A letter signed by 31 Harvard University student groups blaming Israel as “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ heinous attacks shows how low US higher education has sunk.
We were infiltrated at the academia level years ago. They knew they could program our youth to think a certain way and control people. We don't send our kids to be educated anymore, they are sent to be indoctrinated. We have learned this the last few years, but it is too late. 2 generations have been indoctrinated in to the worst kind of socialism possible.
When campuses deny certain speakers, and school boards and the DOJ label school moms terrorists? We are screwed. Mind and thought control. Correcting this is going to be hard, possibly impossible.
A silent war is being waged and it is a war over our kids minds.
The only way to fix it:
1. Elect politicians that will fix it, that will actually do it.
2. The media fixes itself and just reports the news, just the facts. They do legit investigations like they use to and hold our government accountable, equally across all politicians and branches of government. This would allow voters to be informed.
3. This country suffers a catastrophic event, something worse than the great depression. Terrorist cells coming in thru the southern border and killings thousands or hundred of thousands of civilians on our soil. Something so bad this country realizes it has lost its way.
4. Civil war.
Don't laugh at 4. We thought this world learned something after WW2. History always repeats itself, and the US is a relatively young country. I hope I am dead before another civil war in this country. It would be a tragedy for our kids and grandkids. I pray it never happens. With each passing day we get more divided, and this current Prez promised to heal the country, and he has made it worse.