Continuing To Beat The Dead Horse

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
The Fed is a ghost institution. It has been isolated from the government even further than it was. It has never been part of the US government. It will cease to exist in any manner soon. Any business or economic premise you imply associated with them is null & void.
The Fed is a ghost institution. It has been isolated from the government even further than it was. It has never been part of the US government. It will cease to exist in any manner soon. Any business or economic premise you imply associated with them is null & void.
The demise of the Fed will be greeted with great joy by the Ron Paul political wing of the libertarian movement and even greater joy by the Austrian School of economics from which most libertarians derive their economic policy. Until that joyous day arrives there is nothing said about the Fed that is null and void, sad to say.
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There is a reason libertarians are never elected to government. Insufferable is a word that comes to mind.
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I just can't suffer through any more of yer links Dan. I've come to the conclusion there ain't any amount of help out there for ya. Good luck.

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