Will Californians in a known fire area ever be able to get insurance other than from the government for years? If ever again?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
The damage Newscum and this mayor has caused will last years, decades, and perhaps forever in terms of a homeowner getting insurance.

The state tried to force pricing on State Farm and State Farm left. Just like when Cali forced higher wages causing grocery stores to close, some in minority in communities.

And of course, the state can't run an insurance pool for shit and the state has a deficit, at least State Farm actually has reserves. Of course the dumb Gov expected State Farm to cover people and incur losses.

State Farm HAS to be celebrating the business decision they made today. Not celebrating the disaster, but celebrating protecting their shareholders and not being bullied to operate in a unsound business manner. This is not State Farm's fault.

I can guarantee State Farm had extremely SMART people modeling what was going on in Cali related to fire risk, loss ratios and probabilities, which was growing and not decreasing because of the lack of action of government officials to have done nothing over the last 10 years to fix the problem, but make it worse.

Here is the HUGE problem Cali has: What for profit insurance company would be stupid enough to insure anyone for fire seeing dry hydrants and putting out fires with women's purses? It might take YEARS for Cali to put in the infrastructure to lower the risk enough for an insurance company to think about writing a policy. It may never happen.
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Did you know your house insurance will be more if you live far from a fire station and response time will be slow? So many risk factors are taken in to consideration.
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The damage Newscum and this mayor has caused will last years, decades, and perhaps forever in terms of a homeowner getting insurance.

The state tried to force pricing on State Farm and State Farm left. Just like when Cali forced higher wages causing grocery stores to close, some in minority in communities.

And of course, the state can't run an insurance pool for shit and the state has a deficit, at least State Farm actually has reserves. Of course the dumb Gov expected State Farm to cover people and incur losses.

State Farm HAS to be celebrating the business decision they made today. Not celebrating the disaster, but celebrating protecting their shareholders and not being bullied to operate in a unsound business manner. This is not State Farm's fault.

I can guarantee State Farm had extremely SMART people modeling what was going on in Cali related to fire risk, loss ratios and probabilities, which was growing and not decreasing because of the lack of action of government officials to have done nothing over the last 10 years to fix the problem, but make it worse.

Here is the HUGE problem Cali has: What for profit insurance company would be stupid enough to insure anyone for fire seeing dry hydrants and putting out fires with women's purses? It might take YEARS for Cali to put in the infrastructure to lower the risk enough for an insurance company to think about writing a policy. It may never happen.

Good article on the insurance problem.
The damage Newscum and this mayor has caused will last years, decades, and perhaps forever in terms of a homeowner getting insurance.

The state tried to force pricing on State Farm and State Farm left. Just like when Cali forced higher wages causing grocery stores to close, some in minority in communities.

And of course, the state can't run an insurance pool for shit and the state has a deficit, at least State Farm actually has reserves. Of course the dumb Gov expected State Farm to cover people and incur losses.

State Farm HAS to be celebrating the business decision they made today. Not celebrating the disaster, but celebrating protecting their shareholders and not being bullied to operate in a unsound business manner. This is not State Farm's fault.

I can guarantee State Farm had extremely SMART people modeling what was going on in Cali related to fire risk, loss ratios and probabilities, which was growing and not decreasing because of the lack of action of government officials to have done nothing over the last 10 years to fix the problem, but make it worse.

Here is the HUGE problem Cali has: What for profit insurance company would be stupid enough to insure anyone for fire seeing dry hydrants and putting out fires with women's purses? It might take YEARS for Cali to put in the infrastructure to lower the risk enough for an insurance company to think about writing a policy. It may never happen.

That state might be the 5th largest economy in the world, but it is run like a 3rd world shithole. They have so many problems other then the article you posted, check into their unfunded mandates for city, county and state workers. It is underfunded in the billions. They can't finish a state or federal project on time or anything close to that (central valley speed train or whatever it is called) is years and billions over budget. They don't seem to be interested in creating more reservoirs for water retention, they continue to encourage homelessness, the illegals are killing wages and bankrupting hospitals and the list goes on and on.

I will tell you that about 5,000 goats in strategic areas properly managed would have saved a lot of heartache from these fires. Same as using control burns would have saved a lot of heartache. It is just stunning how dumb the voters are in that place. The single party rule has been an unmitigated freakin disaster and now the rich are feeling the heat. No pun intended.

If I were lucky enough to have insurance and my house had been destroyed. I would take the money and leave that cess pool. Sell the lot later and wave goodbye to that place forever.
Back in the mid 80s the company I work for, construction, looked to expand into California. They sent a rep to work an area outside of San Diego (Escondido) to get a feel for opportunity, and after 9 months the president of our company pulled him out. Too much garbage to wade through to build.
Starting to hear the same morons that caused the problems tell us how the solution to all their troubles is high density housing. Right out of the leftist 2050 playbook.
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