Are you saying you haven't seen it and are under the false assumption everything is peaceful, the students are chanting "from thee river to the sea" "death to America", other Anti-Semantic sayings and haven't been harassing and threatening Jewish student.
Yes I've seen it on FOX, videos from tweets and videos on other news outlets. I watch and read all kinds of news. I also had my sister in law and niece that just happened to be trying to touring the UNC campus yesterday. They said it was absolutely nuts, freaks everywhere and even they felt threatened when they tried walking past where ever those idiots were. They are not Jews merely touring the campus to see if my niece would be interested in attending the college. Oops she's not going there. So I think I have a handle on what's going on and it's not the peaceful protest you seem to think it is. Get out of your easy chair, quit listening to your propaganda sites, turn on the news and most of all pull your head out of your ass.