This Should be Interesting

What's interesting is that the direction interest rates went in correlation to the growth. Trump achieving 2.9% growth in an environment where interest rates were increased by nearly 2% and the Fed works to unwind its balance sheet (QT) is significantly more impressive than generating 2.1% in an environment where interest rates are cut by 3.5% and the Fed is growing its balance sheet by flooding the market with free cash (aka QE).
Interesting point
losing elections has consequences

trump told hillary because she’d be in jail
you can see her criminal deeds flash before her eyes, she’s naked as the day she was born

RDCIDAD my interest in American politics is because I lived there for ten years.I loved US then and now.What impressed me was the basis of American people electing people whom they found moral and of good character.I remember 1976 elections when the leading candidate for the democratic party had to withdraw because of a photograph with another another woman who was not his wife.
Things have changed not only Trump is on his third marriage but also that he was having affairs during all his marriages.So he is the first American to have two divorced wives and is on the third whom he ordered through a catalogue.He isn'nt moral does not have a good character and is corrupt in business and his personal life, lies with no fear and is dividing the country This is not the America where I spent a long time,.
RDCIDAD my interest in American politics is because I lived there for ten years.I loved US then and now.What impressed me was the basis of American people electing people whom they found moral and of good character.I remember 1976 elections when the leading candidate for the democratic party had to withdraw because of a photograph with another another woman who was not his wife.
Things have changed not only Trump is on his third marriage but also that he was having affairs during all his marriages.So he is the first American to have two divorced wives and is on the third whom he ordered through a catalogue.He isn'nt moral does not have a good character and is corrupt in business and his personal life, lies with no fear and is dividing the country This is not the America where I spent a long time,.
Slept through the Kennedy and Clinton administrations.
RDCIDAD my interest in American politics is because I lived there for ten years.I loved US then and now.What impressed me was the basis of American people electing people whom they found moral and of good character.I remember 1976 elections when the leading candidate for the democratic party had to withdraw because of a photograph with another another woman who was not his wife.
Things have changed not only Trump is on his third marriage but also that he was having affairs during all his marriages.So he is the first American to have two divorced wives and is on the third whom he ordered through a catalogue.He isn'nt moral does not have a good character and is corrupt in business and his personal life, lies with no fear and is dividing the country This is not the America where I spent a long time,.

bro you gonna die on the hill of morality

here’s your pre-lewinsky hillary
who ended up standing by her man
just like tammy wynette

btw if willie wasn’t before congress dealing with lewinsky fallout and concentrating on his job

he’d have sent in seals to kill post cole bin laden instead of missing him with missles

Kennedi and johnson were the only president with growth, Kennedy was in a time when press was not as aggresive therefore he apparently had affairs but Clinton had asspecial prosecutor who went through his entire life and besiide tthe blow job could not find anything else and then was the president of baylor and we know whar happened
there. But kennedy and Johnson were the only president to have growth rates over 5%
over their tenure all the presidents had 1 marriage during their lives.
Kennedi and johnson were the only president with growth, Kennedy was in a time when press was not as aggresive therefore he apparently had affairs but Clinton had asspecial prosecutor who went through his entire life and besiide the blow job could not find anything else and then was the president of baylor and we know what happened there.
Kenned and Johnson had over five percent growth during their tenure.
rdcidad you are still talking about socialist Obama or Hilary even though when we had
our last argument one your supporters agreed that US had 4 years of over 4% growth during Obama's eight years even though when he took over an economy which was close to a depression economy. This year his own economy advisers are saying that the economy may have less than 3% growth. Best of luck
You don't know what you're talking about! Obama had the slowest growth ever coming out of a recession. Also, he didn't have 4 years of over 4% growth.... not even close. Fix your country before telling us how to run our country. thanks
Please go to your govt relevant website
RDCIDAD my interest in American politics is because I lived there for ten years.I loved US then and now.What impressed me was the basis of American people electing people whom they found moral and of good character.I remember 1976 elections when the leading candidate for the democratic party had to withdraw because of a photograph with another another woman who was not his wife.
Things have changed not only Trump is on his third marriage but also that he was having affairs during all his marriages.So he is the first American to have two divorced wives and is on the third whom he ordered through a catalogue.He isn'nt moral does not have a good character and is corrupt in business and his personal life, lies with no fear and is dividing the country This is not the America where I spent a long time,.
You don't know shit about America or our policies. We don't want or need your help or expertise on all things America. WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN SHITHOLE COUNTRY
@aliabedi - Why are you so full of shit? Trying to pass off useless information as knowledge...get out of here with your bullshit propaganda. **** you and the horse you rode in on
bro you gonna die on the hill of morality

here’s your pre-lewinsky hillary
who ended up standing by her man
just like tammy wynette

btw if willie wasn’t before congress dealing with lewinsky fallout and concentrating on his job

he’d have sent in seals to kill post cole bin laden instead of missing him with missles

Well Bush had eight years why could'nt he kill Osama even after sending troops to Afghanistan.
What is a shit hole country and why do you guys get so upset? it is just a conversation on a sports board with people with different opinions.
I am getting to the conclusion that Trump supporters are really cultist just like the followers of Rev Jones or David Kuresh or in extreme sense of Baghdadi. Trump can do anything be abnoxious, stupid or a bully who lies constantly and you will keep supporting him. Read Fox news website about what George Conway thinks of Trump
(he is Kellyanne Conway"s husband) it is very interesting.
Atleast there is one thing common between every one on this board and me we all love OSU and the cowboys that is why we pay for this website. I was heart broken that my cowboys lost to TCU.But I am looking forward to next years basketball team.
Chill guys this just an opinion board.
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Well Bush had eight years why could'nt he kill Osama even after sending troops to Afghanistan.
What is a shit hole country and why do you guys get so upset? it is just a conversation on a sports board with people with different opinions.
I am getting to the conclusion that Trump supporters are really cultist just like the followers of Rev Jones or David Kuresh or in extreme sense of Baghdadi. Trump can do anything be abnoxious, stupid or a bully who lies constantly and you will keep supporting him. Read Fox news website about what George Conway thinks of Trump
(he is Kellyanne Conway"s husband) it is very interesting.
Atleast there is one thing common between every one on this board and me we all love OSU and the cowboys that is why we pay for this website. I was heart broken that my cowboys lost to TCU.But I am looking forward to next years basketball team.
Chill guys this just an opinion board.
We are like David Koresh? Solid take.
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I am getting to the conclusion that Trump supporters are really cultist just like the followers of Rev Jones or David Kuresh or in extreme sense of Baghdadi. Trump can do anything be abnoxious, stupid or a bully who lies constantly and you will keep supporting him.

trumps best defense is diffusing fake news with bombastic bullshit

if he was on a level playing field i would agree with your take entirely

rigged debate where cank had the questions
fusion gps
fisa warrants

it’s war so don’t get so caught up in the moral/what trump says to the media train
And you are still talking about Trump for him the American way is not to disclose his tax returns and keep his interest in all his businesses.Even in Pakistan politicians get in trouble if the dont disclose their tax returns.
There is nothing in the law or by practice which mandates a person divest themselves of their business or financial holdings in order to be president. Trump turned over the daily operations of his businesses to his children which is perfectly fine. Other presidents continued to receive the proceeds from their financial portfolios while in office. They let others make the day to day decisions the same way Trump placed his assets in the control of his kids.
He wasnt hiding in Pakistan throughout his disappearance infact the American army had him cornered in the mountains when decided to attack Iraq. It was just in the news that mullah omar was never in Pakistan but was hiding three miles from the American base in Afghanistan.
Trump is not getting any more bull shit from the media than Clinton did when he got caught with that Lewinski dame.That is what freedom of press is the 1st amendment
the most important of the bill of rights.
Just for the heck of it will you tell me things you dont like about Trump.
There is nothing in the law or by practice which mandates a person divest themselves of their business or financial holdings in order to be president. Trump turned over the daily operations of his businesses to his children which is perfectly fine. Other presidents continued to receive the proceeds from their financial portfolios while in office. They let others make the day to day decisions the same way Trump placed his assets in the control of his kids.
No there is not but that has been the practice . Kennedy did not have anything to do with his business,Johnson didnt Nixon probably had no business. so goes for Gerald Ford,Carter put his peanut farm in blind trust.So goes for Reagan,Elder Bush
Clinton and George W sold his base ball team when he got into politics,Obama had no business. The richest President not only keeps his business under him but also gives a big tax cut to the richest people in the US. We will never know what him or his family gained from it.
No there is not but that has been the practice . Kennedy did not have anything to do with his business,Johnson didnt Nixon probably had no business. so goes for Gerald Ford,Carter put his peanut farm in blind trust.So goes for Reagan,Elder Bush
Clinton and George W sold his base ball team when he got into politics,Obama had no business. The richest President not only keeps his business under him but also gives a big tax cut to the richest people in the US. We will never know what him or his family gained from it.
All one has to do it turn the day to day operation of his financial portfolio over to others to run. Trump did that. He is, however, still liable for the interest income, stock dividends, capital gains and all else on his investments and assets even though others are controlling them. He also can have knowledge of what others do with those investments as he still has to file income tax returns on the gains and losses realized each year.

GWB didn't have to sell his interest in the Rangers in order to run for political office. He did have to turn over day to day operations as he was the managing general partner. He chose to sell. He did keep the proceeds from the sale and let others invest those and manage them...same as Trump.

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