The Left is the Party of Violence and Hate

The Tards reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee about Climate Change yet are now burning and destroying EV's. Cannot make this shit up.
Progressive judge = Democrat Judicial Activist.

Interesting article. Do not know how true it is but it would make sense.
I just don't get it. What is it these deranged leftist have a problem with?

Reducing taxes on the working class.
Strengthening SS by eliminating fraud waste and abuse?
Deporting criminal illegal aliens?
Enforcing our laws?
Ridding our Cities and streets of violent criminals?
Identifying and eliminating massive fraud, waste and abuse throughout government?
Improving our education system to produce substantially better results?
Protecting women athletes from men competing in women's sports?
Protecting women's privacy in dressing rooms/rest rooms?
Ridding government of agencies that are massively underperforming and making everything worse?
Fighting back against foreign countries unfair trade practices?
Shrinking the size and intrusiveness of the federal government?
Creating government efficiency to reduce the cost of the federal government?
Working to reduce the federal deficit?
Working to end the war in Ukraine?
Working for a lasting peace in the Middle East?
Working to curtail Chinese expansion desires and influence?

What is it about these actions/policies that has the left so enraged they are committing violence and destruction? Are they against these policies or just pissed off they are no longer in power to force their authoritarian policies down our throats.

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