@tlwwake please read

I normally refrain from any moderator/admin actions on this board (along with even reading or posting), this one is purely admin so I'll take it on.

Unfortunately, I don't see anything in admin that's explanatory. @iasooner24 shows as a valid user ID in the forum admin. It's not banned, nor is there an IP address ban that could be effecting it (an IP ban wouldn't allow for any interaction, including likes or simply reading).

If you haven't tried it yet, the first thing to try would be logging completely out of rivals and back in.
I normally refrain from any moderator/admin actions on this board (along with even reading or posting), this one is purely admin so I'll take it on.

Unfortunately, I don't see anything in admin that's explanatory. @iasooner24 shows as a valid user ID in the forum admin. It's not banned, nor is there an IP address ban that could be effecting it (an IP ban wouldn't allow for any interaction, including likes or simply reading).

If you haven't tried it yet, the first thing to try would be logging completely out of rivals and back in.
@Jeff J. iasooner24 said he did what you suggested but its still showing the same issue, can like posts but not reply.
He also said thanks for trying to help resolve it.
occasionally I will respond to a post and then click "post reply" and then get a message that it won't work for some reason. It also happens occasionally when I try to start a post.
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@Jeff J. iasooner24 said he did what you suggested but its still showing the same issue, can like posts but not reply.
He also said thanks for trying to help resolve it.
I checked the publisher board and this is happening across the network. It has to do with a confirmation email on new users, but so far the tech team hasn't figured it out. I'll keep an eye on that thread for updates.
I have 2 hours of Fortran Programming from 1970; let me know if I can help.:eek:
I waited tables at Christopher's in OKC during the Iran hostage crisis. All but 4-of the wait/bus staff were Iranian guys. I got to be very good friends with most of them. People would come in late after seeing Ted Koppel on TV expound upon "day 432" of the crisis. At first they were kind of jiggy about it, but by day "200" or so it was no big deal.

Anyway, the reason I write this is that I was in my first FORTRAN course in engine school at OU. It was not an intuitive language for me. Behind the kitchen doors there was a cabinet that held drawers that held you cash/receipts. I had a big FORTRAN test the next morning so I was trying to write the program between serving tables. Not recommended. Fast forward an hour or so. I go in to make some change and there is my program all done and checked by my Iranian buddies that were all in massively advanced programming languages at OU. From that point forward they tutored me nightly and I passed.

At this time programming was done via punch cards. There was always a big line waiting to find out if your program ran or, gods forbid, a do-loop. Those guys gave me punch cards that would let me read my program in at one location and then pick the print up from the only 3-locations on campus. I could read "here" and "pick up there". I guarded those cards like gold.
@Jeff J. @tlwwake
iasooner24 says he can post now but it gets flagged as saying an admin has to approve it. He thinks that once either of you approve it he will be able to post again. Any help is much appreciated!
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Bump because I’m back babies !

And a special thanks to my buddy in Arkansas who meditated several times during my invisible days here.
Anyone know a mod on the Oklahoma rivals board that can unlock me over there ?
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And a special thanks to my buddy in Arkansas who meditated several times during my invisible days here.
Anyone know a mod on the Oklahoma rivals board that can unlock me over there ?
I got banned at whorn then the mod quit. I'll probably be locked out forever.

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