*premature posting...sorry about that*
If I was an Trump advisor I would have tried to sell him on no official suspension of the programs....even temporarily. I would have suggested that he issue an executive order pretty much with the direction of this one re: coming up with new plans and standards for vetting, but without the suspension. Then...because I don't believe the refugee program statute has a deadline after which the agency "shall issue...I would have instructed immigration to "slow roll" applications during the policy review period. No executive order needed to do that. Heck, make the Director of the agency personally review and approve each and every one before approval and just quietly instruct them to take their time.
If he was bound and determined to do something with a "ratings bang" my advice would have been leave green card and people who already have a visa strictly alone. There also wou,d have been a multiple level legal vetting from subject matter expert lawyers before issuing. Resident alien/green card vetting will continue as present. Temporary suspension applies only to visitor visas and refugee program. Make the suspension a suspension of any new issuing for the 90 days....and get to work on your new vetting plan because there isn't going to be an extension of the "temporary" suspension.