The Herschel Walker Senate Campaign Is an Insult to Black People

oh pull a CNN synopsis of things HW said and they think are false. Are you serious?

Corn Pop says hold my beer.

***resorts to fallback “SoUrCEs” comeback attempt in tried-and-true Trumpet technique***

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Defend these quotes. I’m all ears…

LOL, no need to defend any comments Herschel made, we have Congressman and Senators currently in Washington that have made far worse. How about DaNang Dick acting like a war hero, that's disgusting on any level but you Democrats line up to vote for him. How about Adam Schiff lying his as off to your face but if you had the opportunity you would enthusiastically vote for him. Remember it was a Democrat that was highly concerned Guam was going to tip over and he keeps getting reelected.
Before you makes demands of defend the conversations of a Republican candidate for a Senate seat, you might want to look at the ridiculously blatant lies and stupidity coming out of those already in Congress.
Oh and unlike you and your kind, I fully understand Republicans are just as guilty, I only point out the Democrats in this to point out your blatant hypocrisy, a badge you wear proudly.

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