No, I am cheering young people (the only ones with the fortitude to do it) who have spent six plus months as Israel has rained down military armaments on helpless people, murdering tens of thousands of them, injuring tens of thousands more, destroyed homes, hospitals, universities and the like at will, caused an intentional famine, proudly admitted they are committing genocide, and done so with permission and funding by our own government in our name, and finally decided they have to take matters in their own hands to stop the madness because the adults around them seem unwilling to do anything about it. They’re kids. They’re fumbling around trying to find their voice. You don’t like it, they don’t care, they’re not going to stand idly by. They’re going to make mistakes, say stupid things while they gain their sea legs. It is my hope they will drive our government to stop funding the slaughter. If that means they’re going to do things that trigger the adult snowflakes in their midst so be it.You are seriously cheering on people who chant anti-Semitic threats, waive Hezbollah flags, and attack students and professors? WTH is wrong with you? These are the same people who ironically demand “safe spaces”, but are okay with making Jewish students feel scared.
Stop this utter stupidity. You now appear incapable comprehending the news you consume and just about every source you cite is extremely biased. In fact, you relish confirmation bias instead of learning. You have transformed from a poster that had independent thoughts and provided interesting ideas into someone who has allowed themselves to be co-opted into hatred and supporting anti-Israel views.