All I'll say is this - not complying with an order from a police officer is a bad idea, but it shouldn't be an automatic death sentence right then and there.
Last year I was flying back from Chicago and going through security at Midway. The checkpoint ran out of those wonderful little gray tubs and a couple of us were trying to get someone's attention. Over comes the loudest, shrillest TSA agent yelling "PUTYOURSTUFFINTHETUBSANDKEEPMOVING" and gesturing wildly.
"Ma'am, there's no more
"Ma'am, there's
"Listen, there's..."
At that point, my inclination (and the 5-10 people around me) was to back up because this @#$@#$ TSA agent was out of her #@$@#$ mind screaming and gesturing while walking towards us. Thankfully, another agent came by with a cart full of tubs at that point and things went back to normal with another "PUTYOURSTUFFINTHETUBSANDKEEPMOVING" scream.
Sometimes, you're trying to comply but the person in authority is a moron, an asshat, something worse, or just doesn't know what the heck is going on. Did that happen in Tulsa? Who knows, but it doesn't matter to the people with agendas.