Thread: 2022 Midterm Elections

NC-13 is a tough loss for the GOP. Wow, maybe I need to reconsider my pessimistic attitude.
I was just about to make a post about NC-13. You read my mind. Still not a done deal, but if Dems pick that up, another loss for Trump.

I'm telling you, the national Democrats need to go all in on NC in '24. And they need to spotlight Cooper more. Six straight statewide election wins for him in NC.
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This is trumps dream, now he can talk for 2 years about how the gop needs him in the ballot. He will say the phrase “should have had a bigger majority” 509 times in the next 6 months.
Very tough.. as are the VA ones
I think NC has the potential to follow the path that Virginia has followed towards blueville.

Granted, NC doesn't have a northern VA but their urban areas of Charlotte and the Triangle are growing. Throw Asheville and Wilmington (in 2020, New Hanover County, where Wilmington is, went blue for the presidency for the first time since 1976) into that mix, and you start having enough votes to offset the rural NC counties.
People see trump maniacs with 30 ****ing flags on their truck and selling Trump merch on state highways and it throws them off. Trump is so obviously a grifter you have to be dense at this point to not see it. But this country is clearly still conservative and a Reagan type would dominate. But the gop is so old and corrupt they just make someone say they are pro life and they can 50 stooges to federal government. there is no way trump doesn’t run tho
His campaign chief is a rock star. Love the candidate or not, amazing job given the circumstances.
Big win for Democrats.

And kudos to Fetterman. He suffered a life-changing health event and had so many people come down on him, and yet, he gutted it out and is now headed to the Senate. Hopefully, his health will continue to improve.

And to think, it didn't take days to find out the results in Pennsylvania. We found out on election night!🤣
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In the race for '24, I gotta think that this is a big loss for Trump. Desantis won hugely in Florida including in deep blue districts while Trump's surrogates consistently underperformed in the purple states.

Repubs will still net 10 to 12 seats in the House (They are at +5 now and have an opportunity to flip about 7 more, although they will likely shed 2 to 4 of their own, such as Broetbart's seat in CO) which gives them some control and saves a little face, but Republican leadership needs to get its shit together because they squandered a mammoth opportunity.

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