The latest from Cernovich, Watson, Posobiec, Jones, NZ and O'keefe. revisited..


Now I think you are a CIA plant, since you are the master of spreading disinformation.
Ok, then we'll have to agree that antifa represents the whole of the progressive movement. I'm good with that.

At some point you lefties will figure out that the whole of the populace doesn't respond to your dog whistles. Trump being elected president should be the biggest clue of this reality that you trained monkeys have ever received.

People don't want or need the patronizing lectures the left provides on what and how to think. Sure, there are folks like you that gobble that shit up, but there are a bunch of us that know better and have shown you our distaste for ideologues like Obama. Despite the "polls," the ideology that put Trump in office isn't going anywhere.
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Ok, then we'll have to agree that antifa represents the whole of the progressive movement. I'm good with that.

At some point you lefties will figure out that the whole of the populace doesn't respond to your dog whistles. Trump being elected president should be the biggest clue of this reality that you trained monkeys have ever received.

People don't want or need the patronizing lectures the left provides on what and how to think. Sure, there are folks like you that gobble that shit up, but there are a bunch of us that know better and have shown you our distaste for ideologues like Obama. Despite the "polls," the ideology that put Trump in office isn't going anywhere.

LOL Feel better? None of that rambling "response" has anything to do with the article you quoted. You are presented with facts and you retreat to lecturing me on how to think, Trump, dog whistles, progressives, etc. Okay.

The contention was Spencer doesn't represent the alt-right. So I looked it up. There it is. Those facts portray him as the founder of the alt right, if anything. Do you dispute the facts in the quote?
LOL Feel better? None of that rambling "response" has anything to do with the article you quoted. You are presented with facts and you retreat to lecturing me on how to think, Trump, dog whistles, progressives, etc. Okay.

The contention was Spencer doesn't represent the alt-right. So I looked it up. There it is. Those facts portray him as the founder of the alt right, if anything. Do you dispute the facts in the quote?
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The contention was Spencer doesn't represent the alt-right. So I looked it up. There it is. Those facts portray him as the founder of the alt right, if anything. Do you dispute the facts in the quote?
I don't dispute facts about Richard Spencer, but the only alt right Richard Spencer represents is his own brand. The vast majority of folks that identify as alt right don't identify with Richard Spencer. I wouldn't expect one article in the Atlantic that is focused on Richard Spencer to cover the other majority of people that identify as alt right. This isn't rocket surgery.

The ideology of the alt right didn't originate with Richard Spencer. He simply associated himself the term. Richard Spencer is probably best described as an actual neo-nazi. He and David Duke are much alike. Modern alt right figures like Paul Joseph Watson, Mike Cernovich, and Milo Yiannopoulos are nothing like Richard Spencer in ideology. The ideology of these guys is along the lines of the people who supported Pat Buchanan.

I do know the left has tried really hard to make Spencer the face of the alt right for the political purpose of calling the alt right racist and other scary sounding names. Again, does antifa represent the entirety of the progressives?

There are plenty of sources available to read about mainstream alt right ideology. Mostly it's summed up by this quote:

"The alt-right is not defined by any particular school of thought, but by the neoliberal school of thought it rejects. The alt-right, in the simplest terms, is an unapologetic purging of liberal idiocy."
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I don't dispute facts about Richard Spencer, but the only alt right Richard Spencer represents is his own brand. The vast majority of folks that identify as alt right don't identify with Richard Spencer. I wouldn't expect one article in the Atlantic that is focused on Richard Spencer to cover the other majority of people that identify as alt right. This isn't rocket surgery.

The ideology of the alt right didn't originate with Richard Spencer. He simply associated himself the term. Richard Spencer is probably best described as an actual neo-nazi. He and David Duke are much alike. Modern alt right figures like Paul Joseph Watson, Mike Cernovich, and Milo Yiannopoulos are nothing like Richard Spencer in ideology. The ideology of these guys is along the lines of the people who supported Pat Buchanan.

I do know the left has tried really hard to make Spencer the face of the alt right for the political purpose of calling the alt right racist and other scary sounding names. Again, does antifa represent the entirety of the progressives?

There are plenty of sources available to read about mainstream alt right ideology. Mostly it's summed up by this quote:

"The alt-right is not defined by any particular school of thought, but by the neoliberal school of thought it rejects. The alt-right, in the simplest terms, is an unapologetic purging of liberal idiocy."

Cernovich? Really. This is a guy you follow/respect/like?

I'm surprised by that.
Cernovich? Really. This is a guy you follow/respect/like?

I'm surprised by that.
Huh? Dude I'm not alt right. I don't follow him at all nor did I imply I did. I just try to educate myself on stuff rather than drinking from a partisan punch bowl.
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Oh good. It's been a few days since you posted anything anti-semetic, NaZi Poke. Good to see you are back in form.
Did you read the name of the writer?

Who wrote the meme claiming that 20 (mostly) Jews are to blame for the Iraq War instead know...the Protestant President that asked for authority to engage in it and the 374 Congress people that voted to authorize it?

That meme seems pretty inaccurate, misleading, and yes....pretty me.
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Well, we all know,you can't buy influence in Washington.

Are you saying that you agree with that meme’s contention in an obtuse, deniable after the fact manner?

Or is this just a non-sequitur to the question of whether NZ’s post might be at least a little anti-Semitic?
What I'm saying is it's definitely not as simple as what you put forward.

Hell, the House of Saud and Citibank gave Obama a list they would like to see on his cabinet. Any guesses as to how closely it was followed?

Sure it could be construed that way. I think it's funny that one was a Jewish publication and one came from what looks like a Palastinen source.
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What I'm saying is it's definitely not as simple as what you put forward.

Hell, the House of Saud and Citibank gave Obama a list they would like to see on his cabinet. Any guesses as to how closely it was followed?

Sure it could be construed that way. I think it's funny that one was a Jewish publication and one came from what looks like a Palastinen source.

Fair enough, and I agree that it is not as simple as what I put forward. At the same time, the simpleness of my rhetoric is at least 10x more nuanced than NZ’s post which boils down to “Jews are to blame for the Iraq War”.

Given that.... I have a couple of follow up questions that I would value your thoughts on.

Is the question re: the Iraq War as simple as what NZ put forward to start this conversation?

Isn’t simply boiling down the complicated issue of the Iraq War to twenty people (the overwhelming majority of them...close to all of them...Jewish) are to blame for the least a little anti-Semitic?
Nice try -- the "anti-semetic" article on the Iraq war architects was from here:



Maybe he was commenting on the 20 people are to blame for the Iraq War and the fact that at least 75% of them happen to be Jewish meme.

I’m curious....what was the source of that meme?
Fair enough, and I agree that it is not as simple as what I put forward. At the same time, the simpleness of my rhetoric is at least 10x more nuanced than NZ’s post which boils down to “Jews are to blame for the Iraq War”.

Given that.... I have a couple of follow up questions that I would value your thoughts on.

Is the question re: the Iraq War as simple as what NZ put forward to start this conversation?

Isn’t simply boiling down the complicated issue of the Iraq War to twenty people (the overwhelming majority of them...close to all of them...Jewish) are to blame for the least a little anti-Semitic?

Of course not and sure.

I don't know how many hand helped baked the pie, but it makes sense to me that the Israelis/American Jewish politicians were at least in the kitchen, given the region that it all took place.

Does that make me an anti Semitic?
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Of course not and sure.

I don't know how many hand helped baked the pie, but it makes sense to me that the Israelis/American Jewish politicians were at least in the kitchen, given the region that it all took place.

Does that make me an anti Semitic?

Not in my book.

But that’s not the same proposition NZ continually promotes and which Been called anti-Semitic.
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Been thinks that posting factual information from Jewish sources is somehow racist.



So one right-wing Rabbi in Jerusalem has some pretty scurrilous views. So what? Complete irrelevant to the discussion.

Where did the meme you know, THE ONE WE ARE ACTUALLY FREAKING DISCUSSING....come from?

Because it’s not factual....and actually is kinda is anti-Semitic.

I understand you like being edgy. Trolling snowflakes or whatever you wanna call it. When you uncritically retweet the spammy narrative being spoonfed to you in 200 something characters bites via twitter that you are, sometimes that shit you mindlessly retweet is gonna end up not factual and kinda anti-Semitic.
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Joan Rivers on this subject: "everyone knows."

Remember: everyone knew about Harvey Weinstein the media and entrainment industry going back to the 1990s. (And hid it from the public for decades)


Look very closely (great song by the way).

It was on social media.

Some of the people were discussed in this article.



Article source:


So an “unknown source” on social media definitively saying 25 Jews are to blame for the Iraq War.....and you unquestioningly and uncricitically bring that anti-Semitic, simple minded, shit here.

You are hopeless.

I’m going to follow @Medic007’s advice and just excise you from my board experience here.

It’s the first time ever, so congratulations and continue enjoying that blue pill you keep swallowing in your ignorance.
I’m going to follow @Medic007’s advice and just excise you from my board experience here.

That is exactly what he wants. Fewer people to call him out when he spreads his propaganda in hopes that the lemmings will buy into his BS.
That is exactly what he wants. Fewer people to call him out when he spreads his propaganda in hopes that the lemmings will buy into his BS.
Interestingly, you can't see his bullshit when you put him on ignore. What he actually wants is people to continue to engage him. It clearly motivates him.
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That is exactly what he wants. Fewer people to call him out when he spreads his propaganda in hopes that the lemmings will buy into his BS.

At this point, I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT.

Not my job to protect lemmings. That wasn’t even my goal when I started engaging with NZ. Previously he had seemed like a pretty rational, pretty critical thinker searching for “answers” to questions he had. He found his answers in the posts of pol and other “red pill” oriented sites. I had a hope that he might see a light and maybe start critically evaluating what he was being spoon fed again and realize how ridiculous the path he is going down is. Clearly, that’s not gonna happen. I got better things to do with my time than read and refute obvious tripe internet troll material. He’s welcome to it.
Your feelings and emotions towards the provider of information aren't relevant.

It's easy to make a case (based on simple math) that Mao was exponentially worse than Stalin or Hitler.


Everyone should research the Great Leap Forward --- something we don't have a visual reference of because the Chinese government hides it.

(And because Hollywood has rarely made movies showing life in communist societies, nor movies portraying Marxism negatively)






In 2009, Obama's communications director praised Mao:

I don't need you to educate me.

I very likely know more about these subjects than you do. You see I read books, Orlando Figes, Ian Kershaw, William Shirer, Archie Brown, Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago, Franz Schirman, several others, I can send you some if you'd like, I've got a very large library (seriously, PM me if you're interested). I know all about the Great Leap Forward, so save your breath (clicks), again via books.

I don't rely on YouTube and twitter, or powerpoint slides (?) to 'educate' myself.

Communism and Fascism are both morally bankrupt ideologies, that at their heart threaten liberty, life and property. Your attempt to qualify one as 'better' by simply quantifying numbers (with flawed methodology) says a lot about you, in my opinion.

If you can reply without a link or video or tweet, and we can have an actual conversation, I'd be more than happy to do that. Otherwise, don't bother responding, because you won't get one in turn.
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Sorry @Medic007 and @CowboyJD if my quoting him makes you aware of his post. I'm about to join you as well in the ignoring, which is something I never thought would happen. I disagree with most people on here, but I don't think any of them are totally brainwashed or anything resembling that. Bizarre.
Sorry @Medic007 and @CowboyJD if my quoting him makes you aware of his post. I'm about to join you as well in the ignoring, which is something I never thought would happen. I disagree with most people on here, but I don't think any of them are totally brainwashed or anything resembling that. Bizarre.
When someone is ignored, you don't see anything from them, including their stuff quoted by others. No posts, no quoted stuff, and you won't even see threads he starts.

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