This is funny

By what right do you think you can dictate the answer to a query by a private person or organization?

Alpha Woke: "Hey Dave, where should I get info on Coon Dogs?"
Me: "Hey man, I like these sources, they seem reputable to me."
AW: "You oppress me with your opinionated, not kind to Coon Dog, list of reading material. Criminal!"
Me: "WTF dude, you don't like my answer don't ask me a question...."

Anyone else remember the good old days? You know when States Rights, Freedom of Expression, Laissez-faire & low government regulation were all conservative values? I sure miss those days. Now you guys not only want me to bake you a cake, you want to dictate how I bake the damn thing....

By the question I put in to it.

I expected it to provide an answer not a f’n opinion.

That publisher is just as one sided as CNN, so I switched to a better service for me.
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Let's be completely honest for a moment. Does anyone outside of a few leftist retards actually watch CNN? There's nobody in the airports or hotel lobbies right now. Would anyone outside of a few leftist retards actually notice if CNN went off the air? Good for them that they aren't airing the daily briefings of the guy who put them in the dumpster of cable TV "news."

I don't think any of our leftist retards watch CNN, btw. Our leftists are more the Rachel Maddow/Joy Behar/Chris Matthews breed.
love me some Joy
Smartest thing you said in this post, and is the reason why any legislation around church services (singing, gathering, etc) is illegal.
Well we should be seeing injunctions any day now then.
Didn't a court in Kentucky already strike down one law? Injunctions will come when the state actually tries to enforce closure of churches who don't voluntarily submit to the draconian measures.
If they did, google is censoring it.
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you had a 40M investigation
and a peach mint desert
to back that tripe

prolly should just stfu
concerning corruption
Well,his inner circle are behind bars. He was prominently named in the Cohen I dictmwnt as a co-felon. DOJ can't charge a sitting president. He was impeached. Lol he's clean though. Released tax returns yet?
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you had a 40M investigation
and a peach mint desert
to back that tripe

prolly should just stfu
concerning corruption
You need to make your case to the American People not me... even those who support The Don admit to holding their nose while they do so. Imagine how much better your world could be if he weren't such a narcissistic asshole.
You need to make your case to the American People not me... even those who support The Don admit to holding their nose while they do so. Imagine how much better your world could be if he weren't such a narcissistic asshole.

like paying mullahs off with cash
instead of dismembering their arms from their bodies?

or running weaponized gubmit agencies?

sorry narcissistic asshole doesn’t ping my radar

you are a political and patriotic moron

save your narcissistic concerns for the
soy boys in your office bitching about their coffee bar lattes not temping to 175
great thread for you dave

but reeeee
orange man bad

maybe some day life provides you perspective

it gets personal with a hatchet job investigation or you get to be the fall guy

for now enjoy the pinot

great thread for you dave

but reeeee
orange man bad

maybe some day life provides you perspective

it gets personal with a hatchet job investigation or you get to be the fall guy

for now enjoy the pinot

Been a long hard week. Will enjoy some time out doors this weekend and a glass or three of wine.

Adding solar to the tree house so I can be out there a bit more and even add a decent external monitor. Going stir crazy in the house and need a shift to something more physical/tactile for at least a couple of days. Looking forward to swinging a hammer.
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You are just saying contrarian words at this point. Feels very mailed in. You know Biden is corrupt and inept. And you know Trump is highly effective. You just.... don't.... like... it.

The right people hate Trump.

If the programming and news are trying to get me to hate Trump, he’s bad for the people behind the curtain.

If he’s bad for the real shot callers, he’s good for the 99%.
You are just saying contrarian words at this point. Feels very mailed in. You know Biden is corrupt and inept. And you know Trump is highly effective. You just.... don't.... like... it.
I know Biden is less than ideal in many ways, but he is still vastly more qualified and capable than Trump as affirmed by the majority of Americans. Let that sink in. Given all his weaknesses, Trump is still trailing to "Sleepy Alzheimers Pedo Creepy Joe".
The right people hate Trump.

If the programming and news are trying to get me to hate Trump, he’s bad for the people behind the curtain.

If he’s bad for the real shot callers, he’s good for the 99%.
Your strongest argument ever in support of Trump. Still horseshit though.
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I know Biden is less than ideal in many ways, but he is still vastly more qualified and capable than Trump as affirmed by the majority of Americans. Let that sink in. Given all his weaknesses, Trump is still trailing to "Sleepy Alzheimers Pedo Creepy Joe".
Didn't we hear this exact same type of drivel in 2016? How'd that turn out?
You are a collectivist. Your opinion on liberty or my definition of it is without merit.

As painful as it is I have to admit I kind of lean with Pilt on this one. (See footnote). I am a hard core individualist and an unrelenting advocate of human rights. One of the principal rights is ownership of property. And for me the person or group that owns the property should be free to do whatever he or she wants to do with it. The attempt to deny CNN, MSNBC or any other outlet that despises Trump so much they will do anything in their power to make him look evil is an attack on property rights, not on CNN, etc; it is an attack on individual human rights.

The fact that you and I despise CNN, MSNBC, et al, should not give us free reign to sic the government on them unless they are violating rights. Refusing to air Trump press conferences is not such an infringement. They should be at liberty to spew as much vitriol against Trump as they please, while you and I should enjoy the same liberty to do the same against them. It is important to understand that our hatred of all anti-Trump venom is not justification for attacking their rights, because in spite of what we may want to believe it gives justification to attack ours as well.

Footnote: Having said all that there is little doubt in my mind that Pilt would be utilizing the same rhetoric and advocating the same violation of rights as you are if it were a Democrat president who was being so
shoddily treated.
I know Biden is less than ideal in many ways, but he is still vastly more qualified and capable than Trump as affirmed by the majority of Americans. Let that sink in. Given all his weaknesses, Trump is still trailing to "Sleepy Alzheimers Pedo Creepy Joe".

It's almost as if you learned nothing from 2016. Sell your April polling data to someone dumb enough to buy it. ..... @CowboyUp you got your ears on?

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