This is funny

a comforting fiction I'm sure.

Neither comforting nor fictional. It would be sad if you weren't such a giant douche.

Theres no propaganda clause in the constitution my free speech warrior.

Didn't say there was. My point remains. Either we are in a national emergency and the task force is in the public's best interest or it's all overblown and CNN can program their propaganda over the briefing as they would on a normal day. Pretty basic stuff.
Neither comforting nor fictional. It would be sad if you weren't such a giant douche.

Didn't say there was. My point remains. Either we are in a national emergency and the task force is in the public's best interest or it's all overblown and CNN can program their propaganda over the briefing as they would on a normal day. Pretty basic stuff.
False choice, they should NEVEr publish anything he says because he constantly lies and says whatever makes him look good. Ridiculous to suggest after his gaslighting and lies that anyone would air those fyre side chats as reliable in any way.
That story about police stopping that suburbanite and asking for his ID

Can you clarify - are you saying it's ok to violate the rights of suburbanites, or are you saying inner city citizens aren't affected by the police state actions your central planning overlords are instituting on your fellow citizens you care so much about?
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Can you clarify - are you saying it's ok to violate the rights of suburbanites, or are you saying inner city citizens aren't affected by the police state actions your central planning overlords are instituting on your fellow citizens you care so much about?
I don't think he has a core opinion.
He's just wasting bandwidth flailing about and pretty much being annoyingly contrary.

He isn't making history either.
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Can you clarify - are you saying it's ok to violate the rights of suburbanites, or are you saying inner city citizens aren't affected by the police state actions your central planning overlords are instituting on your fellow citizens you care so much about?
No I am saying you only started caring about the police state when people you identified with became the target of it
Neither comforting nor fictional. It would be sad if you weren't such a giant douche.

Didn't say there was. My point remains. Either we are in a national emergency and the task force is in the public's best interest or it's all overblown and CNN can program their propaganda over the briefing as they would on a normal day. Pretty basic stuff.
There's no pandemic clause in the Constitution
Not to you, of course not. Great comeback on the heels of accusing me of only caring about liberty as it applies to me. Well, at least those church goers being harassed are most likely just suburban soccer moms.
It isn't an imposition to practice your religion at home via teleconference. You are still free to practice your chosen religion and do it with the people of your choosing.
False choice, they should NEVEr publish anything he says because he constantly lies and says whatever makes him look good. Ridiculous to suggest after his gaslighting and lies that anyone would air those fyre side chats as reliable in any way.

We’re surrounded.

All lib pols lie, all conservatives lie, we’ve got the footage

All news lies, ditto.

What’s next?
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You really should stick to non sequitur questions as replies. You get out of your lane and you flounder terribly.
It's too bad the search function doesn't work so I can see all the praise you have de Blasio for stopping stop and frisk
Not if the FCC has a clause telling them to carry emergency broadcasts and they don't, Dickhole.
FCC doesn't regulate cable content.
And if they did how would that fit in your framework of liberty and private property?
What would the search function tell us about your position on Obama's internet kill switch?
Let's be completely honest for a moment. Does anyone outside of a few leftist retards actually watch CNN? There's nobody in the airports or hotel lobbies right now. Would anyone outside of a few leftist retards actually notice if CNN went off the air? Good for them that they aren't airing the daily briefings of the guy who put them in the dumpster of cable TV "news."

I don't think any of our leftist retards watch CNN, btw. Our leftists are more the Rachel Maddow/Joy Behar/Chris Matthews breed.
Did you google either?

Feel free to post webshots of the pages and explain it to me like I’m Cup how that’s not censorship.
By what right do you think you can dictate the answer to a query by a private person or organization?

Alpha Woke: "Hey Dave, where should I get info on Coon Dogs?"
Me: "Hey man, I like these sources, they seem reputable to me."
AW: "You oppress me with your opinionated, not kind to Coon Dog, list of reading material. Criminal!"
Me: "WTF dude, you don't like my answer don't ask me a question...."

Anyone else remember the good old days? You know when States Rights, Freedom of Expression, Laissez-faire & low government regulation were all conservative values? I sure miss those days. Now you guys not only want me to bake you a cake, you want to dictate how I bake the damn thing....
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Utterly false, commie.

Either we are justified to shut down the economy for a month and a half and counting and are in a state of dire emergency or we aren’t.

If we are, choosing not to air daily briefings by the president and the Covid team is negligent and does not serve the American people.

If we aren’t, of course air regularly scheduled programming if you choose.

Cant have it both ways.
You really should take your viewership elsewhere given how strongly you feel about this.

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