The Trump-haters are chronically addicted to their rage


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008
By Patricia McCarthy

“Shame was an emotion he had abandoned years earlier. Addicts know no shame. You disgrace yourself so many times you become immune to it.”
― John Grisham

As anyone who has been watching the daily press briefings about the virus knows, the duplicitous non-journalists in the room are not one bit interested in actual facts or any good news about the virus, hydroxychloroquine, or medical equipment supplies, or any other information that may be gleaned about the administration’s war against this flu. They are driven only by their hatred for this President who has risen to the challenge as a true leader.

President Trump put the medical and scientific task force together early on, when the left was paying attention to and reporting only on the impeachment. He banned travelers from China when the Democrats and media called him a racist for implementing it, and started screening passengers from all over the world.

We see the reporters’ ill-mannered disrespect throughout the mainstream media, network television, on CNN and MSNBC. No one can miss the truth of the left’s plan: We can use this virus to destroy the economy and the country and that will be the end of Trump.

But it won’t. A majority of Americans can see for themselves that he has handled this crisis like a pro at problem-solving. Trump is exactly that, a problem-solver, no matter the magnitude of the problem.

Then there are the foaming-at-their-mouths Democrats in Congress: Nancy Pelosi, as VDH wrote, has thoroughly disgraced herself over the past many months, from the Kavanaugh hearings to impeachment, her stunt at the SOTU, her push to load up the relief bill with regressive, authoritarian pork. She is truly a vile, evil person. So is Schumer. So is Schiff -- to name just a few.

Like the perpetually deranged Maxine Waters, they are addicted to their own rage and like any addict, the drug destroys the addict that is dependent on it. It is eating away at them like an opioid addiction.

The Democrats have been reduced to hurling ridiculous accusations virtually blaming Trump for every death from the virus when he was on the case long before any of them were paying any attention to it. The timeline is what it is.

The left suffers from a dearth of character. Since Trump became President, they have exhibited and rationalized their toxic dependency on cruelty to those they abhor – Trump and his supporters. It is a near certainty that millions of Americans who admire and respect the President’s leadership have not only lost life-long friends, they have been viciously and personally vilified by them. This addiction to hating Trump has destroyed not just friendships but families.

Many observers have noted over the last three years that the DC establishment crowd loathes the man because he is an outsider, not a member of their elite club of self-appointed bosses of the rest of us. Despite Trump’s phenomenal success in business around the world, he was never more than a reality show host to them. The left rarely looks beneath the surface of any issue or person. They rarely for a moment doubt that their view is the only correct view and assume without consideration that anyone with a different perspective is a moron. Simple as that. They never question their certainty that they are the best and brightest.

So, when Donald Trump beat their oh-so-corrupt candidate in 2016, they suffered paroxysms of anger and rage. They have always had contempt for the Americans between the coasts. No one made that clearer than the tone-deaf Michael Bloomberg with his admitted disdain for farmers.

The furious and frenzied left found treatment for their own epidemic of sudden-onset psychosis by banding together in unity to bring the man down. They descended into the gutter that is social media to vent their outrage. The Russia collusion hoax was a bust and so was the impeachment fantasy.

CNN and MSNBC began and continue their full assault on the President 24/7. It is pathetic. They ignore or twist any and all facts that deviate from their narrative. They spew provable lies all day long and call it news. No wonder their ratings are so very, very low. Truth is hard; it’s propaganda that is cheap.

The former media giants like the NYT and WaPo, mere scraps of what they once were, are similarly addicted to their own rage and so publish hateful distortions of the truth day after day. A marquee New York Times columnist called the virus Trumpvirus! They attacked Trump for his travel ban on Jan. 31. They refuse to acknowledge that he assembled the task force immediately thereafter.

That governors like Cuomo were wholly unprepared (Cuomo refused to purchase ventilators, choosing to invest $750m in solar panels instead) and blamed the President for their own failures. These Democrat governors are apparently not familiar with the Constitution or the founders’ creation of federalism. Governors are in charge of their states and the responsibility for preparedness lies with them.

Trump masterfully got up to speed to fill the gaps in the states and the sorry state of medical mask supplies left by the Obama administration. He brought all manner of private corporations on board. He has accomplished what no other leader could have or would have up against such an event. He has surrounded himself with experts and advisers and he listens to them.

The left went berserk when he talked about the possibility of hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment. Now that it is proving to be effective, the left is still nonsensically attacking hm for “pushing” it! He never pushed it; he mentioned it and was hopeful. The piteously ignorant Mika Brzezinski thinks Trump must have a financial interest in the drug which has been around since before he was born and is inexpensive, and other deranged leftists from Sonny Hostin to the New York Times join in the innuendo.

The nonsense emanating from CNN and MSNBC is appalling. The Trump presidency has exposed the sheer idiocy of the political, bureaucratic and media classes. They have succumbed to their addiction to rage against the Trump machine and it has rotted their brains as surely as meth rots the brains of meth addicts. And it has reminded all Americans who our true heroes are – all the doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and all first responders, truckers who are still getting essentials to us, and the clerks and staff at our local markets. These are the people on whom we all ultimately depend upon and they have all risen to the task.

We have learned just how irrelevant the Nancy Pelosis Joe Bidens and Chuck Schumers truly are. Trump knew this when he chose to run for the office; he knows exactly who makes this nation function and it is not the political class. And that is why he won. His supporters know he recognizes and supports them.

“The greatest fool is not the person who has been fooled by the lies of others, despite how crafty and ingenious those lies might have been. Rather, it is the fool who has lied with such amazing dexterity and subtle finesse that he himself has come to believe his own lies. And this is the most forlorn and yet the most dangerous person that I can imagine.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough


As everyone here knows I absolutely loathed the ex-rodent in chief and the first wookie. That said, can't remember every lying about them or being as unhinged about something they did as these fools are regarding Trump. Media, for the most part might as well be named a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of the libs/D's.

No chance Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, ex-rodent in chief or many others could have withstood this 24/7 withering non-stop attack and still wake up each morning to file his teeth to a point and go back out and do battle. Ironically some of my lib friends hate him because he is a bully, but when I ask them what they would do when so many lies/liberties are taken with their actions, most don't say fight back.....he might be a bully, but he dam well has earned the right to fight back by any means he sees necessary against a professional army of liars, cheats, traitors, lowlife's and cretins.
It is fascinating to read this board on most days, especially with the spotlight beaming down on the Covid-19 pandemic.

On the one hand we have Trump haters who insist the man is in way over his head, is incapable of doing anything right, is leading us into unmitigated disaster. Some of them even want him tried as a war criminal of sorts.

On the other hand we have the Trump loyalists who insist he is the perfect man for the job, is unerringly leading us out of the abyss, something very few leaders would be capable of doing, we should bend our collective knees and praise God that he sent DJT to handle this mess.

Do you suppose the truth is somewhere in the middle? Is it possible Trump has screwed up many times, making this a bigger disaster than it needed to be? Because in reality this disaster cannot be resolved by a dictatorial leader, as our Democratic constituents desire, that ultimately people are responsible for their own safety and protection, and the best thing any leader can do is provide truthful information, make suggestions and stand out of the way?

Trump haters seem to be so totally fixated on their hatred they have convinced themselves his evil tarnishes everything he does, that no matter what he does - even if it’s something they had previously suggested - it can’t be decent because a thoroughly indecent man is doing it.

Trump loyalists, on the other hand, have developed such hatred for Trump haters that they are defensive toward any criticism, no matter how legitimate, convinced that criticism of any kind can only come from their sworn enemy.

The gulf between the two sides is mammoth and widening daily. It is not healthy. In fact it creates much more danger to our continued lives as free people than Covid-19 could ever pose.

I now turn the soapbox over to Trump haters who will tell me I have perfectly described Trump loyalists, but an totally missing the mark on them. While Trump loyalists will insist I get the Trump haters perfectly, but simply am too stupid to understand where they’re coming from.

Ready on the Right! Ready on the Left! Ready on the firing line! Commence firing!
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On the one hand we have Trump haters who insist the man is in way over his head, is incapable of doing anything right, is leading us into unmitigated disaster. Some of them even want him tried as a war criminal of sorts.

On the other hand we have the Trump loyalists who insist he is the perfect man for the job, is unerringly leading us out of the abyss, something very few leaders would be capable of doing, we should bend our collective knees and praise God that he sent DJT to handle this mess.

This simplistic binary world view isn’t very well thought out.
This simplistic binary world view isn’t very well thought out.

Maybe. But I don’t see a single Trump hater on this board metaphorically scratching his chin and saying “I hadn’t thought of that, maybe Trump was right after all,”. Nor do I read any comments from Trump loyalists who attribute any criticism to anything but TDS. No, instead of reasoned discussion we get ridiculous emotional diatribes from people like CowboyUp, which oftentimes either make no sense or contradict themselves, followed by equally emotional insults aimed at Up by Trump loyalists.

Let me propose an experiment. You, MegaPoke, start a thread in which you lambast Trump for some meaningfully stupid or dangerous policy he has enacted or some lie you know he has uttered. Don’t sugarcoat it. Let the man have it. Be serious in what you are saying and be prepared and willing to defend your criticism against all the Trump loyalist-antagonism that is directed your way. Can you do that? If you are not a binary Trump loyalist prove it.
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Maybe. But I don’t see a single Trump hater on this board metaphorically scratching his chin and saying “I hadn’t thought of that, maybe Trump was right after all,”. Nor do I read any comments from Trump loyalists who attribute any criticism to anything but TDS. No, instead of reasoned discussion we get ridiculous emotional diatribes from people like CowboyUp, which oftentimes either make no sense or contradict themselves, followed by equally emotional insults aimed at Up by Trump loyalists.

Let me propose an experiment. You, MegaPoke, start a thread in which you lambast Trump for some meaningfully stupid or dangerous policy he has enacted or some lie you know he has uttered. Don’t sugarcoat it. Let the man have it. Be serious in what you are saying and be prepared and willing to defend your criticism against all the Trump loyalist-antagonism that is directed your way. Can you do that? If you are not a binary Trump loyalist prove it.
No Dan, the Trump haters are so caustic, nasty and many times wrong, we grounded, well adjusted types that, short of a video surfacing of Trump feeding elderly people into an industrial grade wood chipper, we will defend him to the ends of the universe.

We didn't bargain for all this bullshit, however it's incumbent on us to stay the course. What's good for Trump is good for America.
No Dan, the Trump haters are so caustic, nasty and many times wrong, we grounded, well adjusted types that, short of a video surfacing of Trump feeding elderly people into an industrial grade wood chipper, we will defend him to the ends of the universe.

We didn't bargain for all this bullshit, however it's incumbent on us to stay the course. What's good for Trump is good for America.

Exhibit 1 in support of my prior post.
On the other hand we have the Trump loyalists who insist he is the perfect man for the job, is unerringly leading us out of the abyss, something very few leaders would be capable of doing, we should bend our collective knees and praise God that he sent DJT to handle this mess.

In your opinion, who on this board falls into this category? I see Trump being defended against the baseless attacks and criticisms, but not so much the 'perfect man for the job', etc... I am thankful that he doesn't bow down to the media each and every time they think he should, but then again, I voted for Trump not the NYTimes to run the country. Beyond that, he certainly hasn't been unerring. For as strong and solid as his response was to China, he completely missed this coming in from Europe. He could have worked with industry to ramp up testing faster than he did. But I get the basis of hindsight to evaluate where things could have been done better, and looking around the world, I don't think he's done any worse than leaders throughout the Western world, and given the January and February comments I've seen from Pelosi, Biden, and others in the Democratic leadership, I'm confident he's done as well as the alternative party would have.
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This "closing down of America" has NEVER happened and shall not stand. UFC is thinking of fights on a private island and MLB is considering playing games with no attendees in empty parks in AZ
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It's a pretty accurate description of the posts on this board though.

Not exacting, but pretty damned close.

Sure, if one spends no time analyzing the contributing factors and convergent political priorities driving a poster to post pro or anti Trump content... and then crucially (if erroneously) overvalues their own dedicated in between positions as a matter of virtue and enlightenment.

Trump makes lots of mistakes. However what I defend against is the reeeeee'ing cries of 'This is the end of the democracy" type crap. It isn't. All your hyperbolic claims are just attempts to get political points because you don't want him in office or reelected. That's fine, but don't expect me to simply accept your moral righteousness because you claim the high ground.
Ready on the Right! Ready on the Left! Ready on the firing line! Commence firing!

A brief thread hijack here. Back in my "first" OSU days (64-66) ROTC was required for the first two years.
We shot 22's in the basement of the old armory south of Lewis Field. We had a StaffSgt in charge of that
training, and the command was ready on the right, ready on the left,commence firing. I'll never forget
the day some poor bastard squeezed off a shot just after ready on the left and "before" commence. I've
never seen any ass chewing like that one!:D

Now, back to regular programming.
By Patricia McCarthy

“Shame was an emotion he had abandoned years earlier. Addicts know no shame. You disgrace yourself so many times you become immune to it.”
― John Grisham

As anyone who has been watching the daily press briefings about the virus knows, the duplicitous non-journalists in the room are not one bit interested in actual facts or any good news about the virus, hydroxychloroquine, or medical equipment supplies, or any other information that may be gleaned about the administration’s war against this flu. They are driven only by their hatred for this President who has risen to the challenge as a true leader.

President Trump put the medical and scientific task force together early on, when the left was paying attention to and reporting only on the impeachment. He banned travelers from China when the Democrats and media called him a racist for implementing it, and started screening passengers from all over the world.

We see the reporters’ ill-mannered disrespect throughout the mainstream media, network television, on CNN and MSNBC. No one can miss the truth of the left’s plan: We can use this virus to destroy the economy and the country and that will be the end of Trump.

But it won’t. A majority of Americans can see for themselves that he has handled this crisis like a pro at problem-solving. Trump is exactly that, a problem-solver, no matter the magnitude of the problem.

Then there are the foaming-at-their-mouths Democrats in Congress: Nancy Pelosi, as VDH wrote, has thoroughly disgraced herself over the past many months, from the Kavanaugh hearings to impeachment, her stunt at the SOTU, her push to load up the relief bill with regressive, authoritarian pork. She is truly a vile, evil person. So is Schumer. So is Schiff -- to name just a few.

Like the perpetually deranged Maxine Waters, they are addicted to their own rage and like any addict, the drug destroys the addict that is dependent on it. It is eating away at them like an opioid addiction.

The Democrats have been reduced to hurling ridiculous accusations virtually blaming Trump for every death from the virus when he was on the case long before any of them were paying any attention to it. The timeline is what it is.

The left suffers from a dearth of character. Since Trump became President, they have exhibited and rationalized their toxic dependency on cruelty to those they abhor – Trump and his supporters. It is a near certainty that millions of Americans who admire and respect the President’s leadership have not only lost life-long friends, they have been viciously and personally vilified by them. This addiction to hating Trump has destroyed not just friendships but families.

Many observers have noted over the last three years that the DC establishment crowd loathes the man because he is an outsider, not a member of their elite club of self-appointed bosses of the rest of us. Despite Trump’s phenomenal success in business around the world, he was never more than a reality show host to them. The left rarely looks beneath the surface of any issue or person. They rarely for a moment doubt that their view is the only correct view and assume without consideration that anyone with a different perspective is a moron. Simple as that. They never question their certainty that they are the best and brightest.

So, when Donald Trump beat their oh-so-corrupt candidate in 2016, they suffered paroxysms of anger and rage. They have always had contempt for the Americans between the coasts. No one made that clearer than the tone-deaf Michael Bloomberg with his admitted disdain for farmers.

The furious and frenzied left found treatment for their own epidemic of sudden-onset psychosis by banding together in unity to bring the man down. They descended into the gutter that is social media to vent their outrage. The Russia collusion hoax was a bust and so was the impeachment fantasy.

CNN and MSNBC began and continue their full assault on the President 24/7. It is pathetic. They ignore or twist any and all facts that deviate from their narrative. They spew provable lies all day long and call it news. No wonder their ratings are so very, very low. Truth is hard; it’s propaganda that is cheap.

The former media giants like the NYT and WaPo, mere scraps of what they once were, are similarly addicted to their own rage and so publish hateful distortions of the truth day after day. A marquee New York Times columnist called the virus Trumpvirus! They attacked Trump for his travel ban on Jan. 31. They refuse to acknowledge that he assembled the task force immediately thereafter.

That governors like Cuomo were wholly unprepared (Cuomo refused to purchase ventilators, choosing to invest $750m in solar panels instead) and blamed the President for their own failures. These Democrat governors are apparently not familiar with the Constitution or the founders’ creation of federalism. Governors are in charge of their states and the responsibility for preparedness lies with them.

Trump masterfully got up to speed to fill the gaps in the states and the sorry state of medical mask supplies left by the Obama administration. He brought all manner of private corporations on board. He has accomplished what no other leader could have or would have up against such an event. He has surrounded himself with experts and advisers and he listens to them.

The left went berserk when he talked about the possibility of hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment. Now that it is proving to be effective, the left is still nonsensically attacking hm for “pushing” it! He never pushed it; he mentioned it and was hopeful. The piteously ignorant Mika Brzezinski thinks Trump must have a financial interest in the drug which has been around since before he was born and is inexpensive, and other deranged leftists from Sonny Hostin to the New York Times join in the innuendo.

The nonsense emanating from CNN and MSNBC is appalling. The Trump presidency has exposed the sheer idiocy of the political, bureaucratic and media classes. They have succumbed to their addiction to rage against the Trump machine and it has rotted their brains as surely as meth rots the brains of meth addicts. And it has reminded all Americans who our true heroes are – all the doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and all first responders, truckers who are still getting essentials to us, and the clerks and staff at our local markets. These are the people on whom we all ultimately depend upon and they have all risen to the task.

We have learned just how irrelevant the Nancy Pelosis Joe Bidens and Chuck Schumers truly are. Trump knew this when he chose to run for the office; he knows exactly who makes this nation function and it is not the political class. And that is why he won. His supporters know he recognizes and supports them.

“The greatest fool is not the person who has been fooled by the lies of others, despite how crafty and ingenious those lies might have been. Rather, it is the fool who has lied with such amazing dexterity and subtle finesse that he himself has come to believe his own lies. And this is the most forlorn and yet the most dangerous person that I can imagine.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough


As everyone here knows I absolutely loathed the ex-rodent in chief and the first wookie. That said, can't remember every lying about them or being as unhinged about something they did as these fools are regarding Trump. Media, for the most part might as well be named a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of the libs/D's.

No chance Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, ex-rodent in chief or many others could have withstood this 24/7 withering non-stop attack and still wake up each morning to file his teeth to a point and go back out and do battle. Ironically some of my lib friends hate him because he is a bully, but when I ask them what they would do when so many lies/liberties are taken with their actions, most don't say fight back.....he might be a bully, but he dam well has earned the right to fight back by any means he sees necessary against a professional army of liars, cheats, traitors, lowlife's and cretins.

There used to be a poster here named Harry. @HighStickHarry to be exact.

His simile is that modern Leftists, since the election of Trump, have been reduced to behaving like toddlers.

This is enabled by their jettisoning of shame, referenced in the article. As an aside, I wonder what allowed them to jettison shame. That's just, weird.

The Left have put a mark on how they'll be viewed from here on out. I imagine that's why several here insist on anonymity. Gracious. Maybe after this election many will return to normalcy, but I imagine most will go on living as toddlers.
Sure, if one spends no time analyzing the contributing factors and convergent political priorities driving a poster to post pro or anti Trump content... and then crucially (if erroneously) overvalues their own dedicated in between positions as a matter of virtue and enlightenment.



Nice dig. A subtle variation of the all critics of Trump (or XYZ) are just "virtue signaling"

I don't crucially or erroneously overvalue my own dedicated in between positions as a matter of virtue and enlightenment.

Those are just the opinions I hold.

If, however, someone...and there are plenty fact, the majority here...can't or won't EVER criticize the actions of Trump...or can't or won't EVER give him appropriate credit when it is due...they are definitely engaging in that simplistic binary thinking that you claim others are engaging in.
Trump makes lots of mistakes. However what I defend against is the reeeeee'ing cries of 'This is the end of the democracy" type crap. It isn't. All your hyperbolic claims are just attempts to get political points because you don't want him in office or reelected. That's fine, but don't expect me to simply accept your moral righteousness because you claim the high ground.

You say Trump makes a lot of mistakes, but I never hear you or any other Trump loyalist make an issue out of any of them. About the worst we hear from Trump loyalists, if they complain about him at all, is some tepid malarkey like “gee I wish he wouldn’t have done that.”

You are correct that I don’t give a flip about Trump. But I have said many times on this board - MANY TIMES - that he’s preferable to Hillary, and certainly preferable to Biden or Sanders. So you should not include me in the Trump hater category.

Neither have I professed to stand on the moral high ground with a single comment on this thread. It may say more about your attitude, or guilt you might feel over having your attitude, than anything related to my comments. I have done nothing more than post observations on the two opposing sides when it comes to DJT. It comes as no surprise to me that the Trump loyalist side of the equation is the side most offended by the observation. Sometimes it is painful to see the truth about your attitude.
Neither have I professed to stand on the moral high ground with a single comment on this thread. It may say more about your attitude, or guilt you might feel over having your attitude, than anything related to my comments. I have done nothing more than post observations on the two opposing sides when it comes to DJT. It comes as no surprise to me that the Trump loyalist side of the equation is the side most offended by the observation. Sometimes it is painful to see the truth about your attitude.

Claims not to be professing to be standing on the moral high ground....

Then passes judgment on the "Trump loyalist side"...

You say Trump makes a lot of mistakes, but I never hear you or any other Trump loyalist make an issue out of any of them. About the worst we hear from Trump loyalists, if they complain about him at all, is some tepid malarkey like “gee I wish he wouldn’t have done that.”

You are correct that I don’t give a flip about Trump. But I have said many times on this board - MANY TIMES - that he’s preferable to Hillary, and certainly preferable to Biden or Sanders. So you should not include me in the Trump hater category.

Neither have I professed to stand on the moral high ground with a single comment on this thread. It may say more about your attitude, or guilt you might feel over having your attitude, than anything related to my comments. I have done nothing more than post observations on the two opposing sides when it comes to DJT. It comes as no surprise to me that the Trump loyalist side of the equation is the side most offended by the observation. Sometimes it is painful to see the truth about your attitude.
How many times on here have I gone against the standard grain? I think I do it quite a bit.

For the most part the critics are either reacting in hyperbole or petty or using 20/20 hindsight. When he makes real, lasting policy mistakes I call them out.

I constantly advocate for LGBTQA+ inclusion causes and hate crime legislation. So, no. Your passive aggressive stance aside, I am fairly balanced on calling out stuff.

Even the pulling out of Afghanistan was an issue for me. So no... on big items I’ll call them out when I see them. I don’t care to call out the petty crap.
You say Trump makes a lot of mistakes, but I never hear you or any other Trump loyalist make an issue out of any of them. About the worst we hear from Trump loyalists, if they complain about him at all, is some tepid malarkey like “gee I wish he wouldn’t have done that.”

You are correct that I don’t give a flip about Trump. But I have said many times on this board - MANY TIMES - that he’s preferable to Hillary, and certainly preferable to Biden or Sanders. So you should not include me in the Trump hater category.

Neither have I professed to stand on the moral high ground with a single comment on this thread. It may say more about your attitude, or guilt you might feel over having your attitude, than anything related to my comments. I have done nothing more than post observations on the two opposing sides when it comes to DJT. It comes as no surprise to me that the Trump loyalist side of the equation is the side most offended by the observation. Sometimes it is painful to see the truth about your attitude.

You don’t claim the moral high ground and then plant your flag on that hill.

Introspection you have none.
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I would like to a list of all the egregious mistakes the left thinks Trump has made. I'm not interested in what the left thinks he's said, I want to see examples of actual actions. As in policies implemented or policies not implemented. Most of what I see from the left is outrage over what the media reports Trump has said, while I see little outrage when it comes to policies.
How many times on here have I gone against the standard grain? I think I do it quite a bit.

For the most part the critics are either reacting in hyperbole or petty or using 20/20 hindsight. When he makes real, lasting policy mistakes I call them out.

I constantly advocate for LGBTQA+ inclusion causes and hate crime legislation. So, no. Your passive aggressive stance aside, I am fairly balanced on calling out stuff.

Even the pulling out of Afghanistan was an issue for me. So no... on big items I’ll call them out when I see them. I don’t care to call out the petty crap.
I will ask you to participate in the same experiment I asked ofMegaPoke. Start a thread in which you unabashedly go after Trump for something you vehemently disagree with him, some policy he has implemented or some lie he has obviously spouted to which you take exception. Don’t hold back. Don’t pull any punches. Display your vitriol in the same manner which you display it toward me. Then defend your criticism against all takers from those on this board for whom defending Trump has become an emotional necessity. Insult them back when they insult you. Prove to all of us how objective your are when it comes to the President. Failing to do so just proves you are no different from any other Trump defender.

On another note it does not come as a surprise that the criticism of my observations of the two sides is coming only from the loyalist side. The hater side seems to have scattered in the wind. It’s a shame. I was expecting to hear them be just as angry at my assessment of them as are the loyalists.
It is fascinating to read this board on most days, especially with the spotlight beaming down on the Covid-19 pandemic.

On the one hand we have Trump haters who insist the man is in way over his head, is incapable of doing anything right, is leading us into unmitigated disaster. Some of them even want him tried as a war criminal of sorts.

On the other hand we have the Trump loyalists who insist he is the perfect man for the job, is unerringly leading us out of the abyss, something very few leaders would be capable of doing, we should bend our collective knees and praise God that he sent DJT to handle this mess.

Do you suppose the truth is somewhere in the middle? Is it possible Trump has screwed up many times, making this a bigger disaster than it needed to be? Because in reality this disaster cannot be resolved by a dictatorial leader, as our Democratic constituents desire, that ultimately people are responsible for their own safety and protection, and the best thing any leader can do is provide truthful information, make suggestions and stand out of the way?

Trump haters seem to be so totally fixated on their hatred they have convinced themselves his evil tarnishes everything he does, that no matter what he does - even if it’s something they had previously suggested - it can’t be decent because a thoroughly indecent man is doing it.

Trump loyalists, on the other hand, have developed such hatred for Trump haters that they are defensive toward any criticism, no matter how legitimate, convinced that criticism of any kind can only come from their sworn enemy.

The gulf between the two sides is mammoth and widening daily. It is not healthy. In fact it creates much more danger to our continued lives as free people than Covid-19 could ever pose.

I now turn the soapbox over to Trump haters who will tell me I have perfectly described Trump loyalists, but an totally missing the mark on them. While Trump loyalists will insist I get the Trump haters perfectly, but simply am too stupid to understand where they’re coming from.

Ready on the Right! Ready on the Left! Ready on the firing line! Commence firing!

Soooooooo....think you have divided up the cast in the exact two worlds the elites, media, political parties and have's vs have not's do. Very simplistic and convenient but leaves off a few important qualifiers.

First, I'm certain very few on here has said Trump hasn't made mistakes. I'm certainly not one and the prism I look through is what has he done right vs what he has tried a mulligan on some successfully and some crashing and burning. In the beginning I really was a very tepid supporter but given the alternative there was no doubt he was the guy who needed to be the leader of this here USA. Some of the stuff he tweets is crazy goofy and he has committed some egregious self immolation's but his stamina is in the stratosphere commendable and that to me is one of his greatest attributes.The man has a vision and he is plowing full steam ahead liars be damned.

For instance I'm vehemently against shutting down the economy such has been done. The current power grabs and government threats for disobeying their edicts is not what this country is about and I suspect there will be a price to pay for politicians at the polls in November. Doubt the after action reports will be finished by election time, but I still say that the survivability of this "flu" will go past 98-98.5% (maybe higher; disclaimer I read a lot and have no formal medical training) and you are going to shut down the whole country for a lethality of 1.5 - 2% (if it even ends up being that high). Honestly, who is going to speak out against the current status quo? Won't be anyone from the government who has staked their word and reputation on scaring the crap out of everyone.

Does he tell whoppers? Is he given to hyperbole? Well yes on both counts. But by what bar are we to measure him? The bar the media sets, the opposition, the traitors and moles? Most of the people in DC are so dam crooked that they can't straiten themselves out at night when they get in bed. So for them to ever imply he is the worst president ever, the biggest existential threat to world peace ever etc etc, is just silly and anyone who parrots such non-sense is an idiot. Its funny that elections had consequences (all good) when the ex-rodent in chief was elected but the consequences (all bad) when Trump gets elected. In fact I can't remember the over the top accusations against the ex-rodent in chief that have subsequently been thrown at Trump.
When the fact is the ex-rodent in chief eroded more of our freedoms than Trump ever has or will. One is a statist POS the other isn't.

It isn't the sides that endanger America but the people who provide the slanted information that create the sides, they are the danger. When someone, especially a POS liberal media clown impugns Trump for a widely held belief they are by extension impugning me and I suspect many others. They have no room in their cocoon for a set of views other than their masters views and those which they promulgate. Views which rarely if ever extend more than 15 or 20 miles past the city center of any major metropolis.

There is generally always two sides and that is a good thing as long as wherever you stand is fortified by some critical thinking and facts. The danger is harnessing whole swaths of people into believing a misrepresentation or out right lie as a means to garner support for your views and "side." This country will survive Trump and whomever follows him be it left or right. What this country can't survive is a degradation of our God given rights by suborning those rights/freedoms to bureaucrats who extol their qualifications as a means for running your life, businesses, schools or happiness and the media is by far the biggest threat to relaying this message.

Once all the reporting and fact finding is done what you'll find is a lot of the most vociferous critics of Trump, media included, that have mucho blame on their heads for not preparing their citizens/states for such an outbreak. Slowly, "other" experts will float to the surface and debase some of the core arguments about this virus and what could have been done to keep it localized instead of letting it blow up to a pandemic. China, should absolutely be ground into the hubs of hell with any and all incentives being given to anyone moving a factory out of that country to the Americas.
I’ll do that just as soon as you actually stop claiming the moral high ground and being passive aggressive.
If you mean by my ceasing being passive aggressive I should become bluntly insulting and avidly ad hominem I think I’ll stick to my present style. I disagree with you that I have claimed moral superiority on this thread. I have made an observation and have written about it. Not once have I suggested I think I’m better than you in any way. But it’s OK if you want to weasel out of the experiment and use that as your excuse. I didn’t expect you to do it. I don’t think you are capable of doing it. Your obvious loyalty to Trump is clear as a bell.
If you mean by my ceasing being passive aggressive I should become bluntly insulting and avidly ad hominem I think I’ll stick to my present style. I disagree with you that I have claimed moral superiority on this thread. I have made an observation and have written about it. Not once have I suggested I think I’m better than you in any way. But it’s OK if you want to weasel out of the experiment and use that as your excuse. I didn’t expect you to do it. I don’t think you are capable of doing it. Your obvious loyalty to Trump is clear as a bell.

Posts a bluntly insulting and avidly ad hominem attack against @Ostatedchi...

Thereby doubling down his passive aggressiveness....passive aggressively.

He truly cannot help himself.

DChi, I know you can defend yourself.

This dude never ceases to amaze me. Truly.
I disagree with Trump to some extent on the firing of the Captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt based solely on what has been reported in the press and what I've heard from others I know in the Navy. Neither of whom may know all the facts. That's where I trust Trump knows more, which he should as CinC, than either the media or active duty Naval persons I know.

I totally disagree with the lambasting the Captain received from the acting Sec of the Navy. BTW, why did the Sec of the Navy have to go to Guam to cuss out the Captain in front of his crew? What I don't know is what steps the Captain took behind the scenes with the Navy Dept. before writing the letter? How was that received by the Pentagon and what did they do? I'm told the letter was sent to several in the Pacific Fleet before being leaked to the media. Who leaked it? Was it the Captain or did someone above him leak his letter?

Based on the above, the Captain should have been reprimanded and not removed assuming he didn't leak his letter to the press. If he did, Trump did the correct thing and the Captain should have been fired for leaking. However, if someone above the Captain leaked the letter to the media, I feel that person should be punished more severely than the Captain.
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If you mean by my ceasing being passive aggressive I should become bluntly insulting and avidly ad hominem I think I’ll stick to my present style. I disagree with you that I have claimed moral superiority on this thread. I have made an observation and have written about it. Not once have I suggested I think I’m better than you in any way. But it’s OK if you want to weasel out of the experiment and use that as your excuse. I didn’t expect you to do it. I don’t think you are capable of doing it. Your obvious loyalty to Trump is clear as a bell.
So that's a no from you then.
Posts a bluntly insulting and avidly ad hominem attack against @Ostatedchi...

Thereby doubling down his passive aggressiveness....passive aggressively.

He truly cannot help himself.

DChi, I know you can defend yourself.

This dude never ceases to amaze me. Truly.
It's kind of impressive in an assholeish way how he steadfastly always posts the exact post, just with different words.
About the worst we hear from Trump loyalists, if they complain about him at all, is some tepid malarkey like “gee I wish he wouldn’t have done that.”

So the guy who spares no opportunity to show anyone here paying attention that he’s above the partisan fray is now faulting Trump supporters for not losing their shit when Trump makes mistakes?

Did I really just read that?
I disagree with Trump to some extent on the firing of the Captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt based solely on what has been reported in the press and what I've heard from others I know in the Navy. Neither of whom may know all the facts. That's where I trust Trump knows more, which he should as CinC, than either the media or active duty Naval persons I know.

I totally disagree with the lambasting the Captain received from the acting Sec of the Navy. BTW, why did the Sec of the Navy have to go to Guam to cuss out the Captain in front of his crew? What I don't know is what steps the Captain took behind the scenes with the Navy Dept. before writing the letter? How was that received by the Pentagon and what did they do? I'm told the letter was sent to several in the Pacific Fleet before being leaked to the media. Who leaked it? Was it the Captain or did someone above him leak his letter?

Based on the above, the Captain should have been reprimanded and not removed assuming he didn't leak his letter to the press. If he did, Trump did the correct thing and the Captain should have been fired for leaking. However, if someone above the Captain leaked the letter to the media, I feel that person should be punished more severely than the Captain.

I don't. He sent Military communications via his google mail account. You can't spend 6 years whining about Hillary using personal mail, then let off a Captain of an aircraft carrier for doing the same thing.
So the guy who spares no opportunity to show anyone here paying attention that he’s above the partisan fray is now faulting Trump supporters for not losing their shit when Trump makes mistakes?

Did I really just read that?

Please allow me to extend to you the invitation to participate in the experiment. In fact let’s open it up to all the posters on this board who view themselves as objective critics of Trump’s performance as President. Keep it to furious criticism of something he has done or said, no holds barred. Rip him a new one because on the one issue with which you disagree you think he is a blithering idiot. Don’t be afraid to say so! Show us how your defense of him is not based on your hatred of the Trump haters. Every one of you insist I‘m being an ignoramus, that I’m totally clueless in your personal case, that there are a lot of things you don’t like about him. Make a list! But don’t suppress your anger. Be like CowboyUp and express yourselves in the most pointed way. At the risk of sounding passive aggressive and thinking I’m morally superior I’ll say I doubt any of you can do it.
Please allow me to extend to you the invitation to participate in the experiment. In fact let’s open it up to all the posters on this board who view themselves as objective critics of Trump’s performance as President. Keep it to furious criticism of something he has done or said, no holds barred. Rip him a new one because on the one issue with which you disagree you think he is a blithering idiot. Don’t be afraid to say so! Show us how your defense of him is not based on your hatred of the Trump haters. Every one of you insist I‘m being an ignoramus, that I’m totally clueless in your personal case, that there are a lot of things you don’t like about him. Make a list! But don’t suppress your anger. Be like CowboyUp and express yourselves in the most pointed way. At the risk of sounding passive aggressive and thinking I’m morally superior I’ll say I doubt any of you can do it.
Let me invite you to participate in a thread where you aren't passive aggressive or holier than thou. I've already said I'll take your experiment if you'll take mine. So far you've refused. Who's the stubborn one?
Let me invite you to participate in a thread where you aren't passive aggressive or holier than thou. I've already said I'll take your experiment if you'll take mine. So far you've refused. Who's the stubborn one?
No doubt about it, I’m one stubborn SOB. I’m not going to change the way I write to satisfy you.

And at this point I think my work is done. I’ve managed to piss off every Trump loyalist on the board. As someone said earlier I’m just repeating myself. It’s apparent I’ve had my say. I seem to have upset a lot of feelers today!

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