Purely for self entertainment. The board regular leftists are entrenched in their ideology so there's no point in engaging them for a purpose of changing their minds.
There is value in engaging them for the benefit of someone who may be reading the exchange and learn something new. And there is also some visceral enjoyment to be had in pissing them off, for no reason beyond an unapologetic guilty pleasure. Therefore, some of my posts are supposed to make a well thought out counter argument to something I disagree with, while others are designed to do nothing but piss off people who I believe should be pissed off as often as possible. It's not my responsibility to explain which is which - but as far as recent posts in this thread, the Epoch Times video is the only thing I stand behind as a source I trust. On the rare occasion lately that someone stumbles in here who wants to actually have a debate and examine ideas with open minds like you seem to be doing, I welcome that. Again - Apologies for treating you like the riff-raff. You've not proven you deserve that.
Cool, much appreciated reply.
I think it boils down to this: I don't do partisan pissing contests. I don't get into policy discussions, because that's not my cup of tea, at least not on here. And I rarely dabble into the right/wrong stuff either. Much of that around here depends on which team you've signed with anyway. I'm a free agent in that regard.
So it's not really my intent to get mixed up in the lefty/righty wars. And I get that some of your posts are aimed to challenge thought, while others are aimed to troll. Don't take my responses as blindly siding with those you are trolling, but rather as a challenge to consider the motive of the source you passed along. I think that's more productive than an LOL/eyeroll/dodge. But maybe I'm wrong and this ain't the place for me?
Well... I didn't tag you. I tagged a bunch of lazy jackasses who have yet to watch or comment.
I think you did tag me...otherwise I doubt I'd have seen it this weekend.
Moot point now, though. I appreciate you not lumping me in with the partisan crews anymore.
I get accused of buying into the Seth Rich CT but that's really not true. I've always been unconvinced fully about Russian hacking, and Seth Rich is not only a possible source - but at minimum is obviously a cautionary tale as to something similar that may have happened (ie. someone else downloaded it and suffered no violent consequence, but still.. maybe not Russia).
Cool, nothing wrong with being curious and skeptical. Where the SR stuff loses credibility with me is when the umpteenth person in a row advancing it (Kim Dotcom!) is discovered to be doing so in bad faith for the sake of personal gain or political capital.
There's also the possibility of Russian hacking/phishing AND a different, unnamed whistleblower/leaker. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Sign me up for a good Kennedy or Area 51 story, and I'm all ears. This one offends my basic sense of empathy for a dead kid and his family. If there turns out to have been sizzle on that steak, I will happily offer a mea culpa. It's just that I haven't seen anything other than fantasyland to back it up.
It would be like suggesting Harvey Updike orchestrated the women's BB plane crash on the eve of the Iowa State game so that Bama could work back to #2 in the BCS. And why not, he's just crazy enough to do it. Remember, he poisoned 100-year old trees the year before in a fit of rage.
But I find that embracing that line of thought without anything concrete to stand on to be disrespectful even more than it is disingenuous. Others may disagree. To each their own, I suppose.
Happily. Mate' tweet may or may not be valid.
I would suggest, respectfully, and very sincerly, that "may not" is a big favorite here.
I would say Epoch Times is worth listening to.
Thanks, I'll give it a run when I get a chance.