The vegans are coming!


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Aug 7, 2001
Upper Arlington, OH
There’s a “goldfish grab” event this Saturday in my town for kids. Someone posted this on the town discussion forum on Facebook about the goldfish grab. Can’t make this stuff up:

“This is really disturbing, this idea should be stopped before this event happens. Unbelievable in 2018.

Who here has any influence on this event?

Be advised the vegan community is mobilizing as we speak to protest this event should it happen, and send teams of people to rescue the victims of this unconscionable idea.

Highly recommend: “What a Fish Knows” by Johnathon Balcombe PhD”
I wonder if there will be counter-protestors manufacturing outrage over the manufactured outrage of the vegans.

But yeah....whoever posted that on Facebook is a life-long professional offendee.
She followed up/responded to some folks with these two gems:

“It is irrelevant- what we know today demands we update or traditions currently rooted in violence towards other sentient earthlings.”

“I was an ignorant non-vegan too, we have all been raised in a nonvegan culture wherein people we know loved and trusted were unsuspectingly and ignorantly going along with the cultural inertia and giving us inherited traditions that weren’t necessarily informed themselves, and without our informed consent. Example- no one ever asked me “Do you want the “life cream” or the “death cream”? They just simply offered me the ice cream, everyone was eating it and I had no clue what I was complicit in by consuming it. Most people are raised thinking it is natural, normal and necessary to consume other sentient beings and their reproductive products, among other things.

Earthling: individuals who are from/of the earth.

Sentient: able to observe or feel things.

Everyone on earth is an earthling.

The disconnects in consciousness we have are rooted in the semantics and euphemisms that began with basic language education- when we were taught what a noun was a person place or thing, our human supremacy model only qualified humans as persons and objectified every other sentient earthling as a "thing". We have been programmed with a lot of intentional disconnects that explain very clearly why we have arbitrarily inconsistently categorized those who we call family (cats and dogs) and who we eat, or wear, or make shoes out of, or “ hunt” etc.”
Maybe point out plants respond to outside stimuli so arguable observe things.

So what is she gonna eat now?
Maybe point out plants respond to outside stimuli so arguable observe things.

So what is she gonna eat now?
They are finding some plants may feel “pain”. They make noise by releasing gases when under stress, while some science suggests they can “hear” themselves being consumed. What are they gonna do now?
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I’ve always wondered why those people don’t go out and stop wolves and lions from eating living things.

What about Venus fly traps?
She’s not trolling?

No, she is serious. A couple more of her responses to other people on the thread:

“Actually, anyone concerned about any cruelty to animals at all, is obligated to make a vegan shift in consciousness and conduct to have any actual integrity in caring for animals and how they live. This is exactly the kind of disconnect that people living today need to reconcile if they genuinely care about and want to respect other individuals. The fact that people have been programmed to see other sentient beings as property for human use/abuse/consumption when we actually thrive best consuming plants, is quite a rapid reckoning we are facing in global society of 8 billion people.”

“And that is exactly what is wrong with a society of human supremacy as it’s collective misguided delusion/programming. Other earthlings have an inalienable right to coexist on this planet without being subjected to being human property- we have zero requirements to consume other beings to thrive, in fact, at population 8 Billion, efficiency is critical to continued human survival and making a shift to a plant-based infrastructure is critically urgent.”

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