This is funny

Is the Kung Flu not of vital public interest?

Accurate, good faith information about it is. Would you like to see another graphic of his bullshit, silly, narcissistic statements about it? It has nothing to do with public welfare, it's just an opportunity for him to lie and gaslight. No credible journalist would agree to let their platform host that.
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I’m getting accurate and good info from it every day. You are too but you are too broken to know it.

LOL no you're not. You only think it's good and accurate if it comes from a National Enquirer-level outlet or Biff.
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That's because you don't actually believe in liberty for anyone but yourself

Your tune would change 180 if you owned a cable news channel and Obama was doing daily briefings.

Yep, if he were one of the handful of people on the that do, his position would change.

Solid point.

You may have inadvertently stumbled onto the problem though.
That's because you don't actually believe in liberty for anyone but yourself

Your tune would change 180 if you owned a cable news channel and Obama was doing daily briefings.

Utterly false, commie.

Either we are justified to shut down the economy for a month and a half and counting and are in a state of dire emergency or we aren’t.

If we are, choosing not to air daily briefings by the president and the Covid team is negligent and does not serve the American people.

If we aren’t, of course air regularly scheduled programming if you choose.

Cant have it both ways.
Yep, if he were one of the handful of people on the that do, his position would change.

Solid point.

You may have inadvertently stumbled onto the problem though.
The problem that he doesn't believe in liberty for everyone, just himself?
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Utterly false, commie.

Either we are justified to shut down the economy for a month and a half and counting and are in a state of dire emergency or we aren’t.

If we are, choosing not to air daily briefings by the president and the Covid team is negligent and does not serve the American people.

If we aren’t, of course air regularly scheduled programming if you choose.

Cant have it both ways.
What danger does not airing a presidential briefing put me in?
But see, I don’t lack principle. I simply reject your collectivist lies. Those aren’t the same thing. In fact, as regards liberty, disagreeing with you is a pretty good credibility marker more often than not.
You absolutely lack principle. My collectivist lies like "the private property of CNN shouldn't be commandeered by the government.?"
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But see, I don’t lack principle. I simply reject your collectivist lies. Those aren’t the same thing. In fact, as regards liberty, disagreeing with you is a pretty good credibility marker more often than not.

I have labored to identify any consistent principle you have beyone owning a gun.
What you’re comparing is idiotic.

It was a reach at best and you keep making it less relevant.
That's the thing about universal principles, they are universal and they apply to entities as disparate as a wedding photographer and CNN.
They don’t operate by the same set of rules.
Ahh which constitution is CNN governed by?

Universal principles of liberty transcend rules. Have you heard the phrase "inalienable rights" or "endowed by our creator?" That means those rights don't come and go based on what the rules are.
Ahh which constitution is CNN governed by?

Universal principles of liberty transcend rules. Have you heard the phrase "inalienable rights" or "endowed by our creator?" That means those rights don't come and go based on what the rules are.

Point me to Corporate Liberty.

I can’t remember how they framed that.
Point me to Corporate Liberty.

I can’t remember how they framed that.
Let me direct you to the whole body of constitutional jurisprudence. Citizen's United is a good place to start or the Hobby Lobby birth control case. Or you could just use your feeble brain to understand that CNN is simply the private property of the people who own it and it is those people whose liberty is being violated.
You absolutely lack principle. My collectivist lies like "the private property of CNN shouldn't be commandeered by the government.?"

Let me try this again.... you saying I lack principle in no way is either accurate or effective. You completely lack standing as regards the topic of liberty.

CNN has a parade of hosts and guests doing their best to extend the shutdown into the never ending future, but they don't want to air the daily task force briefing..... during a time of national emergency..... in 50 states.... After they've done their part to terrify the country and crater the economy, they don't want to give live air time to the people with the definitive inside information. That's pure propaganda. No wonder you are a fan.
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Let me direct you to the whole body of constitutional jurisprudence. Citizen's United is a good place to start or the Hobby Lobby birth control case. Or you could just use your feeble brain to understand that CNN is simply the private property of the people who own it and it is those people whose liberty is being violated.

Whose being violated?

Seems like they’re doing exactly what they want and you’re just bitching.
Ah.. what principle you have. Violating religious freedom, right to assemble, etc. There is no pandemic clause in the Constitution, scholar.
Those people are still free to practice their religion and assemble virtually.
Let me try this again.... you saying I lack principle in no way is either accurate or effective. You completely lack standing as regards the topic of liberty.
a comforting fiction I'm sure.
CNN has a parade of hosts and guests doing their best to extend the shutdown into the never ending future, but they don't want to air the daily task force briefing..... during a time of national emergency..... in 50 states.... After they've done their part to terrify the country and crater the economy, they don't want to give live air time to the people with the definitive inside information. That's pure propaganda. No wonder you are a fan.
Theres no propaganda clause in the constitution my free speech warrior.

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